
REU position in pollination ecology

The Harmon-Threatt lab at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign is seeking undergraduate students for a NSF funded REU studying bee diversity and movement in the Missouri glades. The glades have a high amount of natural fragmentation, which make it a unique area to study how the landscape surrounding fragmented bee habitat influences resource availability and bee movement. This project aims to understand what resources the landscape surrounding the glades provide and how these resources influence bee movement and community structure.

Throughout the 10-week program, the student will assist with lab and field work, while also developing an independent research project. Due to the unique landscape and high level of endemism of the Missouri glades, there are numerous independent questions which can address that will produce publishable results. Most work for this project will take place at UIUC but will include one, potentially two funded trips out to the glades to conduct field work. The position will begin the end of May and includes a stipend along with additional funding for housing.
– United States citizens or permanent residents
– Have a valid drivers license
– Must be enrolled in an undergraduate program for fall of 2018. Students who have received their bachelor’s degrees and are no longer enrolled as undergraduates are not eligible to participate.
– A strong interest in bee, pollination, or plant ecology
– Not have an allergy or serious aversion to bee stings
– Some experience in entomology or field ecology is preferred but not required

Applications are due by March 9th and should be a single PDF file consisting of:
-Cover letter detailing any relevant experience, interest in the position, and future professional goals -CV/resume -Transcript (unofficial is ok) -Contact information for 3 references

Applications and any questions regarding the position should be sent to kbarie@illinois.edu For more information about the lab, please visit our website:

Restoration ecology and one health apprenticeship

A Joint Restoration Ecology and One Health Apprenticeship 2018

The Wilds is one of the largest and most innovative conservation centers in the world, offering diverse training programs for early career professionals.  The Wilds has nearly 10,000 acres of reclaimed mineland and remnant forest patches, which present opportunities for ecological restoration and cutting-edge research to help address emerging public health concerns such as harmful algal blooms and water quality, with College of Public Health, The Ohio State University and professional public health practitioner with the US Public Health Service (usphs.gov). This six-month position starting May 2018 is aimed at recent graduates from related fields.

Typical tasks: Half-time at The Wilds, the apprentice will be implementing habitat improvements and monitoring ecosystem recovery through invasive plant management, vegetation and wildlife surveys, environmental monitoring, and photo point collection.
The other half-time, the apprentice will be coordinating community engagement activities in wildlife and water conservation, including collecting water samples to analyzing results from various water bodies; wetlands, lakes, experimental wetlands, and crops.
*       Training: field methods such as plant identification, survey
protocols, research methodology, microcystin field testing, GPS & GIS applications/map making, biological monitoring and application of land management and restoration techniques.
*       Apprentice will conduct a scientific research project related to
water quality and beavers with a final presentation to Wilds employees and researchers at The Ohio State University at the end of their term.
*       Position requires hiking and some physically demanding tasks,
including outdoor work throughout the seasons.  This may include hot, buggy, cold or otherwise challenging conditions.  Participants should be prepared with appropriate field gear / foot wear.
*       Should be interested in emerging public health concerns and how
ecosystems services and public health are interconnected, eager for learning opportunities and willing to practice new skills independently.
*       Apprentices must be responsible, flexible, self-motivated and
able to work effectively with limited supervision, as well as in a team setting.
*       Must have a valid driver’s license and be able to lift at least
45 lbs.
*       Must have basic knowledge in biostatistics and environmental
health science.
*       Must be willing to work some evenings and weekends.

Schedule is typically M-F, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. While no monetary compensation is offered, on site housing will be covered as well as gas mileage when traveling for projects. In addition, the position is ideal for acquiring practical experience in conservation, wildlife (beavers) monitoring, natural resource management, ecological and public health, land stewardship or ecological studies. It is particularly well suited to prepare participants for graduate school or work in a conservation or public health fields.

To apply, please send your resume with three references and a cover letter to the contact below.  Outline your objectives to gain from the position and how your past experience makes you an ideal candidate. Our training programs are competitive and we value placing individuals in programs that suit their career goals.
Please send application materials by March 15th, 2018 to:
Dr. Rebecca Swab  Director of Restoration Ecology, The Wilds
14000 International Road, Cumberland, OH 43732  740.638.5030 ext. 2084

