
Summer Technician Positions with the Cariveau Native Bee Lab

*Job Posting: Field Research Technicians with the Cariveau Native Bee Lab*

The Cariveau Native Bee Lab is looking for qualified applicants to fill

multiple technician positions, May through October 2020.

*Salary*:  $12-17/hour based on experience, Work-Study students encouraged

to apply

*Projects Hiring*

– Prairie restoration projects that examine establishment of pollinator

friendly seed-mixes for bees. Technicians will collect data on plant

establishment and identify native prairie plant seedlings while sampling

wild bees and soil. Prior experience with identifying tallgrass prairie

species greatly preferred. Full-time position. Location: Twin Cities metro

area. No housing provided.

– Minnesota Agriculture for Pollinators Project (MAPP) where technicians

will conduct native bee sampling and plant surveys throughout southwest

Minnesota in pollinator plantings among agricultural lands. Full-time

position. Location: southwestern Minnesota, field housing provided.

*Dates*: May – October (flexible end date)

*Location*:   Some positions based in Twin Cities metro and others based in

southwest Minnesota near Slayton, Minnesota with field housing provided.

*Responsibilities*:   Technicians will conduct field work, observe and

collect wild bees via vacuum and pan traps, conduct native plant surveys,

process, pin, and label bee and plant specimens collected during the 2020

field season. Technicians will also enter and check data. This work

requires attention to detail and an eagerness to learn.  Both independent

and group work required.

*Required Qualifications:*

– Valid US driver’s license and legally able to work in the US

– Coursework in Entomology, Ecology, Evolution, Conservation, Plant

Sciences, Botany, or other experience with insect and plant identification.

– Effective communication skills with supervisors and small teams.

– Dependability, punctuality, and ability to complete high quality work

during tedious tasks.

– Ability to work in hot outdoor conditions and carry up to 30 pounds over

consecutive days.

– Experience entering data with attention to detail and a commitment to


*Preferred Qualifications:*

– Understanding of basic bee biology with experience handling and

identifying wild bees.

– Prior experience with identifying tallgrass prairie species or other

botany experience.

– Familiarity with dichotomous keys.

Visit our application page  to submit

your resume, cover letter, and references.   Application review will begin

immediately. *Applications due by 5:00 PM CST February 28, 2020*. Please

contact Kiley Friedrich (fried300@umn.edu) with any questions or concerns.

The University of Minnesota provides equal access to and opportunity in its

programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed,

religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public

assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or

gender expression.

Job Announcement – Indiana Bat Lead Telemetry and Lead Mist Netting Technicians – Northern Plains of Missouri

This post will be used to fill 2 positions (Indiana Bat Lead Telemetry

Technician and Indiana Bat Lead Mist Netting Technician) for a summer bat

research project in northeast Missouri.

The Center for Bat Research, Outreach, and Conservation at Indiana State

University is recruiting Field Technicians to aid in a 12-week study of

bats in the northern plains of Missouri. The Missouri Bat Project is an

8-year study and collaboration between the Center for Bat Research,

Outreach, and Conservation and the Missouri Department of Conservation. The

main goal of the project is to understand how federally endangered Indiana

bats (*Myotis sodalis*) are affected by timber management on state-owned

conservation lands in northeast Missouri. Technicians will aid Drs.

Clarissa Starbuck and Joy O’Keefe, two PhD students, and an MS student in

gathering data on bat distributions, health, and population density on six

conservation areas. The Bat Center will provide housing and field vehicles

to conduct the research.

The *Lead Telemetry Technician* will be in charge of tracking bats to day

roosts and assisting a small group of other technicians who may not have as

much tracking experience. The lead telemetry technician will also conduct

exit counts at bat roosts and manage data. The position involves navigating

in rugged and forested areas using a compass and map and the lead telemetry

technician will help with managing data for a long-term project.

The *Lead Mist Netting Technician* will be in charge of organizing gear for

mist netting, will work on a netting team to safely capture and handle

bats, and will follow decontamination protocols during and after netting

each night. The mist netting technician will also manage data and conduct

exit counts at bat roosts when needed.

We anticipate long days in the field and can say with certainty that you

will encounter at least one of the following on a daily basis: ticks,

spiders, chiggers, venomous snakes, poison ivy, mud, hot weather, and rain.

You will live and work in a team environment.


Northeastern Missouri. Nearest city is Kirksville, MO.


Temporary, full-time positions.

