
NSF REU Wisconsin 2018 (LAKES REU Project

Subject: NSF REU Wisconsin 2018 (LAKES REU Project

The LAKES (Linking Applied Knowledge in Environmental Sustainability) REU focuses on water quality and phosphorus mitigation in an interdisciplinary manner over an 8 week program (June 17-August 12), with projects this year in human geography, economics, biology, and geology.  Students will be provided with room and board and a generous stipend during their participation in the LAKES program.
This program prioritizes students under-represented in the scientific community, pairing them with mentors in individual projects.  These collectively will contribute to a more complete understanding of the dynamic interactions of the Red Cedar Watershed’s land and water, political economy, social networks, culture, and sense of place.  We will start reviewing applications for the 2018 summer program on February 11th.  Complete program information can be found here: http://www.uwstout.edu/lakes/.

Questions can be directed to: lakes@uwstout.edu

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), NSF Ocean Sciences

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

NSF supports Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites at hundreds of research institutions across the country and in international locations. Most of these REU Sites host groups of 10-20 students for summer internships, although some operate during the academic year. Interns receive a stipend, housing and travel expenses.  The students are paired with a scientist as a mentor, conduct an independent research project and participate in various professional development workshops. Many interns receive support to present their work at a scientific conference after the internship is complete. The Division of Ocean Sciences supports about thirty REU Sites each year. The list of REU Sites for 2018 can be found here:


Application websites for most of these OCE REU’s are open now or will open soon and most application deadlines are in mid-February or March. The deadline for the fall semester program in Bermuda is in May.  Please encourage undergraduates to apply to an OCE REU Site.  Applications at each site are accepted from undergraduates enrolled in a degree program (part-time or full-time) leading to a baccalaureate or associate degree. Students must be US citizens or permanent residents of the US or its territories. Applications from veterans, students with disabilities, minorities, first-generation college students and community college students are encouraged.

If anyone has questions about the OCE REU Site program, please contact Lisa Rom (elrom@nsf.gov) or 703-292-7709.


Rick Murray
Director, Division of Ocean Sciences

Applications for the summer LSAMP REU programs in Costa Rica are open until January 31

We are currently accepting applications!
Applications for the summer LSAMP REU programs in Costa Rica are open until January 31! Please pass the word along to any interested students!
The Organization for Tropical Studies will be hosting two NSF LSAMP REU programs this upcoming summer at two of our world-renowned research stations: La Selva and Las Cruces. This opportunity is open to undergraduates who are (1) U.S. citizens or permanent residents, (2) members of underrepresented minority groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native Pacific Islanders), and (3) enrolled in an LSAMP program. Graduating seniors (May or August 2018) are not eligible
The REU program is:
·        9-weeks in a tropical research station in Costa Rica
·        All expenses paid
·        $550/week stipend
·        Students co-design their projects
·        Only LSAMP students are eligible
This REU program will provide undergraduate students with unparalleled access to tropical forest ecosystems, mentoring by experienced tropical ecology researchers, and training in field research methodology. Each student will work with an on-station mentor as well as an on-campus mentor from his/her home institution to ensure the integration of the summer research experience into students’ academic careers.
Students from diverse ethnic and academic backgrounds will complete an independent research project in the field, from the project planning stage through to symposium presentation and potential publication. Undergraduates will be selected through a competitive application process for a nine-week research program at La Selva Research Station or Las Cruces Research Station in Costa Rica. Students will be immersed in a rich academic community of researchers conducting novel tropical research and will attend workshops on field skills, current research in tropical biology, international research ethics, statistics, and scientific written and oral communication. Participants will also be exposed to environmental, social, and cultural issues surrounding the Station.
A complete REU application will consist of: 1) REU Student Application Form, 2) A Letter of Recommendation from an On-Campus Mentor, 3) A Letter of Recommendation from a Faculty Member, 4) Official Transcript(s). Details can be found on our website:www.tropicalstudies.org/reuIncomplete applications will not be considered.

PhD in Community ecology

PhD POSITION IN AQUATIC COMMUNITY ECOLOGY The Spatial Community Ecology Laboratory at Utah State University
(http://www.eddhammill.com/) is seeking PhD applicants to undertake research in the field of freshwater community ecology. Current areas of interest include – 1) The evolutionary responses of mosquitoes to pesticide contamination. 2) Understanding the relationships between habitat condition, aquatic community health, and ecosystem function. 3) How do changes in water conditions affect interactions between predators, prey, and competitors? 4) Can distributions of aquatic insects inform conservation decisions? Candidates with other specific research interests are encouraged to suggest projects in their application.

The successful candidate will have access to a well-equipped laboratory, and Utah State University’s nearby outdoor Aquatic Research Facility that houses 90 mesocosms and experimental ponds. In addition the research group has strong ties to research stations in Costa Rica, Brazil, Canada and Australia that will be available for field projects.
A knowledge of the statistical programming package R, and/or ArcGIS, and conversational ability in either Spanish or Portuguese will be looked upon favorably. Candidates should be reasonably physically fit, and be able to carry a 40lb backpack 1 mile.
Utah State University (http://www.usu.edu) is a Research I (Extensive
Doctoral) land-grant institution with a student body of over 24,000, 42 departments, 8 academic colleges, a school of Graduate Studies, and diverse research programs. The main campus is located in Logan, a community of 100,000 people. Logan is 85 miles north of Salt Lake City in scenic Cache Valley, a semi-rural mountain basin with nearby ski resorts, lakes, rivers, and mountains providing many recreational opportunities. The area has a low cost of living and provides a high quality of life.  For more information on Logan see http://www.tourcachevalley.com.

Initial funding for tuition and salary will be through a Quinney PhD Scholarship, which covers the first two years, subsequent years will be covered through other awards. Candidates contact myself initially and then we apply together for the fellowship. Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for external fellowships through the NSF and other sources. Candidates will be provided extensive support with the application process. Starting salaries are $18,700 for a PhD. In addition, successful candidates will have the opportunity to work as teaching assistants to supplement their starting salaries.
Please contact Edd Hammill (edd.hammill@usu.edu, 435 265 5964) for more information or to submit application materials (CV, cover letter, any publications, details of their research interests). Initial review of applications will begin Jan 30th 2018.

Edd Hammill’s google scholar page –

AmeriCorps Opportunity: Lakes Region Conservation Corps- Summer 2018

Interested applicants can find more information/apply online at https://www.squamlakes.org/summer-lrcc. Applications are reviewed in the order they are received. Application closes February 20, 2018 at 8:30 AM.

The Lakes Regions Conservation Corps (LRCC) is an AmeriCorps service program that develops skills and experiences for conservation professionals. LRCC members are the driving force behind many of the conservation efforts of New Hampshire’s Lakes Region. The program is based out of the Squam Lakes Association with host sites at the Squam Lakes Conservation Society and the Lakes Region Conservation Trust. The program provides hands-on conservation work experience and certifications over a broad range of areas, which ensures that LRCC members are capable of independently approaching a variety of tasks in the environmental conservation field. Members remove invasive species, maintain trail networks, lead volunteer crews, educate the public on local and regional conservation initiatives, and spearhead reports on conservation efforts.
The trainings, certifications, and experiences also develop important professional skills that are applicable to future careers within many occupational and educational fields. The program ensures that LRCC members are capable of independently approaching a variety of tasks, acting as a leader, and thinking critically to solve any problem that may arise. For more information about the LRCC program please visit https://www.squamlakes.org/summer-lrcc.

LRCC members must meet the following qualifications regardless of host
-Available from May 21, 2018 through October 17, 2018 (end date dependent on completion of service hours) -Must be 18 years of age by May 21, 2018 -Must be covered by health insurance for duration of program -Must be a competent swimmer -Able to lift 50 pounds -Able to carry and use heavy tools while hiking -Able to hike at least 8 miles in a day -Able to work independently and with a group -Must apply online -Must pass all certification exams -Must be covered by health insurance for the duration of the program -Must meet the Corporation for National Community Service’s minimum
-Must clear all required National Service Criminal History Checks -Must be a US citizen, US national, or legal permanent resident of the US -Must be high school graduates, GED recipients, or must be working toward attaining a high school diploma or GED during their term of service

LRCC members receive the following over the course of the program regardless of host site:
-NH Safe Boating certification
-NH Commercial Boating license
-Wilderness First Aid & CPR Certification -Student loan forbearance on qualifying loans.
-Living allowance  of $200 weekly, distributed biweekly -AmeriCorps Education Award of $2,907 received upon successful completion of program (minimum of 900 hours)

ALL APPLICANTS MUST APPLY ONLINE at https://www.squamlakes.org/summer-
lrcc. Applications are reviewed in the order they are received.

M.S. Graduate Assistantship, Monarch Butterfly Behavioral Ecology at Iowa State University

Monarch butterfly populations have experienced dramatic declines in North America over the past two decades. This project is part of a broad collaboration that seeks to identify and mitigate factors associated with these declines.