MS opportunity – Insect Evolution– Georgia South ern University

The Gibson lab in the Department of Biology at Georgia Southern University (GSU) is looking for a MS student in insect evolutionary genetics to begin Fall 2018. The research focus of the lab is on the genetic/genomic basis of traits in Hymenopteran insects, particularly metabolic and mitochondrial physiology. Current projects/systems in the lab include (1) speciation and evolutionary genetics in Nasonia parasitoid wasps (2) behavioral genetics in honey bees (Apis mellifera), and (3) studies investigating the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). Students are welcome to join existing projects, but are also encouraged to develop their own questions within the scope of the lab.
Student support will primarily be in the form of teaching assistantships, but partial support through research assistantships and summer supplementation are also available. In addition, there are competitive fellowships available through the Department and the College of Science and Mathematics. All students are expected to apply for external funding as well.
GSU is a 27,000-student comprehensive research university with three campuses in southeast Georgia (http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/). The Department of Biology at the Statesboro campus has many resources available to students, including a new LEED certified research and teaching building, many possibilities for collaboration with our >40 faculty as well as outside the department, and facilities for insect rearing, high throughput sequencing preparation, and microscopy.
Prospective students should have (1) a BS degree in the life sciences, such as Biology, Entomology, Genetics, Ecology & Evolution, or a related field. (2) excellent communication skills, both oral and written, and (3) the ability to work both independently and with a team. Preferred, but not required, qualifications include (1) experience conducting laboratory research, particularly in molecular biology (2) analytical skills such as bioinformatics and/or statistics, and (3) demonstrated scientific communication skills such as scientific publications or presentations, or a thesis project.
Students should ensure they meet the academic requirements of the graduate program at Georgia Southern University (see links below). To apply, contact Dr. Josh Gibson at jgibson@georgiasouthern.edu with a single PDF file that includes (1) a statement of research interests and experience (2) a CV or resume (3) GRE scores if available and (4) names and contact information for 2 academic or professional references.
The application deadline is April 1, 2018.
Graduate Program
Department of Biology

NSF REU position – plant evolutionary ecology – Rocky Mountain Biological Station

Jill Anderson at the University of Georgia is searching for an enthusiastic undergraduate with a strong interest in evolutionary ecology for field research in an NSF REU position (National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates) from June- August 2018. We study the ecological and evolutionary consequences of climate change for natural plant populations. We focus on research on Drummond’s rockcress (Boechera stricta in the plant family Brassicaceae), a mustard plant native to the Rocky Mountains.
Our studies take place around the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab (http://www.rmbl.org/), which is located in Gothic, Colorado near the wildflower capital of Colorado (Crested Butte).  We quantify plant fitness and traits to ask whether climate change could disrupt long-standing patterns of local adaptation, and to test whether phenotypic plasticity will enable populations to persist in the short-term. We perform large-scale reciprocal transplant experiments to examine patterns of adaptive evolution and natural selection in contemporary landscapes. Since fall 2013, we have planted >150,000 seeds and seedlings into five experimental gardens ranging in elevation from 2500 m to 3340 m (8202 feet to
11000 feet). Our summer research involves intensive monitoring of these experimental plants to record data on germination success, survival, growth, reproductive success, as well as life history and morphological traits. We conduct most of our work in the field, with a small proportion of indoor lab work.

The successful candidate will assist with ongoing fieldwork. In addition, there are many opportunities for students to develop independent projects associated with our overall objectives, including studies on: 1) population divergence in ecologically-relevant traits, especially drought, UV tolerance, and herbivore resistance; 2) phenotypic plasticity at multiple spatial scales; 3) population density and species composition of the herbivore community that attacks Drummond’s rockcress; 4) flower color polymorphism; and 5) the importance of maternal effects in biological responses to climate change.

We are offering a stipend of $500/week for a full time REU student (40 hours/week) for 10 weeks.  The exact start and end dates are flexible. We will cover room and board at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and reimburse travel expenses up to $500.
Fieldwork will involve hiking to experimental gardens through rough terrain (1-3 miles one- way daily).

The University of Georgia is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment for living, work, and study.  To that end, all qualified applicants from individuals with a strong interest in evolutionary biology will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, or age.  The application consists of a cover letter listing your qualifications, a CV/ résumé and contact information for two references, all of which can be emailed to Dr. Jill Anderson at: jta24@uga.edu Applications are due by March 16th, 2018.

Feel free to contact Dr. Anderson if you have any questions about the position.  Additional information about our work can be found at:

Graduate position: GeorgiaSouthernU.InsectEvolution

The Gibson lab in the Department of Biology at Georgia Southern University
(GSU) is looking for a MS student in insect evolutionary genetics to begin
Fall 2018. The research focus of the lab is on the genetic/genomic basis of
traits in Hymenopteran insects, particularly metabolic and mitochondrial
physiology. Current projects/systems in the lab include (1) speciation and
evolutionary genetics in *Nasonia* parasitoid wasps (2) behavioral genetics
in honey bees (*Apis mellifera*), and (3) studies investigating the
invasive Argentine ant (*Linepithema humile*). Students are welcome to join
existing projects, but are also encouraged to develop their own interests
within the scope of the lab.

