
PhD Position at UMich in Freshwater Fish Ecology and Conservation

PhD Student in Freshwater Fish Ecology and Conservation

The Alofs Lab of Applied Aquatic Ecology at the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan is recruiting an exceptional PhD student with the motivation to improve our understanding of the effects of environmental change on freshwater fishes and how to manage and conserve aquatic ecosystems. We use a variety of approaches including analyzing monitoring data across regional scales, sampling along disturbance gradients, collecting trait data from natural history collections, and testing mechanisms in field and lab experiments. More details on the lab
here: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fumich.edu%2Falofs&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Caafbaed1640a40cbe21b08d6124d499c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636716520496300874&sdata=wJaLlGoGTaiY6LfiLw7VcLWKxJ8PaNyOEsy1VAcg%2BNA%3D&reserved=0

This is a five year fully funded doctoral program in Resource Ecology Management to start in Fall 2019. Funding includes stipend, tuition/mandatory fees waiver, and benefits), plus benefits. More details about the program and current students can be found here:

Students should have a strong interest and background in ecology, evolution, conservation, limnology, fisheries, natural resource management, science communication and/or statistics and modelling.
Students who have completed an MSc and/or have authored a research publication are especially encouraged.  A Bachelor’s degree is required.

About SEAS, the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor:
The School for Environment and Sustainability is a collaborative and interdisciplinary school. Our mission includes contributing to the protection of environmental resources and the achievement of a sustainable society. We accomplish this by generating and sharing knowledge, contributing to policy and engaging managers and stakeholders. SEAS and U-M have a number of properties that are great places to do field research.
These include: University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) and E.S.
George Reserve. We have numerous local opportunities for collaboration and engagement through the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research
(CIGLR) and the Institute for Fisheries Research (IFR) and with colleagues at the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (GLERL) and USGS Great Lakes Science Center. We also utilize the extensive freshwater fish collections at the U-M Museum of Zoology. The University of Michigan is a top-ranked public university with excellence in research and teaching. Ann Arbor, home to the University of Michigan, is a town known for arts, culture, parks and restaurants.

How to Apply:
Applications are welcome and encouraged from all qualified individuals regardless of background and identity. Details of applications to U-M SEAS graduate program can be found here: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fseas.umich.edu%2Fadmissions%2Fapply&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Caafbaed1640a40cbe21b08d6124d499c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636716520496300874&sdata=2DRFyW5kWKnzYTVBgD4Byp3Y2YYzuznou5jCkWqVPwU%3D&reserved=0.
The final deadline for PhD applications is December 14, 2018. Students must be accepted into the graduate program to join the lab.
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in the Alofs Lab, before submitting the above online application, please send a cover letter (including background and specific research interests), CV, unofficial transcripts to kmalofs@umich.edu. Please include “PhD Position” in the subject line of your email. Review of this material will be ongoing.

PhD opportunity in evolutionary ecology

The Walsh lab at the University of Texas at Arlington is recruiting PhD students for the Fall of 2019.  Research in the Walsh addresses questions at the interface of ecology and evolution in aquatic environments.  This position will have the opportunity to contribute to a NSF CAREER grant that is testing the role of phenotypic plasticity in adaptation. This project is resurrecting populations of waterfleas
(Daphnia) from lakes in Wisconsin that have recently adapted to a novel invasive predator. Activities associated with this position include field and laboratory experiments using aquatic organisms. Students with interests in the evolutionary ecology are encouraged to apply.

If interested, please send a brief statement of interests, CV, and GRE scores to Matt Walsh (matthew.walsh@uta.edu). Review of applicants will begin immediately. For more information about the lab, seehttps://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwalshlab.weebly.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C1aa5099b4b1645d4002e08d61192fcc5%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636715720350336137&sdata=Edxgs84i9wGs68%2FxpjVKSwfIS4mncYzQvFzd6tqSv5s%3D&reserved=0. For information regarding the graduate program at UTA, please see https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uta.edu%2Fbiology&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C1aa5099b4b1645d4002e08d61192fcc5%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636715720350336137&sdata=mMhzXpY0PGcNDQBsCqvIS9qQNM8N2VeEkSZSHahAX2E%3D&reserved=0.  UTA offers very competitive stipends that include a tuition waiver and health insurance coverage.