Specifically, one M.S. assistantship is available to work with behavioral ecologists, entomologists, and theoretical modelers to understand how the distances at which monarchs perceive resources (flowering plants and
milkweed) could influence reproductive success at a landscape scale. This position will start as early as spring of 2018 in the Adelman and Sappington labs at Iowa State University, as part of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Interdepartmental Graduate Program and/or the Departments of Entomology and Natural Resource Ecology and Management.

Official qualifications can be found on the EEB website here, https://eeb.iastate.edu/admissions/#admission-standards
However, in evaluation of candidates, highest weights will be given to letters of recommendation and prior research experience. Desired qualifications include excellent writing abilities, strong quantitative skills, and experience in animal behavior.

Stipend and Other Information
Stipend is approximately $24,000 per year. The student will receive health insurance and a waiver of 50% of graduate tuition.  Graduate admissions to the NREM department are processed on a rolling basis, so review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable applicant is found.

To apply, please email me the following documents: a cover letter describing professional interests and career goals, a curriculum vita, copies of all college transcripts and GRE scores, and the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of at least three references.

Dr. James S. Adelman, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University, adelmanj@iastate.edu.

Other: DukeU.UndergradInternBiomechanics.Summer2018

Duke University: AEOP summer undergraduate internship – Biomechanics of
Ultrafast Movements

The Patek Lab in the Biology Department at Duke University is recruiting
one undergraduate student researcher through the US Army Educational
Outreach Program (AEOP) during the summer of 2018. The student will
participate in projects examining fast, impulsive movements of organisms
in the natural environment. Possible focal systems for the project
are trap-jaw ants and ballistic plants and fungi. Responsibilities of
the student researchers may include collecting study organisms from
local habitats, obtaining high-speed videos of organisms, analyzing
high-speed videos using computer software, performing statistical
analyses and scientific writing. The details of responsibilities and
tasks will be determined based on mutual interests of the students and
the mentors. There are also possibilities for the students to develop
individual projects under our mentorship. Students in the URAP program
receive an educational stipend equivalent to $15 per hour, and are
allowed to work up to 300 hours total.

We are looking for motivated, reliable students who are excited about
having first-hand research experience at the intersection of biology
and physics. Previous experience performing the above-mentioned
tasks are not required. We especially value students who are
curious and hard-working. For more information about the Patek
Lab, please visit our website: http://secure-web.cisco.com/1FHaowH0WsRS6AjS6Sl8FeplvHQIRvMQ-Eidk34rjjUzKbcxRHST4QyIhfnkNVgIbmsNLlRPLSyzv1ooTs490bbiQk23YoHnRKc7yQXfTUMquRScWwdAJfC_07bEY8D_CME4nORlOzZudsIk4lAywdFrtBCJ-0un2ZmjAUA8pWESX8gw00MMXQ491S3yXQ8MVy2x8H_E_UY0VG4SrXWhcJmvLz7GN9tPK9nVosJhTaddKUx6mKbjXvYO1W1Xmn-DOqonbODipm4NiBoUf3Pw9NrfL0TnuVWGIegHWK1rlKik8l72iH_vbzV9p1m9g5OYZ4Qa-XDvHlXRq4nwymsguYyCXvX_U6mbVAt8YMRx2ofyPyWdfIBp35t6jBz3kzr2HeHvPkLemNVRJYI0SgDBZ8KIVY8LzJAY6HD1fauW7wKAAwMK3Ktec-DgPGljdidd4/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thepateklab.org. For
more information about the URAP program see the AEOP website:

Application DEADLINE: Feb 28, 2018.

All applicants must submit transcripts, a resume, two letters of
recommendation, and must have maintained a cumulative GPA of at least
3.2. Applicants must also include a brief essay that explains their
interest in working with the Patek lab at Duke and how it relates to
their future goals. Generic statements will not be considered.

Please visit the URAP website:

Select “Apply” at the bottom of the page
?? Fill out the forms
?? At “Please select your 1st preference of URAP location,?? please
select “B453 Duke University”

Please direct questions to Postdoctoral Researcher Sarah Longo

“Sarah Longo, Ph.D.” <sarah.longo@duke.edu>

PhD in Conservation planning


The Spatial Community Ecology Laboratory at Utah State University
(http://www.eddhammill.com/) is seeking PhD applicants to undertake research in the field of spatial ecology and conservation planning.
Current areas of interest include – 1) Can we inform the design of road, rail and pipelines to minimize their impacts on biodiveristy 2) Should conservation actions be undertaken in areas experiencing armed conflict.
3) How should local and global threats be incorporated into marine conservation planning 4) Balancing conservation and restoration to most effectively reach management goal. Candidates with other specific research interests are encouraged to suggest projects in their application.

Initial funding for tuition and salary will be through a Quinney PhD Scholarship, which covers the first two years. Candidates contact myself initially and then we apply together for the fellowship. Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for external fellowships through the NSF and other sources. Candidates will be provided extensive support with the application process. Starting salaries are $18,700 for a PhD. In addition, successful candidates will have the opportunity to work as teaching assistants to supplement their starting salaries.
The successful candidate will have access to a well-equipped laboratory, and be provided with access to a high performance desktop computer.  The research group has strong ties to collaborators Canada and Australia and extended visits are encouraged. A knowledge of the statistical programming package R, Marxan, and/or ArcGIS be looked upon favorably.
Candidates with experience in spatial optimization and/or simulated annealing are especially encouraged.

Utah State University (http://www.usu.edu) is a Research I (Extensive
Doctoral) land-grant institution with a student body of over 24,000, 42 departments, 8 academic colleges, a school of Graduate Studies, and diverse research programs. The main campus is located in Logan, a community of 100,000 people. Logan is 85 miles north of Salt Lake City in scenic Cache Valley, a semi-rural mountain basin with nearby ski resorts, lakes, rivers, and mountains providing many recreational opportunities. The area has a low cost of living and provides a high quality of life.  For more information on Logan see http://www.tourcachevalley.com.

Please contact Edd Hammill (edd.hammill@usu.edu, 435 265 5964) for more information or to submit application materials (CV, cover letter, any publications, details of their research interests). Initial review of applications will begin 30th Jan 2018.

Edd Hammill’s google scholar page –

Recent paper on conservation and armed conflict –

PhD project on boreal forest responses to climate change

The Integrative Wildlife Conservation (Murray) lab at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, is offering a PhD project to assess responses to climate change among native species in Canada’s boreal forest. The boreal forest comprises Canada’s largest biome but its state is rapidly deteriorating, including due to climate change. Our recent findings (Row et al. 2012 Glob. Chan. Biol doi:10.1111/gcb.12526; Murray et al. 2017 PLoS
(ONE) 12(5) e0176706) forecast dire consequences to the boreal forest especially in the boundary region between Ontario-Quebec where disjunct east-west populations of native plants, birds, and mammals, and extensive loss of native biodiversity, likely will arise. Through field sampling, species distribution modeling, population viability analysis, and/or landscape genetics and adaptive genomics, the PhD student will determine: 1) the current and potential future extent of change in boreal species in the Ontario-Quebec region relative to less-impacted areas; 2) how boreal breakdown may affect population processes and viability of native species in the region; 3) whether invasives are colonizing the region disproportionately quickly compared to other regions; and 4) if native or invasive species in the region demonstrate genome-level evidence of stress or adaptation to environmental change. The PhD student will have the opportunity to develop specific research questions within the scope of the larger project.

The funding package includes a competitive stipend, foreign tuition waiver (if the student is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident) as well coverage of all research expenses. Successful candidates will have an MSc in Ecology, Conservation Biology, or related field, demonstrated evidence of peer-reviewed publications, strong quantitative, genetics, and/or field skills, and an interest in working collaboratively as part of a larger group. The PhD student will join the Integrative Wildlife Conservation laboratory at Trent University (www.dennismurray.ca) and be part of an interdisciplinary team addressing innovative solutions to environmental change (www.create-enviro.ca).

To apply, please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial academic transcript, and contact information for 3 references, to: Dennis Murray (dennislmurray@gmail.com). Application deadline is Feb 16th, but review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is found. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early.

Restoration Ecology Internship

The Wilds is one of the largest and most innovative conservation centers in the world, offering diverse training programs for early career professionals.  The Wilds has nearly 10,000 acres of reclaimed mineland and remnant forest patches which present opportunities for ecological restoration and research. Six month positions available starting February 2018.

Apprentices gain hands-on experience, participate vegetation and wildlife studies and receive field training on a variety of ecological studies in wetland, forest, stream & grassland habitats.  Apprentices will have the opportunity to develop their own independent research project involving field, lab, and/or computer modeling components.

For more information and to apply, please visit:

Please include in your cover letter what you would hope to gain from the position, why you want to learn about restoration ecology, and how your past experience makes you an ideal candidate.