Student support will primarily be in the form of teaching assistantships,
but partial support through research assistantships and summer
supplementation are also available. In addition, there are competitive
fellowships available through the Department and the College of Science and
Mathematics. All students are expected to apply for external funding as

GSU is a 27,000-student comprehensive research university with three
campuses in southeast Georgia (http://www.georgiasouthern.edu/). The
Department of Biology at the Statesboro campus has many resources available
to students, including a new LEED certified research and teaching building,
many possibilities for collaboration with our >40 faculty as well as
outside the department, and facilities for insect rearing, high throughput
sequencing preparation, and microscopy.

Prospective students should have (1) a BS degree in the life sciences, such
as Biology, Entomology, Genetics, Ecology & Evolution, or a related field.
(2) excellent communication skills, both oral and written, and (3) the
ability to work both independently and with a team. Preferred, but not
required, qualifications include (1) experience conducting laboratory
research, particularly in molecular biology (2) analytical skills such as
bioinformatics and/or statistics, and (3) demonstrated scientific
communication skills such as scientific publications or presentations, or a
thesis project.

Students should ensure they meet the academic requirements of the graduate
program at Georgia Southern University (see links below). To apply, contact
Dr. Josh Gibson at jgibson@georgiasouthern.edu with a single PDF file that
includes (1) a statement of research interests and experience (2) a CV or
resume (3) GRE scores if available and (4) names and contact information
for 2 academic or professional references.

The application deadline is April 1, 2018.

Graduate Program



Department of Biology


Amazonian wildlife research interns sought for projects in Peru

Fauna Forever, a non-profit based in Peru, is now recruiting interns and volunteers to assist with its Amazon rainforest-based wildlife research and conservation projects, community development projects, botanical, forest carbon and medicinal plant studies, and agroforestry and green energy initiatives in the Madre de Dios region. There are also a few limited opportunities for those interested in office-based non-profit management activities at our bases in the cities of Puerto Maldonado and Cusco.
Opportunities are available throughout 2018.

If you are a student, recent graduate of the environmental or social sciences, or you are someone looking for a worthwhile activity during a career break period, and you want to gain active field experience in the humid Neotropics and contribute to rainforest conservation efforts, then we’d encourage you to get involved.

Those interested should contact us at our central email
(info@faunaforever.org) with a CV and cover letter detailing the following information.

Period or dates (number of weeks or preferred arrival and departure dates):
Why you would like to assist our projects?
What skills could you bring to our teams?
Any other relevant information that the selection committee should take into account:

The skills and techniques that our international team of conservation biologists and community project coordinators can teach interns and volunteers in an experiential learning context in Peru, include:

1. Wildlife research techniques for studying diversity, population dynamics, home range size, and the behavior of focal taxa = Unbounded line transects, camera traps and DSLR photography, mist netting with banding/ringing, baited and un-baited pit-fall traps, point count stations, quadrats, Bal-chatri traps, Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) and Global Positioning System (GPS) tagging, acoustic monitoring, and associated data analysis methods. Focal taxa = Terrestrial and arboreal mammals (primates, cats, ungulates, tapir, etc.); Birds (tanagers, flycatchers, toucans, parrots and macaws, raptors, etc.); Herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles, including snakes and caiman); Insects (butterflies and dung-beetles);

2. Botanical, forest carbon and medicinal plant research techniques = Cuadrats and larger plots, line transects, microscopy, voucher collection, direct observation and interviews with locals, local market surveys.

3. Community development project skills = Interviews of individuals and focus groups in rural community settings, developing action plans, economic valuation of natural resources, business and risk management plans, ecotourism marketing plans, environmental education in rural schools, indigenous knowledge storage and retrieval mechanisms, etc.

4. Office-based non-profit management skills = Data analysis and infographics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) management and mapping, social media management, project development processes (planning, budgeting, decision making etc.), calculating carbon emissions per project.

A map showing the location of Fauna Forever’s research, conservation, and community development sites can be found at this link:

Many thanks!

Chris Kirkby (PhD)
Founder, Managing Director, and Principal Investigator at Fauna Forever Tambopata Hostel, Gonzales Prada 161, Puerto Maldonado, Peru Urb. Santa Maria P1D, San Sebastian, Cusco, Peru
Tel: +51 993915158 / 992771166
E-mail: chris@faunaforever.org
Facebook: http://facebook.com/FaunaForever
Web: http://faunaforever.org

Internship opportunity: Evolutionary responses of tropical lizards to climate change

Internship opportunity: Evolutionary responses to climate change in tropical lizards
Recent studies have argued that tropical organisms are particularly vulnerable to climate change because they are adapted to the thermally stable tropics. In other words, they are “thermal specialists” incapable of dealing with even small changes in temperature. For animals like lizards that have limited dispersal ability, evolutionary adaptation may be their primary means to avoid extinction. But can lizards evolve fast enough to keep pace with global warming? Is there sufficient phenotypic variation in tropical lizard populations for selection to act upon? If so, what is the genomic basis of this variation?
We are conducting a large-scale transplant experiment aimed at measuring evolutionary change in real time, testing hypotheses about thermal adaptation and the evolutionary capacity of tropical animals in the face of rapid, catastrophic warming. We are looking for one or more interns to join us at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) as we sample lizards from a series of experimental islands in the Panama Canal. The internship will run from September through November, 2018, and is open to undergraduate or graduate students (or recent grads looking for additional field experience). Prior experience with hand-catching lizards is preferred, but not necessary, as is prior experience in the tropics (preferred but not necessary). We particularly encourage members of underrepresented groups (women, minorities, first-generation college students, etc.) to apply.
The intern will be integrated into an international team of evolutionary biologists and ecologists working on this project. The intern will be trained in a number of field and laboratory techniques. These include (but are not limited to) field capture and processing of live Anolis lizards, measuring morphological traits, respirometry, estimation of thermal tolerance and field body temperatures, habitat monitoring using a drone, tissue sampling and DNA preservation, and visual elastomer marking techniques for mark-recapture studies. In general, the intern will be exposed to a vibrant scientific atmosphere of dedicated, passionate researchers working in one of the most complex and pristine tropical environments on the planet. 
The deadline for applications is March 15th. The internship stipend is $1000/month which comfortably covers room and board in Panama. There is no allowance specifically for travel. This program is competitive, with applications being evaluated by a committee of Smithsonian staff scientists. As such, there is no guarantee that any individual application will be approved. However, project PI Mike Logan (Biodiversity Genomics Postdoctoral Fellow at STRI;www.evolutioninthetropics.com) will work with individual applicants to improve their essay and increase their chances at getting accepted. Please email Mike (mike.logan1983@gmail.com) for more information and to see if your interests match the goals of the project. Please attach your CV to the first email.

Paid field tech position Scottish Highlands rewilding project

Subject: Paid field tech position Scottish Highlands rewilding project

Job Posting: Junior Field Technician

Project: Rewilding the Scottish Highlands at Alladale Wilderness Reservehttp://earthwatch.org/Expeditions/Rewilding-the-Scottish-Highlands

Location: Scottish Highlands

Dates: June 13, 2018 – August 12, 2018

Compensation: £ 8.70 per hour, housing, food

Job description: Assist with survey of reforested plots (e.g., tree species, size, survival status, understory plant assessments including species
identification) and deer behaviour (focal animal observations). This technician will be working on a field crew that will consist of professional technicians, interns, and lay citizen-scientist volunteers. The job is based out of a remote, historic field station with no Internet access, cell phone access, or television.  Must be available for the entire field season.

Required Skills: Must have previous work experience in silviculture and wildlife ecology field sampling and be familiar with flora of the Scottish Highlands. Must have a driver’s license and be able to drive a 4-wheel drive vehicle with a manual transmission on unpaved and at times rough roads. Must be good with people, able to work as a collaborative team member, and able to assist with meal preparation. Attention to detail and ability to follow instructions are essential qualities in the successful applicant.  Must be in excellent physical condition with no injuries or health issues. Must be comfortable working outdoors in inclement weather and on rough terrain, working irregular work weeks (e.g., 6 days on, 3 days off, or other arrangements depending on weather and unpredictable conditions), and being based out of a remote field station. Preference will be given to applicants residing in the UK with familiarity with the Scottish Highlands.

To Apply: Please send a CV, two letters of reference, and short letter explaining what skills you would bring to this project and what you would gain from working on it to the principal investigator on this project: Dr.
Cristina Eisenberg, Chief Scientist, Earthwatch Institute (ceisenberg@earthwatch.org).