The Department and University have numerous resources including state- of-the-art labs, an Animal Care Facility, a Genomics Core Facility, a Center for Human Genomics, and the newly established Shimadzu Institute for Research Technologies – a major partnership between UT Arlington and Shimadzu Scientific Instruments that offers extensive resources for imaging, proteomics and analytical chemistry. The Department also benefits from access to core UT-system genomics and computational resources at UT Southwestern Medical Center and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) – one of the leading advanced computing centers in the U.S.

Arlington is a city of approximately 365,000 and is conveniently located in the center of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Within a 25-mile radius of the center of Arlington is a workforce of over two million people. The city has 82 public parks, including River Legacy Parks, a 1,300-acre oasis on the Trinity River in the heart of north Arlington.
Arlington is the home of the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, the Texas Rangers Ballpark, and Six Flags Over Texas. Cost of living is relatively low for a major metropolitan area. The Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport is the fourth largest airport in the US. More information on the city of Arlington can be found athttps://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.experiencearlington.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C1aa5099b4b1645d4002e08d61192fcc5%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636715720350336137&sdata=wzYZkDzYq2PwyyPLvbJ0zY%2BMGRc%2FNSHHYmzXWcLA5ng%3D&reserved=0.

Graduate Student Position studying alternative reproductive tactics at BGSU

We seek a graduate student for a newly NSF-funded project examining the life history decisions made by male smallmouth bass. The student will begin in Spring 2019 (ideally), will be based at Bowling Green State University (working with Daniel Wiegmann), and will collaborate with faculty at Rice University (Scott Egan and Kelly
Weinersmith) and Colorado State (Lisa Angeloni). We offer full funding for a Master’s student, or partial funding for a PhD student (whose funding would subsequently be covered by teaching assistantships).

This project would be a good fit for a student interested in a career in natural resource management, evolutionary biology, and/or advanced quantitative methods.

Please send an email containing your CV to Drs. Daniel Wiegmann at ddwiegm@bgsu.edu and Kelly Weinersmith at Weinersmith@Rice.edu if you’re interested. Thanks!

Here is an abstract for the project:

The realization that many, perhaps most, alternative reproductive tactics, or ARTs, depend on individual condition sparked a general interest in the proximate control of tactic expression and the ultimate control of tactic frequencies within populations.
How ARTs coexist within a population is an evolutionary puzzle that is only partially resolved.  ARTs are evolutionary solutions to reproductive competition, products of an investment strategy that accounts for individual condition and fit into a broader category of investment strategies, which includes life history decisions.  ARTs reflect allocation responses to conditions under which individuals have developed.  Project researchers will detail ARTs in a population of smallmouth bass (Micropterous
dolomieu) from data collected in a ten-year, multigenerational study that includes detailed information on individual reproductive behavior.  The system has special intrigue because a non-genetic parental effect is hypothesized to cause tactic alternation within lineages, across generations, which may facilitate or impede adaptive evolutionary processes.  To test the genetic basis of this tactic polymorphism, RADSeq from preserved tissue samples will be used to generate thousands of SNPs across the genome and paternity analysis will be applied to trace tactic choices by males in 240-381 lineages, across 1-5 generations to detail parent and offspring tactic choices.  Developmental conditions and growth histories will be determined from field data and scale samples to identify factors that control the expression of tactics.  Undergraduates from underrepresented groups in STEM and graduate students will be trained in genetics, genomics, bio-informatics and fisheries techniques.  Results will be disseminated through press releases, podcasts, blog posts and an animated video made publicly available and distributed to resource managers and others to display where fishing licenses are sold.

Graduate position: PurdueU.HoneybeeEvolutionaryGenetics

Description: Two full-time Graduate Research Assistantships (Ph.D.) are
available beginning Summer/Fall 2019 in the laboratory of Dr. Brock Harpur (
beemolevo.com) in the Department of Entomology at Purdue University.

North American honeybee populations are non-native. They originate from
European settlers who brought colonies from at least two highly-diverged
source populations. How does admixture of highly diverged populations
influence gene expression, gene regulation, phenotypic expression, and
ultimately the evolution of traits? The Harpur lab is seeking two Ph.D.
students to combine genomics, transcriptomics, computational biology, and
biochemistry to tackle this question focusing on industry-relevant traits.
Application of molecular techniques and outreach to beekeepers and the
community will be an integral part of the students’ training.

Contact: Interested candidates should contact Dr. Harpur (b.harpur@gmail.com)
by November 17th, 2018. Please contact him with any questions. To be
considered for this position send a C.V., contact information for 3
references and a 1-page cover letter describing research interests and
background (use email subject line: “Grad Fellowship: Harpur Lab”). You can
also meet Dr. Harpur in person at the 2018 ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual
Meeting (Entomology 2018) in Vancouver.

About Purdue University: The Department of Entomology at Purdue is an
integral part of the College of Agriculture, one of the world’s leading
colleges of agricultural, food, life, and natural resource sciences, ranked
eighth globally in the 2016 QS World University Rankings. The College is
deeply committed to the three land-grant missions (teaching, research, and
extension), to international activities and perspectives that span all
missions. The College has 11 academic departments and includes 325 faculty,
2782 undergraduate students, and 690 graduate students. The College’s
strategic plan can be accessed at

For more information on the Entomology Graduate Program, Purdue University
and West Lafayette, Indiana see:
http://www.entm.purdue.edu/prospective-grads/,  http://www.purdue.edu/ and

The Department and College of Agriculture are committed to advancing
diversity in all areas of faculty effort, including scholarship,
instruction, and engagement. Purdue is an ADVANCE institution –
www.purdue.edu/advance-purdue .  Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer.
All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with
disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.


Graduate position: GeorgiaSouthernU.PlantEvolution

M.S. Position starting Spring 2019, Plant Evolution and Ecology

The Schenk lab at Georgia Southern University invites applicants for
a Masterขs Degree in plant evolution and ecology, starting Spring
semester, 2019.  Our lab group is interested in how botanical diversity
has been shaped by the interactions among morphological, ecological, and
species diversification.  We apply statistical phylogenetic approaches
that quantify and incorporate molecular, morphological, and ecological
variation to plant systems in order to understand the evolutionary
processes of how and why species diversify.

Tuition and stipend for competitive students that meet all requirements
will be supported by research and teaching assistantships.  For full
consideration, the application deadline is October 1st, 2018.

Interested students should contact Dr. John Schenk
(jschenk@georgiasouthern.edu) prior to submitting an application (the
earlier the better).  For more information, visit the Schenk lab website
(https://sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/schenk) and the Department
of Biology’s website (http://cosm.georgiasouthern.edu/biology).
More information about the Biology graduate
program can be found at the departmental web page

John J. Schenk, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Plant Biology
Georgia Southern University Herbarium (GAS), Curator
Department of Biology
4324 Old Register Road

Georgia Southern University

Statesboro, GA 30460-8042

Office:  2260 Biology Building
Office phone:  (912) 478-0848
Lab website: sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/schenk
Herbarium website: sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/gasherbarium

jschenk <jschenk@georgiasouthern.edu>

Grad student opportunities in soil ecology and biogeochem McGill

Graduate (PhD and MSc) Opportunities in Soil Biogeochemistry

Timeline for application: Until filled

Start date: For Canadian citizens: January 2019 (application deadline Oct 15th 2019) or for Fall Term (application deadline May 31st 2019). For non- Canadian citizens: Fall 2019 (application deadline March 15th 2019).

Opportunities: The Soil Ecology and Biogeochemistry Lab
(https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkallenbachcm.wixsite.com%2Fsoils&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cd22b686d8be54ac8810008d60ff82599%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636713955793143984&amp;sdata=NAaXGkLy534Snp%2FGMS7f%2FG4GtmzOI2B0%2FbvfWOy16Yg%3D&amp;reserved=0) at McGill University MacDonald campus is seeking highly motivated individuals for open MSc and PhD positions. The lab emphasizes research that couples soil ecology and biogeochemistry to understand soil organic matter turnover and accumulation and microbial-plant interactions affecting carbon and nutrient cycling in an agroecosystem specific context and in response to global change.
Students will be guided in developing research projects that will use an integrated approach, combining lab, greenhouse, and field-based studies with advanced chemical and biological molecular techniques.

Applicants should include a cover letter stating research and career goals, current transcripts and resume, and contact information (addresses, email and phone numbers) of at least two references.
Please send application materials to Dr. Cynthia Kallenbach, Department of Natural Resource Sciences; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
E-mail: Cynthia.kallenbach@mcgill.ca.

Stipend: Annual stipend and tuition will be covered. Scholarship and teaching assistant opportunities to supplement stipend are also available.

Additional information: McGill University is Canada’s premiere university for research excellence and teaching and one of the top 50 universities worldwide. The Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Science is located at McGill’s Macdonald Campus, just 30 km from vibrant downtown Montreal, providing students with both urban culture and recreational opportunities.
Graduate students at Macdonald campus are a quarter of the student body and the campus houses 8 graduate programs and over 100 faculty members. McGill University is committed to diversity and equity and welcomes applications
from: women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, visible minorities, and others who may contribute to diversification. For further information on the Natural Resource Sciences department and application process please visit:https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mcgill.ca%2Fnrs%2Fgraduate-&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cd22b686d8be54ac8810008d60ff82599%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636713955793143984&amp;sdata=zEb1YXaXIgQCsPP2U7Bd3uoBtsHus9h4dQPwMbso8ZE%3D&amp;reserved=0

Graduate student in tropical insect ecology

Applicants are invited from one student (Ph.D. or M.S.) (start date January
2019) to join the lab of Dr. Donald Yee. The position will focus on aspects of the ecology of insects in El Yunque National Forest (YNF) in Puerto Rico at the Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research site (LTER). The position will be supported during the summer months in the YNF by a NSF funded LTER project involving changes in leaf litter insect communities across different land use types.

For student research projects, multiple areas are welcome, although students interested in aquatic insect communities that occur in the flowers of Heliconia caribaea are STRONGLY encouraged to apply. These systems support a diverse assemblage of aquatic insects and since Hurricane Maria in September
2017 the number of plants has increased dramatically. Areas of research using these systems could include metacommunities, community assembly, effects on species diversity, and species interactions. More info on the LTER can be found here:  https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fluq.lter.network%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C99773494a0204be44bf708d60ff8137e%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636713955504217401&amp;sdata=9y9JNh3I7aRN4Z81dYmyla0rXdzgxCfV88844TKN8ZI%3D&amp;reserved=0

Prior field experience and coursework in ecology, entomology, and statistics is preferred.

More information about the Yee lab can be found at:

Full tuition scholarships for successful applicants are provided. Support is provided by teaching assistantships and research assistantships when available.

Although the School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences at USM does not have a minimum set of scores to be eligible for entrance into the graduate program, potential applicants should expect to have a minimum GPA of 3.00 and have taken the GRE before application. For more information on admission follow this link:

Deadline for Spring 2019 applications is 15 October 2018.

The University of Southern Mississippi, a Carnegie Research High Activity institution with 15,000 students, is located in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, near the Gulf Coast and has abundant opportunities for outdoor recreation.
Hattiesburg is the medical, commercial and cultural center of southern Mississippi and is ranked in the top five small metropolitan areas in the United States. The School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences is comprised of about thirty faculty and offers baccalaureate, Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees. Over 60 graduate students currently pursue master’s and doctoral degrees. Further information about the school may be found at: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usm.edu%2Fbiological-sciences&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C99773494a0204be44bf708d60ff8137e%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636713955504217401&amp;sdata=Zli5uniMTubPtw92%2BIs9MNUMM5g0kIztPqEqHZOT%2BBw%3D&amp;reserved=0

To inquire, submit (via e-mail) a cover letter with a brief (~ one page) review of your research experience + interests and goals and a CV to:


Donald A. Yee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences University of Southern Mississippi

Ph.D./M.S. Graduate Research Assistantships – Auburn University (AL) – fish ecology

Ph.D. and M.S. Graduate Research Assistantships: Fish Ecology
Auburn University, School of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences
We are seeking interested and qualified applicants for 2-3 graduate student positions at either the MS or PhD level to participate in a large scale, comprehensive study of the influence of dams on riverine fish populations.  The overall project is combining field sampling and tracking, laboratory experiments, and hydrological /behavioral simulation modeling components, all in a collaborative research effort.  The projects on which these particular assistantships would be working would include effects of large lock-and-dam systems on riverine fishes, potential for fish to pass structures using spillways and lock chambers, effects of flow and temperature changes due to hydropower dams on fish movement, diet, and energetics, and use of hard part microchemistry to study natal origins and fish movement as a response to the presence of dams. 
Feel free to contact me with any questions or for additional information.
Dennis DeVries

Research Technician: Plant-fungal Interactions

The research technician position is a one year, full-time (with benefits and possible extension) position, beginning October 1, 2018. The technician will assist in field and greenhouse-based research in plant ecology based out of Bard College, Annandale, NY. The project is focused on plant-soil interactions, and work involves seed germination trials, fungal culturing, vegetation surveys, and greenhouse-based experiments. Opportunities for learning DNA sequencing will exist, but experience is not required. The technician will be responsible for coordinating daily operations, maintaining equipment, recording data, and managing undergraduate researcher teams.  Proficiency with data management in Excel is necessary, and experience conducting statistical analyses in R is desirable. This job also requires the ability to conduct physically rigorous work in a variety of weather conditions, and occasional out-of-state travel. The technician must have excellent organizational and communication skills. Master’s degree preferred. At minimum, technician must have a bachelor’s degree in biology or allied fields, a valid driver’s license, and experience conducting or managing research projects. Interested candidates should submit a letter of application, CV, and the names of three references to Dr. Cathy Collins through Interfolio.com (linked via the Bard College employment website).

Research Specialist Hire

Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The successful candidate will assist in molecular research on barred owls, under the guidance of the PI and laboratory manager. The candidate will work on a study investigating the diet of barred owls in California; however, opportunity may arise to explore other research questions. Procedures include: DNA extraction, PCR, qPCR, and library preparation for sequencing on the MiSeq platform.
The candidate will be responsible for sample cataloging, storage and the upkeep and maintenance of the sample database.
Responsibilities will include participation in molecular laboratory cleaning and maintenance. It is expected that the research specialists will be an active participant in the lab and attend and present at laboratory meetings. Additional responsibilities may include assistance on other projects in the molecular laboratory and bioinformatic analysis of sequence data.
REQUIREMENTS: Masters degree (MSc) preferred, but will consider Bachelors degree, in zoology, ecology, genetics, conservation or related field required. At least one year experience in a molecular research laboratory is required. Demonstrated ability in molecular biology techniques including next-generation sequencing, database maintenance, particularly Microsoft Access, and ability to learn new techniques is highly desired.
APPOINTMENT AND SALARY: The position will be available September 15, 2018, flexible start date. The duration of the appointment is 1 years, with the possibility of renewal year pending funding levels. Salary minimum is $30,207 annual depending on qualification, and the position includes health insurance. 
APPLICATION/CONTACT INFORMATION: Applicant must have current resume/CV, a cover letter briefly describing qualifications relevant to the positions and three professional references.
Applications close at 11:55PM on Sept 5.
UW-Madison is an AA/EEO employer, including protected veterans and qualified individuals with a disability. 
Any questions about the position can be directed to: Emily Fountain, efountain@wisc.edu, 608-265-2228