
Applications Open for Science Policy Summer Institute @ Duke University

Subject: Applications Open for Science Policy Summer Institute @ Duke University

We’re pleased to announce that applications are open for the Duke Science Policy Summer Institute!

This writing-intensive 10-week program at Duke University (May 29 – August 3, 2018) will give participants a grounding in how to read, write, and understand science policy. During a 4-week curriculum, participants will learn the basics of Science Communication, U.S. Civics, Finance & U.S.
Markets, Writing for a Policy Audience (Briefs, Memos & Analyses), and Professional Ethics in Science Policy. The optional 6-week practicum extension to the program will allow participants to create policy portfolios by working in the SciPol office to produce policy briefs, memos and legislation for local and national clients at the nexus of science and policy.

The program fee is $1,500 and includes all books and course materials, but does not include housing, meals, or travel to North Carolina. Scholarships are available on a need-based, limited basis, but participants are encouraged to seek external sponsorship & support. For details, email scipol@duke.edu

To learn more, visit: www.scipolsummer.org — and to apply now (Priority Deadline: March 1st, 2018), download an application from: https://goo.gl/RJxjsn.

We’ll also be hosting our first Online Info Session on February 13, 2018 – 12 pm Eastern Time Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/849981682 Or iPhone one-tap:  US: +16465588656,,849981682#  or +16699006833,,849981682# Or Telephone: US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 849 981 682
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?

And our second Online Info Session on
February 27, 2018 — 12 pm Eastern Time
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/300203646 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16465588656,,300203646# or +16699006833,,300203646# Or Telephone: US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 300 203 646 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?

Research technician position

We seek an energetic, motivated research technician to participate in experiments on the ecology, physiology, and genomics of switchgrass. This is an exciting opportunity to participate in integrative research studying the genetic basis of ecological processes in an important native grass species. The position will be administered through the University of Texas at Austin (www.utexas.edu) and stationed with Philip Fay’s group at the USDA Grassland, Soil, and Water Lab in Temple, TX (https://www.ars.usda.gov/plains-area/temple-tx/grassland-soil-and-water-research-laboratory/people/philip-fay/). 
Visit https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/hr/jobs/nlogon/180205014222 for more information and to apply. Please direct any questions about the position to Robert Heckman ([robert.heckman@utexas.edu]robert.heckman@utexas.edu). Start date is as soon as possible.

Seasonal Position Breeding Shorebird and Raptor Technicion Positions (2) – Delaware

WORK LOCATION:                             Smyrna, Delaware
EMPLOYMENT PERIOD:                  Full time (40 hours/week; 9 months)
POSITION AVAILABLE:                    Biological Aide for Wildlife Section
Primary responsibilities include monitoring and protecting piping plovers, American oystercatcher, and gull and tern colonies on beaches and islands in Sussex County Delaware (primarily Cape Henlopen, Delaware Seashore, and Fenwick Islands State Parks, and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge). Duties include monitoring territorial shorebird pairs, active nests and broods, monitoring tern and gull colonies, and protecting nesting habitat and nests with fence, signs, predator exclosures and by interacting with the public. The Biological Aide will also help train, schedule, and communicate with volunteers assisting the project.
After the field season, the Biological Aide will assist with data entry, management, and QA/QC, and prepare reports using GIS, Excel, and Access.
The Aide will also be responsible for serving as an alternate Hawk Migration Counter at the Cape Henlopen State Park Hawk Migration Station between September and November. Duties will entail identifying and recording migrating raptors and interpreting hawk migration patterns for the public.
This job requires working in challenging field conditions (i.e., biting insects, hot and cold conditions, walking in sand), and long days including some weekend and evening work.
The Aide may also have the opportunity to work on other Species Conservation and Research projects as assigned.
Preference for candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology or a closely related degree, field experience, especially experience nesting searching for beach nesting birds, using predator exclosures at plover nests, and experience identifying raptors in flight. Familiarity with programs for data entry and management (i.e., GIS, Excel and Access) is desirable.
Candidates with either breeding shorebird OR raptor ID experience are encouraged to apply.
A valid driver’s license and clean driving record.
Full time (40 hours/week) for up to 9 months at $10.00– $12.00 per hour.
Apply by emailing (preferred) or mailing a hard copy of your resume/CV (lastname_cv_shorebird.doc) along with a cover letter (lastname_coverletter_shorebird.doc) describing your qualifications, and contact information for three references to Audrey DeRose-Wilson (Audrey.DeRose-Wilson@state.de.us). Hardcopy applications can be sent to theATTN: of Audrey DeRose-Wilson; Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife; 4876 Hay Point Landing Road; Smyrna, DE 19977. Application deadline is March 5, 2018.