REU in Coastal Ecosystems Ecology – Villanova University

Subject: REU in Coastal Ecosystems Ecology – Villanova University

The laboratory of Dr. Nathaniel Weston in the Department of Geography and the Environment at Villanova University will host a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) student during summer 2018. REU internships are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support active research participation of undergraduate students. The REU student will develop an independent research project focused on coastal ecosystems ecology, and will participate in field trips to tidal marsh research sites in Plum Island Sound, MA and Delaware River, NJ.

Eligibility and Requirements: REU applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., completed one or more years of college but not received a Bachelor’s degree, have completed some coursework relevant to related to the REU program, and have plans to pursue a career in environmental research. Applicants must confirm that they are able to participate in the entire program (June 4 – August 10). The summer intern should expect to participate in physically strenuous field research in sometimes uncomfortable conditions (muddy, buggy, hot).

Program: The REU intern will receive a stipend of $5000 for the summer.
Housing on Villanova’s campus and a meal plan will be provided. The program runs from June 4 – August 10 (10 weeks). The intern will participate in the on-campus professional development activities administered by the Villanova Center for Research and Fellowships that includes social events and workshops on topics including the responsible conduct of research, fellowships in the STEM fields, networking, science writing, and delivering effective presentations. The REU intern will also receive safety and field sampling training at the start of their internship. The REU intern will join a group of undergraduate and graduate students in the laboratory of Dr. Nathaniel Weston (http://nweston.org), and will work to design and implement an independent research project. This REU internship provides the selected undergraduate student with an outstanding opportunity to develop and design an independent research project and to gain substantial hands-on field and laboratory experience in a dynamic research program.

Application: Applicants for the 2018 summer REU internship complete the online application and have a letter of recommendation submitted by March 16. The online application (http://nweston.org/reu-in-coastal-
ecosystems-ecology/) includes several document uploads that should be prepared prior to completing the online portion of the application:
–       A cover letter that describes your interest in coastal
ecosystems ecology, your professional career goals, and what you hope to obtain from a summer REU internship (limited to 1 page).
–       A resume (limited to 2 pages).
–       A copy of your academic transcript (unofficial is acceptable).
Applicants should also request a letter of recommendation from a faculty member. The letter can be submitted by email directly to Dr. Weston (nathaniel.weston@villanova.edu).

See http://nweston.org/reu-in-coastal-ecosystems-ecology/ for more information and to apply.

Graduate position: NorthernArizonaU.TreeEvolution

Graduate Research Assistantships in Tree Genomics & Evolution @ NAU

The School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University (NAU) is seeking
2 highly motivated Master of Science students to join the newly formed
lab of Genetics, Genomics and Evolution of Tree Species. Both positions
include a stipend, tuition waiver, and health benefits for 2 years.

Position 1: Students will use genomic tools to identify genes
underlying resistance to the devastating disease white-pine blister
rust in Sugar Pine. This position involves only data analyses.

Position 2: Students will use genomic tools to identify patterns of
hybridization, introgression and local adaptation between two varieties
of Douglas fir. This position involves data analyses, molecular lab
work, and greenhouse work.

Minimum qualifications:

–       Bachelor degree in Genetics, Forest Sciences, Biology, Plant
Sciences, Evolutionary Biology, Bioinformatics or related fields of

–     Have taken at least one undergraduate course in Genetics.

–       Ability to program in R, Perl or Phyton (familiarity with Linux
is a plus)

–       Willingness to work with big data sets in a computer cluster.

–       Availability to start by July 1^st, 2018 .

–       No greenhouse or molecular lab experience is required.

How to apply:

Please send a 1-page statement of interest, CV, unofficial copy of
transcripts, GRE scores, and TOEFL scores (international students), and
the names and contact information of 3 references by March 5^th, 2018.
If found to be a good match for the position, you will be encouraged to
apply to the graduate program at NAU. Please note that NAU has the
following admission requirements: GPA equal or higher than 3.0 and
TOEFL = 213 (computer-based) or 80 (internet-based).

Contact Information:

Dr. De La Torre, Amanda.de-la-torre@nau.edu



Northern Arizona University is a 29,000 student-institution with its
main campus in Flagstaff, a four-season community of about 70,000 at
the base of the majestic San Francisco Peaks. Flagstaff has all-year
easy access to the Arizona snowbowl ski resort and is located at 1-hour
drive from the Gran Canyon.

Useful links:

School of Forestry- http://nau.edu/forestry

Amanda Rosa Maria De la Torre Cuba <Amanda.de-la-Torre@nau.edu>