

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to let you know about a summer research opportunity for
undergraduate students in the Department of Biological Sciences at the
University of Cincinnati – the National Science Foundation-sponsored
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site in Sensory Ecology. Our
program is focused on research at the intersection of neurobiology,
behavior, ecology and evolution, and is directed at understanding
how animals sense and respond to their environment at functional and
evolutionary levels. Sophomore and junior Biology major students will be
chosen to join active lab groups for the summer and conduct cutting edge
research over a broad spectrum of topics in sensory ecology, including:

– Genomics and development of sensory systems
– Neural mechanisms of sensory system function
– Sensory perception and behavioral influences of the physical
– Neuroethology
– Animal communication
– Behavioral ecology of animal movement and dispersal

An educational program will develop student research and professional
skills and prepare them for graduate school or careers.

– 10 weeks in summer (May 29- Aug 3, 2018)
– Students will receive a summer stipend plus dorm and meal expenses
– Students will work in labs, interact w/ faculty mentors, post-docs and
grad students

– Weekly group seminars and meetings for students (e.g., career
development, responsible research conduct, panel discussions)
– Social events for students (e.g., trips to Cincinnati Zoo, Reds
– Concluding student research “mini-symposium” presentation session

Student applicants will be selected based on multiple
criteria. Applications for the REU program will be screened by a committee
to select individuals whose interests are well-matched with faculty
in the program. Emphasis will be placed on faculty recommendations and
student statements, along with academic performance and other indicators
of future research success. Note: Implementation of the REU program is
contingent on National Science Foundation funding.

The application deadline is March 15, 2018.  Students can apply online
at:http://www.artsci.uc.edu/departments/biology/undergrad/REU.html We
hope you will encourage your students to visit our website and consider

Thank you.

Stephanie Rollmann, PhD
(stephanie.rollmann@uc.edu) and John
Layne, PhD (john.layne@uc.edu)

“Layne, John (laynejn)” <laynejn@UCMAIL.UC.EDU>

Graduate position: MichiganStateU.DemographyGenetics

A research assistantship for a PhD student is available at the Department
of Entomology at Michigan State University beginning in May or June
2018. Research will focus on testing the roles of demography and genetics
in the establishment and impact of biological control agents in the
field. The project will involve lab rearing of a moth classical biological
control agent, and experimental releases and monitoring of agent and
target populations in the field in southern Michigan over multiple years.

Candidates should possess an M.S. in entomology, ecology, evolution or
related field and have valid driver’s license. The ideal candidates have
experience working with insects and/or weeds and interest in understanding
ecological and evolutionary mechanisms underlying demography and genetics
of populations.

Applicants should send a CV, cover letter, unofficial transcripts,
contact information for three references and a sample of scientific
writing (e.g. thesis, published or in preparation manuscripts) to
Dr. Marianna Szucs (szucsmar@msu.edu). The position comes with a generous
stipend, tuition waiver and health benefits. Applicants will have the
opportunity to graduate with a dual degree of Ecology, Evolutionary
Biology, and Behavior and Entomology. Screening of applications will
begin immediately and the position will be filled as soon as a qualified
applicant is identified.

Internship: Four DataONE Summer Internship Opportunities

We are excited to announce four great internship opportunities as part of our annual DataONE Summer Internship Program.
  •   Sharing Reproducible Research through DataONE and WholeTale
  •   Supporting Synthesis Science with DataONE
  •   Communications & Outreach: Development of a Primer for Early-Career Researchers
  •   Extending Libmagic for Identification of Science Resources
Undergraduates, graduates and recent postgraduates are invited to apply to work with DataONE for nine weeks between May and July 2018. Full details of the program, eligibility requirements and project descriptions can be found at www.dataone.org/internships. Applications are due by March 23rd 2018.

Research Technician Position in the Rocky Mountain Stream and Wetland Ecology

Subject: Research Technician Position in the Rocky Mountain Stream and Wetland Ecology

The Freshwater Ecosystem Ecology Lab (www.bradwtaylor.com North Carolina State
University) is accepting applications for two technician positions to assist with research projects at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (www.rmbl.org) during summer 2018.  The position will require working independently or in small teams at elevations of
9,000 to 11,000 feet in remote settings with potential for inclement weather conditions.
The positions will also require careful collection of samples and precise field measurements using specialized field and lab equipment.  Applicant should be comfortable in laboratory settings and prior experience with nutrient analyses, stable isotopes, invertebrate, microscopy, or other lab analysis is preferred.  The position will begin as early as late April to may be extended to the end of October but applicants that can only meet part of that duration will also be considered.
The technicians will be expected to assist with at least a subset of the following projects:
1. What are rates of carbon dioxide efflux from soils of drying ponds?  We will require careful use of a PP Systems EGM 5 (similar to a Li-Cor) and prior experience using field instrumentation is desired but not necessary.  It will also require spending extended periods of time working at a 11,200 feet in elevation remote field site.
2.  How do macroinvertebrates survive in the shallow aquifer environment of river floodplains?  How do they make use of methane-derived carbon resources?  We will require assistance with installation of shallow wells (can be physically demanding), carrying of heavy equipment (up to 50 lbs) for distances <1 mile, collection and preservation of aquatic insects, and collection and analysis of water and dissolved gas samples.
3.  How do climate-induced shifts in the timing of peak streamflow hydrology affect nutrient cycling? We will require assistance in the field sampling water column nutrients, benthic algae, and whole-stream nutrient uptake measurements. Remote streams will be accessed by vehicle and on foot (hiking <4 miles). We will also require assistance in the laboratory processing nutrient, invertebrate, and algal samples. Experience with one or more of the sampling procedure is preferred. A strong chemistry background, course record, previous experience with wet chemistry or willingness to master meticulous analytical chemical analyses is also strongly desired.
4. How does climate-induced variation in light or temperature affect the development of stream algae? We will require assistance maintaining stream microcosm experiments.
Upkeep duties will include periodically cleaning filters, tanks, and backflushing water lines to maintain water flow in experimental flow-through stream channels. Sampling duties will collecting water samples, stream invertebrates, scrubbing algae from rocks and tiles.
5. What are the causes and consequences of Didymosphenia geminata blooms.  We will need assistance maintaining flow-through stream channel experiments, as well as weekly field sampling of invertebrates and algae from rivers and identifying and counting invertebrates and algae in the laboratory using a microscope.
Housing and station fees at the RMBL will be included.  Wages will be commensurate with experience and range from $12 to $18/hour.

To apply, please visit our website at: http://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/97207 and attach the following documents:
* 1-2 page cover letter describing your suitability for the position, reasons for applying, and earliest start and latest end dates. Detail any prior experience directly related to the requirements of the position and any relevant coursework in your letter or other materials.
* Curriculum Vitae or Resume
* Contact information for 3 references

Please email any questions to Amanda DelVecchia at amanda.delvecchia@gmail.com or Brad Taylor brad.taylor@ncsu.edu by March 25, 2018.

NC State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as an individual with a disability, or status as a protected veteran.

Seasonal Research assistant-Entomology: UW-Madison

Subject: Seasonal Research assistant-Entomology: UW-Madison

We are recruiting a research assistant to help with various projects in the Guédot fruit crop entomology lab. Depending on the needs of a given project, the research assistant would help with field and lab work on Spotted-Wing Drosophila, Japanese Beetle, Cranberry Flea Beetle, Brown Marmorated Stink bug, and developing pollinator gardens for cranberry pollinators. For more information on our lab please visit:


The position is for 40 hrs/week from May-August ($10/hr) with occasional weekend and long days as dictated by the research demands.

Start and end date are negotiable.

Basic requirements:

· Interest in entomology, agriculture, and/or ecology

· Clean driving record and ability to drive automatic trucks & vans

· Dependability and flexibility in daily schedule as fieldwork may require early mornings/late days

· Ability to do physical and repetitive work, including microscopy, fruit/specimen dissections, and insect identifications

· Ability to take the lead and troubleshoot in the field, while working as a team and assisting on other projects as needed

To apply:

Please contact Jacob Henden at jlhenden@wisc.edu with a résumé/CV and a brief statement explaining how these projects align with your interests and qualifications. Please note any schedule constraints.

Application deadline is March 19th. Applications will be accepted until position is filled.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in the Rocky Mountains Summer 2018

Subject: Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in the Rocky Mountains Summer 2018

Undergraduate research opportunity to work as part of a team exploring the consequences of climate-induced species range shifts on ecosystem functioning (e.g., nutrient cycling) in subalpine ponds in the Colorado Rockies. The position provides a weekly stipend, housing, meals, travel to the site, and participation in a REU Training and Responsible Conduct of Research Program beginning as early as mid May and ending in
mid August.

This research is motivated by the fact that species distributions around the world are shifting in response to a changing climate but we known little about how these shifts in elevation, latitude, or among local habitats will affect ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling. More than 25 years of continuous study of the distribution and abundance of aquatic animals in high-elevation ponds in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado has revealed that species common at low elevations are moving towards higher elevations, and within elevations, animals are moving into different habitat types (i.e., temporary to semi-permanent pond) as drying regimes become more extreme. The main research project focuses on a guild of case-making caddisflies (see left photo) that vary considerably in their contribution to ecosystem processes and their response to climate- induced changes in pond hydrology.

We are seeking an undergraduate student interested in exploring the contribution of additional animal species to nutrient cycling.  Specifically, the REU will take a lead role in measuring nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates of animals and nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by water column and benthic plants and microbes in subalpine ponds that differ in hydroperiod and animal community composition to explore the following
questions: 1) How does nutrient supply via excretion by species in the biomass-dominant caddisfly guild compare to excretion by other pond species, such as midge larvae, zooplankton, and salamanders?  2) What proportion of nutrient demand by algae and other microbes is supplied by the focal guild of detritivorous caddisflies versus other pond animals?

The REU will work with a diverse group of undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and PIs from North Carolina State University (www.bradwtaylor.com), other universities, and will be immersed in a vibrant research and education community at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (see www.rmbl.edu).  The position requires spending 8-10 weeks (mid-May to mid August) at this rustic and remote but premier high-elevation
(3000 m) field station near Crested Butte, Colorado. The ideal applicant should demonstrate interest and experience in field ecology as well as experience or willingness to master meticulous analytical chemical analyses. Applicants should also be comfortable working in remote field settings that can have rapidly changing weather conditions, and that includes hiking 1-2 h to 3400 m elevation study sites.  Preference will also be given to applicants who present a plan to work on writing and analyses as part of an independent study or senior thesis for eventual publication beyond the summer. The REU will have some flexibility to develop additional questions and hypotheses for which they will receive mentoring assistance with methods, data and chemical analyses, and writing.

Send a resume, 1-page statement of current and future scientific interests and experiences, and names and contact information for 3 references included in one PDF file to Brad Taylor: brad.taylor@ncsu.edu by 10 March 2018.  A commitment by 25 March
2018 is required.

NC State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as an individual with a disability, or status as a protected veteran.

LUMCON Summer 2018 REU Site Program Applications Due March 20th

LUMCON’s 2018 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program:
Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Changing Coastal Environments

The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) (www.lumcon.edu) invites highly motivated undergraduates to apply for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions in our NSF-sponsored summer 2018 REU program in Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Changing Coastal Environments.
REU participants will spend ten weeks (June 4th – August 10th) at LUMCON conducting independent research projects with guidance from scientific mentors / mentor teams and participate in a series of career and skill- building workshops and activities while interacting with peers participating in other aspects of LUMCON’s summer programs. Each student is paired with a scientific mentor(s) based on mutual research interests. The REU program is designed to give students a meaningful, hands-on research experience that takes advantage of state-of-the-art methods and technologies available at LUMCON. This summer, mentors are interested in supporting interns to conduct research in a number of topic areas, including: biogeochemistry, behavioral ecology, microbial ecology, invertebrate diversity and ecology, aquaculture and fish physiology, ecosystem ecology, coastal geology and hydrology, wetland science, and oil spill impacts. More information on the program and details on potential mentors and projects can be found athttp://lumcon.edu/REU.

Candidates must be available for the entire ten week period.  Successful applicants will receive a $500/week stipend; room and board at the Marine Center in Cocodrie, LA; funds to support transportation to and from LUMCON; and funds to support their research.

The ideal candidate should be interested in pursuing a career in coastal and/or marine science, creative, hard-working, detail orientated, dedicated, and comfortable working as part of research team. Experience with field or laboratory research is a plus but not necessary. To be eligible you must be returning to an undergraduate degree program in the fall (e.g., if you will graduate in May or June, you are NOT eligible). Students from underrepresented groups in sciences, from small colleges, and first generation college students are encouraged to apply.

Application deadline: March 20th 2017.

Instructions for completing application packages which include (an online application form, copies of unofficial transcripts, contact information for two academic references, CV/resume, and a one page statement that describes your interest in the REU position, academic goals, and any previous research
experience) can be found at http://lumcon.edu/REU.

Questions about the program and/or application process should be addressed to LUMCON’s REU Site Program Director, Dr. Brian Roberts, at reu@lumcon.edu.

Summer Research and Land Mgt. Internship Opportunity in Southern NY

College Internship in Suburban Ecology
Mianus River Gorge
Program Description: Mianus River Gorge, a conservation organization and 900-acre nature preserve in southern New York, offers 8 week summer internships for college students interested in the conservation of natural areas in urbanizing landscapes.
— Each intern will work alongside Gorge staff and graduate students on a variety of projects including wildlife monitoring, non-native species management, and GIS applications.
— Interns will work with and supervise high school students in our authentic research program (Wildlife Technician Program).
— We work with our interns to provide a learning experience that fits their interests and long-term educational goals.
— Stipend: $25/day or combination of school credit and stipend (depending on university requirements).
— Internships last for a period of 8 weeks. 10-week internships may be available in 2018. Internships typically run from June to July, but some flexibility is possible.
— We usually need to give preference to local students or those that can commute daily to Bedford, NY, as summer housing is not always guaranteed.
Projects for 2018 include:
o Monitoring coyotes, black bear, and other wildlife in Westchester, NYC, and Fairfield
o Vegetation sampling, monitoring, and restoration
o Initiating design and construction of a new educational trail
o Invasive species control and other land management work
o Data management, GIS work, and analysis on several long-term projects
Applicant Eligibility
· All undergraduate students are eligible to apply. We do not require applicants to major in a particular discipline; however, exposure to the fields of ecology, environmental science, or geography is encouraged. We do accept interns that have graduated the academic year just prior to the internship.
· Interns must be self-motivated and work well in group settings.
· Applicants should be prepared for strenuous work outdoors (e.g., field research and land management projects) as well as performing indoor work (e.g., data entry and GIS projects). 
· This year the internship will run from June 4 to July 27 — applicants need to be available during this period.
More info and application forms are below:
Questions, please contact research@mianus.org or 914.234.3455

Chris Nagy, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Education – Mianus River Gorge, Bedford, NY

Forest Ecology Field Technician Positions at the Teakettle Experimental Forest (Sierra Nevada)

Subject: Forest Ecology Field Technician Positions at the Teakettle Experimental Forest (Sierra Nevada)

We are hiring 6 to 8 field technicians to work at the Teakettle Experimental Forest. Teakettle is a 1300 ha old-growth, mixed-conifer forest 80 km east of Fresno, CA at 2200 m elevation in the Sierra Nevada. The forest is comprised of both burned and unburned experimental plots and a second entry prescribed burn was implemented in the fall of 2017. Duties will include, but are not limited to mapping forest structure and shrub cover using a surveyor’s total station, basic tree measurements, fuel surveys and assisting visiting scientists with their projects as needed. These projects may include: basic soils work (coring, soil moisture, etc.), seedling inventories, understory plant surveys, and tree coring. Desired skills include plant identification, use of a total station, basic knowledge of tree measurements, and previous experience working as a crewmember. The facilities at Teakettle are rustic due to the remote location of the station. The cabin has solar power, bathrooms, a kitchen and common space; individuals will spend the summer sleeping in tents. The nearest town for supplies is
Shaver Lake, CA, approximately a one hour drive from the field station.

The pay rate is $14/hr and crew members will work four 10 hour days each week. The field season will run from the middle of June to the first
week of September.

To apply, please go to https://unm.csod.com/ats/careersite/search.aspx?
site=14#staff. The reqID is 4037 or you can search for the job title “Forest Ecology Field Technician”.

If you have any trouble with the application process, please contact Marissa Goodwin at mjgoodwin@unm.edu. Review of applications will begin March 9th.

**Please note that a New Mexico Drivers License IS NOT REQUIRED for this

Graduate Student Assistantship (M.Sc.): Ecology of Kit Foxes on White Sands National Monument, NM

Graduate Student Assistantship (M.Sc.): Ecology of Kit Foxes on White Sands National Monument, NM

Location: New Mexico State University and White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Website: http://aces.nmsu.edu/academics/fws/

Salary: $22,619/year; Support will be for ~3 years (6 academic semesters and 2 summer semesters) and will include research assistant and teaching assistant support.

Description: The Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology at New Mexico State University is offering a graduate student assistantship to begin fall semester 2018 to explore the ecology of kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis) in the Chihuahuan Desert at White Sands National Monument. The project involves capturing, radio-collaring, and using remote cameras to estimate abundance, resource use, and to apply emerging statistical methods to non-invasive data. During the field season, housing is provided on site in the form of 28 ft. trailer. The successful applicant will be co-advised by Drs. Gary Roemer and Fitsum Abadi Gebreselassie.

Qualifications: Prior experience working in remote locations, driving a 4×4 vehicle, and experience with radio telemetry are highly desired. Fieldwork will be very physically demanding; applicants will often be required to hike 5+ miles/day over rough terrain in a hot, arid environment and must be willing to work at night. Common sense, good orientation and quantitative skills, and experience with the Bayesian Statistical paradigm, GIS applications, and the program R, would be considered strengths.

To apply, please email a single PDF file that contains a cover letter, CV or resumé, GRE scores, a copy of undergraduate transcripts, and the name and contact information of 3 references to Dr. Gary Roemer at groemer@nmsu.edu.

Start date: August 15, 2018

Last date to apply: June 30, 2018

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until a suitable candidate is found.