Seasonal Position with the Delaware Shorebird Project

WORK LOCATION:                             Smyrna, Delaware
EMPLOYMENT PERIOD:                  Full time (40 hours/week; 9 months)
POSITION AVAILABLE:                    Biological Aide for Wildlife Section
Primary responsibilities will be to recruit and manage a large volunteer team for the Delaware Shorebird Project, a project with over 20 years of history monitoring and studying shorebird populations during their migratory stopover in Delaware Bay. The Biological Aide is expected to assist the shorebird biologist with coordinating and leading a team of volunteers and scientists in data collection during an intense migratory period in May. Responsibilities prior to the May field season, include, reviewing volunteer applications, assisting with selecting and communicating with potential volunteers to develop an informed and efficient team for the season, and developing volunteer orientation and training materials.
During the field season the Aide will be expected to spend workdays at a field house rented by the project to serve as the primary point of contact for volunteers, coordinating arrival and departure logistics, and assisting volunteers with paperwork and navigating the communal living environment.  The Aide will work with experienced volunteers and the shorebird biologist to organize training sessions for less experienced volunteers. The Aide will also participate in all aspects of the fieldwork including, capturing shorebirds using cannon nets, weighing, measuring and marking shorebirds, and resighting marked shorebirds. During the field season, most of the day will be spent in the field.
After the field season, the Aide will assist with data entry, management, and QA/QC, and prepare outreach materials for volunteers such as a field season report and social media posts.
The Aide may also have the opportunity to work on other Species Conservation and Research projects as assigned.
Full time (40 hours/week) for up to 9 months at $10.00– $12.00 per hour.
Preference for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in wildlife ecology/natural resource management or closely related field,  and prior field work experience, especially capturing, handling, and banding birds, and using a spotting scope to resight color bands and/or alphanumeric coded flags. Familiarity with programs for data entry and management (i.e., GIS, Excel and Access) is desired.
A valid driver’s license and clean driving record.
Apply by emailing (preferred) or mailing a hard copy of your resume/CV (lastname_cv_shorebird.doc) along with a cover letter (lastname_coverletter_shorebird.doc) describing your qualifications, and contact information for three references to Audrey DeRose-Wilson (Audrey.DeRose-Wilson@state.de.us). Hardcopy applications can be sent to theATTN: of Audrey DeRose-Wilson; Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife; 4876 Hay Point Landing Road; Smyrna, DE 19977. Application deadline is March 5, 2018.

MS Announcement – Silviculture and Invasive Species

Subject: MS Announcement – Silviculture and Invasive Species

One MS student is sought to continue a long-term research project evaluating forest community response to multiple silvicultural treatments for the control of Chinese tallow, a highly invasive tree species of the southeastern coastal plain. The objectives of this project include: 1) determining changes to the plant community, including evaluating affects to forest structure, composition, and regeneration from mastication and repeated prescribed fire; 2) establishing a relationship between morphological characteristics and survival of Chinese tallow to prescribed fire; and 3) develop management guidelines to underplant longleaf pine in slash pine stands while seeking to control Chinese tallow. This project will build on previous work conducted in the Silviculture and Ecology Lab at Clemson University. The project will be conducted at Parris Island Marine Corps Base in Beaufort, South Carolina and will work directly with the Natural Resource Staff. Ideal candidates will be able to lead the project, work collaboratively, and tolerate harsh field conditions. We are seeking an outstanding candidate with a degree in Forestry, Biology, Ecology, and Environmental Sciences. Candidates must be able to pass federal background checks.  The student will be offered a full graduate research assistantship ($15,000/year) plus a tuition waiver. The assistantship is for 2 years, which is renewable annually based on satisfactory performance. Competitive university and/or college scholarships are also available for outstanding candidates, and students working in our lab have had a great track record to obtain these scholarships. The assistantship will start in May 2018.

In your initial contact, please send the following information: resume, statement of your research interest, GPAs, GRE score, and TOFEL score (for foreign students).