$450/week for 11–12 weeks beginning 16 May 2020.

Bunk housing and field vehicle will be provided. Indiana State University

will not pay for relocation costs (moving expenses).


Must have a* positive attitude, strong work ethic, and be in good physical

condition. It is also critical that you are detail oriented and interested

in collecting data for research studies.* Must possess a valid driver’s

license and pass driving record check. Desired: Experience as a leader with

responsibilities such as delegating tasks and problem solving.

*Lead Telemetry Technician: *Must have experience using radio telemetry to

track wildlife. Must have experience navigating using GPS and topographic


*Lead Mist Netting Technician:* Must have completed the pre-exposure series

of rabies vaccinations and have experience handling and mist netting for


Application process: To apply for this position, *send resume and names of

three references as one pdf file* to Clarissa Starbuck at


*. *Applications received by 17 February

2020 will be given highest consideration*. In the subject line of your

email, please include “Missouri Lead Bat Technician.” In your email, please

indicate which position(s) for which you would like to be considered.

Indiana State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race,

age, national origin, sexual orientation, including gender identity or

expression, religion, disability, or veteran status.  In line with its

commitment to equal opportunity, the University will recruit, hire,

promote, education, and provide services to persons based upon their

individual qualifications meeting established criteria.

Job Announcement – Indiana Bat Telemetry Technician – Northern Plains of Missouri

The Center for Bat Research, Outreach, and Conservation at Indiana State

University is recruiting Field Technicians to aid in a 12-week study of

bats in the northern plains of Missouri. The Missouri Bat Project is an

8-year study and collaboration between the Center for Bat Research,

Outreach, and Conservation and the Missouri Department of Conservation. The

main goal of the project is to understand how federally endangered Indiana

bats (*Myotis sodalis*) are affected by timber management on state-owned

conservation lands in northeast Missouri. Technicians will aid Drs.

Clarissa Starbuck and Joy O’Keefe, two PhD students, and an MS student in

gathering data on bat distributions, health, and population density on six

conservation areas. The Bat Center will provide housing and field vehicles

to conduct the research. Working on this project, students will gain

extensive wildlife experience, including bat capture and handling (if

rabies vaccinated), radio telemetry, conducting exit counts at bat roosts,

deployment of acoustic detectors, navigating in rugged and forested areas

using a compass and map, and managing data for a long-term project. We

anticipate long days in the field and can say with certainty that you will

encounter at least one of the following on a daily basis: ticks, spiders,

chiggers, venomous snakes, poison ivy, mud, hot weather, and rain. You will

live and work in a team environment.


Northeastern Missouri. Nearest city is Kirksville, MO.


Temporary, full-time position. $400/week for 11 or 12 weeks, beginning 16

May 2020. Bunk housing and field vehicle will be provided. Indiana State

University will not pay for relocation costs (moving expenses).


Must have a* positive attitude, strong work ethic, and be in good physical

condition. It is also critical that you are detail oriented and interested

in collecting data for research studies*. Must possess a valid driver’s

license and pass driving record check.

Desired: Experience navigating using GPS and topographic maps. Proficiency

with radio telemetry in difficult terrain. Applicants who have experience

with bats and who have completed the pre-exposure series of rabies

vaccinations will be given priority.

Application process: To apply for this position, *send resume and names of

three references as one pdf file* to Clarissa Starbuck at


. Applications received by 17 February 2020

will be given highest consideration*. In the subject line of your email,

please include “Missouri Bat Technician.”

Indiana State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race,

age, national origin, sexual orientation, including gender identity or

expression, religion, disability, or veteran status.  In line with its

commitment to equal opportunity, the University will recruit, hire,

promote, education, and provide services to persons based upon their

individual qualifications meeting established criteria.

Bee Research Technician at UIUC closes 2/10

Applications DUE February 10, 2020

The Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks a full-time Research Specialist in the lab of Dr. Alexandra Harmon-Threatt. Her lab has a broad interest in understanding the patterns and processes that govern plant-pollinator interactions for conservation. Their work focuses on identifying and understanding patterns in natural environments to help conserve and restore pollinator diversity. The primary function for this position is to conduct field and laboratory experiments on projects examining the roles of soil contamination, pesticide degradation and habitat restoration on wild pollinator health in agroecosystems.

The University of Illinois is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information, visit https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgo.illinois.edu%2FEEO&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cead510dcbcc041888a6d08d7a56d716f%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637159761795728061&sdata=XhZTFWxnWXgJV5iOlrzw6fdZSCjm7hOqX5O1usOQYsA%3D&reserved=0.


*        Observing, collecting, pinning, and identifying wild bees

*        Enter and maintain field collected data

*        surveying and identifying native plants

*        Obtaining and analyzing soil samples


Required: Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences or related field. Demonstrated experience with insect and plant identification (could be obtained through coursework in Entomology, Ecology, Evolution, Conservation, Plant Sciences, Botany, Soil Science or related experience); and 1 year of experience in data entry and data management.  A valid US drivers license is also required.

Preferred: Master’s degree in Entomology or related field. Experience with the following: Project management, prairie seedling identification and other botany experience, soil chemical analyses including mass spectroscopy. Effective communication skills with supervisors and small teams; excellent organizational skills; Proven dependability, punctuality, and ability to complete high quality work during tedious tasks; Commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Environmental Demands:

Must be able to effectively work with bees on a daily basis; a possibility of a health risk (via stinging) if bees are handed incorrectly. Position involves working in sunny outdoor conditions and carrying up to 50 pounds over consecutive days.


This is a full-time (100%) academic professional, non-tenure track position. The expected start date is April 1, 2020. Salary is commensurate with experience.


Please create your candidate profile at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fjobs.illinois.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cead510dcbcc041888a6d08d7a56d716f%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637159761795728061&sdata=CxiYUEjeLn6dALq4dBPnORkljHSPTnSXVHPCtKLYEtk%3D&reserved=0 and upload your cover letter, resume or CV, and a list of at least three professional references and their contact information by February 10, 2020. All requested information must be submitted for your application to be considered, and only applications submitted through the University of Illinois Job Board will be considered. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that date.

For further information regarding application procedures, you may contact Jana Lenz at janalenz@illinois.edu.

The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer.  As a qualifying federal contractor, the University of Illinois System uses E-Verify to verify employment eligibility.

Oregon Coast Range – Crew Lead – Avian Point Count

Oregon Coast Range – Avian Point Count Crew Leader needed to conduct bird point counts and collect habitat data for experimental study addressing the effects of forest management intensity on biodiversity. Duties include training crew in survey methodology and local bird ID, coordinating survey schedules and work flow for 2 other crew members, and working closely with primary investigators and land managers to facilitate a successful data collection effort and positive crew dynamics. Additional duties include conducting early morning bird point counts, vegetation/habitat sampling, data recording, safe driving on logging roads, and care for equipment. Applicants should be comfortable navigating in remote backcountry settings and be able to work as a team member under difficult field conditions. Most days will involve challenging cross-country hiking through regenerating forest stands. Experience with point counts, and knowledge of regional bird ID is desired. Position available May 5, 2020 through August 2020. Crew leader will receive $3,000 per month (exempt position) in addition to housing (Sheridan, OR vicinity). Full position announcement available at: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncasi.org%2FAbout-NCASI%2FJob-Openings%2FIndex.aspx&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cead510dcbcc041888a6d08d7a56d716f%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637159761795718067&sdata=MQjahcGXMrcriX1krKCHuDVCnRwTk5T2AQVJ87BR8mk%3D&reserved=0. A Bachelor of science degree is required.  Please send cover letter, resume, and 3 references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses to: Laurie Clark, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc., 8769 Hwy 42, Tenmile, OR 97481, preferably delivered electronically to: lclark@ncasi.org.  Applicant review will begin January 31, 2020 and continue until the position is filled. NCASI is an equal opportunity employer.

Graduate position: UNorthDakota.WildlifeGenomicsPaleoecology

U. North Dakota. WildlifeGenomicsPaleoecology.
> The Laboratory of Evolutionary and Forensic Genetics at the University of
> North Dakota (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.und.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C8366d3a6dabf47bdbb4708d7a64e9266%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637160728713519066&sdata=MN3GfwMuyXTofwHsvqJ3J%2B%2FQdNhCdmM49b02V8LQYCM%3D&reserved=0) is inviting applications from highly motivated
> students who pursue a PhD degree. MS candidates will be also considered.
> Students will be engaged in a project on the historic, current and future
> status of bison herds from biological, archaeological, and cultural
> perspectives. This cross-disciplinary project represents an opportunity
> to get intensive training in the methods of ancient and modern DNA
> analyses including high-throughput genome sequencing, stable isotope
> studies, computational analysis and statistical modelling. The examples
> of our recent publications: Ovchinnikov et al. Diversity and Origin of
> the Feral Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  PLoS One, 2018,
> 13(8); Davies et al. Isotopic Paleoecology of Northern Great Plains Bison
> during the Holocene.  Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1): 16637. Although
> the wildlife project is focused on bison genetics and paleoecology, we
> have opportunities to develop new projects on computational analysis of
> big oral and environmental microbiome data as well as on genomics and
> microbiome study of human migrations and evolution.
> Candidates should demonstrate motivation for hard laboratory work and
> strong interest in genomics and computational biology. Preference will be
> given to candidates with a proven record of computational analysis and
> bioinformatics skills. Additional experience in sequencing technologies
> is a plus.
> If you are interested, you need to apply to the University of North Dakota
> Biology Graduate Program using the regular procedure. Requirements and
> How to Apply procedure can be found in the UND Biology Graduate School
> websites:
> The additional information can be also found in the Biology Department
> website:
> The position starts in August 2020. To receive full consideration, the
> Biology Graduate Program needs to receive your applications and required
> materials by February 15, 2020.
> Potential graduate students are also encouraged to make contact with
> Dr. Igor Ovchinnikov.
> Contact information:
> Dr. Igor Ovchinnikov
> Associate Professor
> Lab. of Evolutionary and Forensic Genetics
> Department of Biology
> Forensic Science Program
> University of North Dakota
> Email: igor.ovtchinnikov@und.edu
> “Ovtchinnikov, Igor” <igor.ovtchinnikov@und.edu>

Full Time Research Assistant at Bryn Mawr College

The Mozdzer lab at Bryn Mawr College, located in suburban Philadelphia, is searching for a full-time 18 month Research Assistant Position to begin on, or about April 1, 2020.   The position includes Bryn Mawr College$B!G(Bs generous medical, dental, and retirement benefits. The research assistant will work on a PA Sea Grant project to evaluate the effects of Phragmites australis management on blue carbon pools and carbon cycle processes in tidal freshwater and brackish wetlands.  The initial appointment is for nine months and is subject to renewal for an additional nine months, for a total of 18 months. The research assistant will lead a team of undergraduate students in both the field and in the laboratory, measuring greenhouse gas fluxes using static chambers as well as associated environmental data including plant biomass, salinity, temperature, and decomposition processes.  The research assistant will also collect and analyze soil cores, including loss on ignition and elemental analysis, to create blue carbon inventories.


$B!|(B        Work independently, and with students, to measure greenhouse gas fluxes

$B!|(B        Measure blue carbon pools using standard techniques

$B!|(B        Measure surface elevation processes using a laser level system

$B!|(B        Process, analyze, and archive project data

$B!|(B        Occasionally sample at irregular hours (early mornings, late nights, weekends) when necessary

$B!|(B        Frequent contact with students, the public, and visiting scientists will be required

Minimum Qualifications and Experience:

$B!|(B        Must have at BS in Biology, Ecology, Chemistry, Ecology, or related field with relevant field experience

$B!|(B        Attention to detail, strong organizational skills, the ability to work as a member of a team, and the ability to communicate positively with the public are required

$B!|(B        Travel is required.  The candidate must possess a valid US driver license with a clean driving record to qualify to use Bryn Mawr College vehicles.  The successful candidate will conduct fieldwork at the John Hines NWR, in Philadelphia, and will require travel to the field site on a regular basis (up to 20 days per month).

Preferred Qualifications:

$B!|(B        MS in Biology, or related field, with relevant experience.

$B!|(B        Experience measuring greenhouse gas fluxes using a Los Gatos Research Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyzer

$B!|(B        Experience collecting and/or analyzing greenhouse gas flux data

$B!|(B        Data management and analysis in R

$B!|(B        Experience preparing samples and/or experience running an elemental analyzer

$B!|(B        Demonstrated skills in data organization, data analysis, and report/manuscript writing

Physical requirements:

$B!|(B        Must be in good health, capable of rigorous outdoor activity (lifting approx. 50 pounds, bending, carrying heavy equipment, and walking through waist-high marine waters, tidal wetland habitat, and/or forests to access field sites).

$B!|(B        Must be able lead weekly field campaigns, often working 4+ hours outdoors in tidal wetlands

$B!|(B        Willing to endure occasional exposure to insects, ticks, and poison ivy

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of references to Dr. Thomas Mozdzer, tmozdzer@brynmawr.edu as a single pdf.  If applicable, in your cover letter, please disclose any relevant incidents in your driving history that could prevent your ability to drive a Bryn Mawr College Vehicle. Review of applications will begin immediately, but those received by Feb 17, 2020 will receive full consideration.  Please reference $B!H(BPA Sea Grant Research Assistant$B!I(B in your subject line.

Bryn Mawr College is a distinguished liberal arts college for women with a vibrant faculty of scholar-teachers, a talented staff and intellectually curious students eager to make a difference in the world. The College is committed to increasing the diversity of its students, faculty, staff, and curricular offerings with a particular focus on enhancing ethnic and racial diversity and advancing social justice and inclusion. We believe diversity strengthens our community and enriches the education of our students. We have a student body of 1,350 undergraduates (34 percent are U.S. students of color and 22 percent are international students). There are 310 graduate students in coeducational graduate programs in social work, humanities and science.

Bryn Mawr College is located in metropolitan Philadelphia and enjoys strong consortial relationships with Haverford College, Swarthmore College, and the University of Pennsylvania. Bryn Mawr College is an equal-opportunity employer; candidates from underrepresented groups and women are especially encouraged to apply.

Full-time Research Technician Opening – Florida

Archbold Biological Station’s Buck Island Ranch (BIR), and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment at the University of Illinois (UIUC), Urbana-Champaign seek a full time technician. Archbold operates a full scale working cattle ranch at BIR, which provides a unique platform for long-term agroecology research. The successful intern will be supervised by Drs. Evan H DeLucia (UIUC; https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.life.illinois.edu%2Fdelucia%2Findex.htm&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C47f5646499344a90a19808d7a4a44b1d%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637158897854878979&amp;sdata=b4XRvOtYOKvMwOmNXGyk1pF8KjGxxwwsNeDKbz9XRh4%3D&amp;reserved=0) and Nuria Gomez-Casanovas (UIUC; https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.life.illinois.edu%2Fdelucia%2Flab_group_files%2FNuria.htm&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C47f5646499344a90a19808d7a4a44b1d%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637158897854878979&amp;sdata=ieijPqvONWObkW384WQ%2BC4Dekbl0brrAMEfQG%2Br6a4Q%3D&amp;reserved=0) and Dr. Elizabeth Boughton (BIR; https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.archbold-station.org&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C47f5646499344a90a19808d7a4a44b1d%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637158897854878979&amp;sdata=nlG0VgZURrvfSsxw51zuXhAiQDQc%2FxP0DGf2e7t%2BItQ%3D&amp;reserved=0 )

The overall goal of the project is to investigate the environmental sustainability of sugarcane for biofuel production. Our objectives are to: (1) Characterize the impact of sugarcane cultivation on the regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs; CO2, CH4 and N2O) compared to managed grazed pasture; (2) Quantify the efficiency at which sugarcane and pastures use water; and, (3) explore the impact of sugarcane cultivation on nitrogen and phosphorus losses versus pasture.


The successful candidate will assist with the maintenance of eddy covariance towers, and with sampling of field experiments at BIR in Florida, U.S. The balance of the technician’s time will be spent in the laboratory for the following: analyzing soil, water, gas, and plant samples; preparing field supplies; maintaining field instrumentation related to this project (including eddy covariance, canopy and soil chambers); processing data. Depending on experience, there is also opportunity to assist with data compilation and analysis.

Required qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental science, chemistry, or related field; basic computer skills (MS Word, Excel).

Preferred qualifications: Research experience in the field and in the laboratory related to biogeochemistry (e.g., trace gas flux measurements, soil and water sampling, gas chromatography, eddy covariance); experience working on farms and with farmers; experience working in subtropical and tropical sugarcane plantations and rangeland. Demonstrated knowledge of troubleshooting environmental monitoring equipment is desired.

The position is located at BIR, a 10,500-acre cattle ranch near Lake Placid, FL, with shared housing available on site.  This is a full-time position, although the duties of the jobs may change as contract or grant turnover occurs.  Competitive salary with full benefits.  Applicants should send 1) a letter of application, 2) a resume or CV with relevant coursework and experience, and 3) names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for three references to Dr. Nuria Gomez-Casanovas at ngomezca@igb.illinois.edu.  Application deadline is Feb 15, 2020, and the position will remain open until filled.  Contact Dr. Gomez-Casanovas via e-mail for more information.

California Amphibian and Parasite Lead & Field Technicians

The Johnson Laboratory (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fjohnsonlaboratory.com%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C47f5646499344a90a19808d7a4a44b1d%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637158897854878979&amp;sdata=QcPhaRzwN5eF7mFys%2F355loRxRbdG%2F2WJIw%2BuN0upY8%3D&amp;reserved=0) is accepting

applications for one lead technician and one field technician. Successful

applicants will work in the beautiful Bay Area of California beginning in

May and concluding in August 2020.

*The Johnson laboratory has made it our mission to sincerely commit to

promoting diversity! This search is open to all candidates from any race,

color, religion, ethnic, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual

orientation, disability, age, or veteran status especially those from

underrepresented groups in science.*

The Johnson Laboratory is accepting applications for one full-time

qualified lead technician and one field technician to assist in the field

sampling season and laboratory analysis in the Bay Area of California

beginning in May and concluding near the end of August 2020. The primary

responsibilities of these individuals will be in-depth field sampling

focused on amphibians, fish, and invertebrates within pond ecosystems. This

will include (i) macro and micro identification of amphibians, fish,

invertebrates, and parasites (10%), (ii) performing field sampling

techniques such as but not limited to: dipnet, seine, visual survey,

pathogen swabbing, and transects (40%), (iii) dissection of freshwater

snails for parasite isolation (40%), and (iv) data entry (10%). In

addition, these individuals will be expected to assist with equipment

maintenance and disinfection. Salary will be based on experience and

position ($12.00-16.00 per hour). Applicants for the lead technician

position should have prior experience overseeing field operations. Field

station housing costs are covered by the Johnson Lab, but some field

equipment is required.

*To Apply:*

To apply for the amphibian lead or field technician position, email an

application package that includes (i) a cover letter that states your

specific field experiences, previous scientific research experiences, and a

statement of how you will support diversity and inclusion in our team and

why you would like to work for the Johnson Laboratory specifically, (ii) a

current CV/resume, (iii) contact information for three professional

references (include email and phone number) and your availability for a

start date (must be able to start by May 10th 2020). Please send the

compiled application package as a PDF (*one document*) titled

‘LastName_FirstName_Resume’ and email to JohnsonLabField@gmail.com by

February 14, 2020. *Please include “CA Lead Technician” or “CA Field

Technician” in the email subject line*, depending on which position you are

applying to.

Deer Habitat Research Technician needed

Job Title: Deer Habitat Research Technician

Agency: Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources

Location: West Lafayette, Indiana

Job Category: Full-Time Temporary

Salary: $12/hour

Duration: May 4 – Oct 2

Last Date to Apply: 2/28/20

Description: The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources has an opening for a technician to assist with fieldwork on the Integrated Deer Management Project. The Deer Project is a multiyear, statewide research effort seeking to combine information on deer populations, current deer habitat, and people’s attitudes and expectations about deer populations for improved understanding and management of deer in Indiana. The successful applicant will work with Purdue faculty, staff, and graduate students to study the impacts of deer on habitat condition in Indiana.

Technician duties include, but are not limited to, identifying woody and herbaceous plant species, performing browse surveys, tallying sapling and seedling densities along transects, and planting/ measuring growth of oak seedlings. Shared housing will be provided. Applications will be evaluated as they are received.

Required Qualifications:

–       Progress towards or completion of Bachelor’s degree with coursework in Wildlife Biology,

        Forestry, or a related field

–       Knowledge and ability to use basic wildlife research tools and equipment including compass

        and hand-held GPS

–       Ability to accurately record scientific data

–       Ability to work effectively as part of a team

–       Ability to work in extreme and variable conditions (long days, inclement weather including

        extreme heat and rain, the presence of biting insects, and rugged terrain)

–       Ability to work a flexible schedule, with potential weekend work

–       Comfortable speaking to law enforcement, landowners and other stakeholders

–       Valid U.S. driver’s license and the ability to drive University vehicles

Preferred Qualifications:

–       Experience with browse surveys

–       Prior experience in identification of woody and herbaceous plant species in the Midwestern


–       First Aid/CPR certification

To Apply: Send a brief cover letter (≤ 1 page), resume, and contact information for at least two references in a single PDF document to Patrick McGovern (pmcgove@purdue.edu) and Richard Sample (rsample@purdue.edu). Save the file as “Lastname_Habitat_Tech.pdf” (e.g, McGovern_Habitat_Tech.pdf).

Contact Person: Patrick McGovern

Contact Email: pmcgove@purdue.edu