If you are interested, contact:

Dr. Geoff Wang
Phone: 864-656-4864
Email: gwang@clemson.edu
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
261 Lehotsky Hall
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0317 www.clemson.edu/~gwang/


Dr. Lauren S. Pile
Phone: 845-304-8348
Email: lpile@fs.fed.us
USDA Forest Service
Northern Research Station
Columbia, MO 65205

Workshop: UTennessee_Knoxville.WomenMathBiology.May16-18

*Hello all,We are seeking undergraduate and graduate women in mathematics
or mathematical biology to participate in a peer networking workshop at
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, coinciding with the Applications
of Spatial Data: Ecological Niche Modeling tutorial taking place at
NIMBIOS (National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis)
from May 16th-18th.This workshop, fully funded by the Association
for Women in Mathematics, will provide early-career women with the
opportunity to meet with female mentors in a small group setting. During
the workshop, participating students will collaborate to interview
mentors and produce videos documenting their career trajectories and
research. Mentors will be selected from faculty attending the tutorial,
University of Tennessee – Knoxville faculty, and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory researchers.If you or someone you know are interested
in attending, please go to https://goo.gl/forms/3O9D9ijzwAikadwi1 to
apply. Any questions regarding the event or application can be directed
to jbeck10@vols.utk.edu. Applications are due March 30th.Thank you,Jessica
Beck and Natalie Lemanski*



Plant Ecology Technician in Acadia National Park

Subject: Plant Ecology Technician in Acadia National Park

The Schoodic Institute located at Acadia National Park is recruiting 1 seasonal Plant Ecology Technician to conduct long-term vegetation monitoring and contribute to forest research in the Acadia National Park Region

Job Title: Plant Ecology Technician
Job Type: full-time, temporary position
Organization: Schoodic Institute
Location: Bar Harbor, ME
Open Period: February 9-16, 2018
Vacancies: 1 position
Duration: 15 weeks mid May to August (exact dates TBD)

Job Description:
The incumbent will contribute to forest research programs with the Schoodic Institute, and assist with long-term vegetation monitoring programs in Acadia National Park. Incumbent will attend forest crew training during the first two weeks of the field season located at Marsh- Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park in Woodstock, VT and in Saratoga National Historical Park in Stillwater, NY. Incumbent will then rotate time between assisting the Forest Ecology Program Director with forest research at Schoodic Institute (approx. 4-6 weeks), and sampling forest, rocky intertidal, and freshwater wetland vegetation for long-term monitoring programs in Acadia National Park (approx. 7 weeks). Other duties may include pressing unknown plant specimens, preparing soil samples for processing, data entry, and data quality assurance/quality control.

This is largely a field based position, and incumbents will be required to carry heavy field equipment (40+lbs), hike though rough terrain, learn and identify plants common to eastern forests, and work in all weather conditions.  Incumbent may be exposed to deer ticks that carry Lyme disease, biting insects, poison ivy and dense brush.

For more information and to apply, please view the announcement on the Schoodic Institute website:

Forestry Technician in Eastern National Parks

Subject: Forestry Technician in Eastern National Parks

The Schoodic Institute located at Acadia National Park is recruiting 3 seasonal Forestry Technicians to be a part of a 4 person field crew that will be collecting forest health data in 16 National Parks throughout the Eastern US.

Job Title: Forestry Technician- Traveling Job Type: full-time, temporary position
Organization: Schoodic Institute
Location: Bar Harbor, ME (Field Station first 9 weeks), and Fredericksburg, VA (Field Station second 9 weeks) Open Period: February 9-16, 2018
Vacancies: 3 crew members
Duration: 18 weeks mid May to September (exact dates TBD)

Job Description:
Incumbents will sample permanent forest monitoring plots collecting data on forest health, structure and composition, regeneration, understory vegetation, coarse woody debris, and soil characteristics. The crew will work in 16 park sites from Virginia to Maine, starting with a week of training in Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park in Woodstock, VT. The first 4 weeks of the season will be spent sampling National Historic Parks in New York, New England. The crew will then spend approximately 5 weeks sampling in Acadia National Park, and 8 weeks working in Mid-Atlantic parks located in Virginia and Pennsylvania. The crew will stay in park housing where available, and lodging may include hotels, historic buildings and cabins. Other duties may include pressing unknown plant specimens, equipment maintenance and repair, preparing soil samples for processing, and data entry.

This is largely a field based position, and incumbents will be required to carry heavy field equipment (40+lbs), hike though rough terrain, learn and identify plants common to eastern forests, and work in all weather conditions.  Incumbent may be exposed to deer ticks that carry Lyme disease, biting insects, poison ivy and dense brush.

For more information and to apply, please view the announcement on the Schoodic Institute website: