
M.S./Ph.D. Graduate Assistantships in Disease Ecology at Virginia Tech

M.S./Ph.D. Graduate Assistantships in Disease Ecology at Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech
Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Laboratory of Disease Ecology and Biogeography
Blacksburg, VA
Job Category
Graduate Assistantships
Stipend, tuition, and student health benefits
Last Date to Apply
October 20, 2018
Are you interested in understanding why epidemics occur in some places but not others? Many studies have shown that infectious diseases do not occur at random; outbreaks occur under specific environmental conditions facilitated by specific human activities and behaviors. To effectively control and anticipate epidemics, it is indispensable to understand the ecological factors that better explain the occurrence of an outbreak. Disease ecology helps to determine how changes in the environment are associated with emerging infectious diseases. MS and/or PhD student positions are available for Spring 2019/Fall 2019 to conduct research in the areas of biogeography and ecology of infectious diseases. The intended research will use ecological niche modeling and other analytical tools to study infectious diseases affecting humans and wildlife. Potential research topics include rabies, vector-borne diseases, mange, and others. In addition to research work, responsibilities will include acquiring teaching experience, raising extramural funding for international internships and research work, and mentoring of undergraduate students. We are seeking highly motivated students to be part of a research team investigating diseases using theory and methods from ecology and biogeography. Preference will be given to candidates with evident passion for these topics and quantitative and writing skills.
The positions are based within Dr. Luis Escobar at the Laboratory of Disease Ecology and Biogeography, in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, which is affiliated to the Global Change Center and part of the College of Natural Resources and the Environment, the No. 1 ranked natural resources program in the US (by USA Today) for three years running.
The Escobar’s group is highly collaborative and works with researchers in universities across the US, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and with state, federal, and non-governmental agencies. International students are accepted. This position includes full tuition and salary support. Minorities and underrepresented groups in STEM are encouraged to apply.
Virginia Tech’s main campus is located in Blacksburg, Virginia, in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The New River Valley offers the charm of a small town combined with the modern conveniences of a metropolitan area. The thriving community boasts a plethora of unique and chain restaurants and stores, symphonies, theatres, historical attractions, museums, a vibrant night-life, sporting events, outdoor recreation activities, and a temperate climate. We have mountains to the west, the ocean to the east, and Washington D.C. to the north.
The Laboratory has a long history of multidisciplinary research. Students from diverse academic backgrounds with interest in joining the lab are encouraged to apply (e.g., B.S. in wildlife, ecology, computer sciences, statistics, mathematics, or related fields are welcomed). Applicants must have a strong work ethic; quantitative, oral, and written communication skills; high attention to detail; the ability to work independently and collaboratively within a culturally diverse team; and capacity to work long hours. A prior DVM or a MS in ecology, epidemiology, or related biological or health sciences would be a plus, although not required.
To apply
Send a single pdf including: 1) a cover letter of no more than two pages that highlights your research interests, interest in graduate school, interest in infectious diseases, and why we should consider your application; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) unofficial transcripts; 4) sample of scientific writing (e.g., a manuscript in preparation, an undergraduate thesis, published manuscript as first author); and 5) contact information for 3 references who can explain your research skills and interests. Application consideration will begin on October 20, 2018 and will continue until the positions are filled. References will only be contacted after applicants are notified.
Contact Person
Contact Dr. Luis Escobar at escobar1@vt.edu for additional questions and to submit your application.

PhD position: Dynamics and viability of trailing-edge populations

Subject: PhD position: Dynamics and viability of trailing-edge populations

A PhD position is available in the Chandler Lab at the University of Georgia to study the dynamics and viability of trailing-edge populations of birds near their southern breeding range limits in the Appalachian Mountains. The research will involve collecting demographic data on bird populations, and developing novel statistical models to forecast spatio-temporal population dynamics in response to environmental change in the region. Five years of data have already been collected. Preference will be given to applicants with a strong background in population ecology and statistical modeling.
Field experience with songbirds is desirable but not required. Four years of funding is available through a NSF CAREER grant. The start date is negotiable, but is anticipated to be August 1, 2019. Applicants should send a single PDF including a coverletter, CV, and contact information for three references to Richard Chandler (rchandler@warnell.uga.edu). Applications will be accepted until Dec 1, 2018.

Graduate position: EastCarolinaU.FrogColorEvolution

I am seeking a PhD student to carry out research associated with an
NSF-supported project focused on the genetic underpinnings of mimicry and
color pattern evolution in a mimetic radiation of poison frogs in Peru
(see description below), starting in Spring or Fall 2019. Candidates
must have a strong academic record and be motivated to continue
learning. Desirable qualifications for the position include an interest
in the evolutionary biology and genetics of tropical amphibians, and
some combination of 1) background in evolutionary genetics or genomics,
2) experience working in a molecular genetics laboratory, 3) previous
work with amphibians and captive breeding, 4) fieldwork on amphibians
(especially in Latin America), 5) programming experience in R, Python
and/or UNIX.

Direct support through research assistantships is available for 2
years, followed by support through teaching assistantships (at least 5
years of support in total). The Department of Biology at ECU is large
and multidisciplinary, with strong research groups in evolution,
ecology, behavior and genomics: see www.ecu.edu/biology for more
information on the department. East Carolina University is located
in Greenville, North Carolina, centrally located between Raleigh and
the Outer Banks. The Summers lab focuses on evolution, ecology and
behavior of the Neotropical poison frogs. See my lab research page at
http://blog.ecu.edu/sites/summersk/research-page/ for more information. I
encourage applications from minorities and under-represented groups of
all kinds. Please send a letter detailing your research interests and
experience, as well as a current CV (including coursework), GRE scores
(if available), and names and addresses of three references, to Kyle
Summers (summersk@ecu.edu).

This project combines three research groups with complementary skills
and realms of expertise to investigate the genetic basis and population
genomic processes underlying color pattern divergence in the context of
mimicry in the Peruvian mimic poison frog, Ranitomeya imitator: Dr. Kyle
Summers (East Carolina University), Dr. Rasmus Nielsen (UC Berkeley)
and Dr. Matthew MacManes (University of New Hampshire). The project will
make use of several different approaches: 1. Next generation sequencing
(RNAseq, Illumina platform) will be used to produce transcriptomes across
species, color pattern morphs, and color patches within morphs. These
will be assembled and used to investigate patterns of differential gene
expression. 2.  Genome-wide marker arrays (exome capture sequences)
will be used to screen transition zone samples and enable divergence
and admixture mapping to identify candidate genes. 3. We will test the
association of specific candidate loci with color pattern variation
using pedigree analyses of candidate genes identified from 1 and 2,
using a multigenerational pedigree. 4. We will investigate the expression
patterns of these genes in developing embryos using designed hybridization
probes. 5. We will use phylogenomic methods to reconstruct the evolution
of the divergent populations of R. imitator, and of the color genes in
those populations. 6. We will test specific hypotheses regarding selection
and demographic processes in the transition zones and between mimics and
models. Together these complementary, mutually reinforcing approaches
will begin to reveal the genetic underpinnings and population genomics
of color pattern diversity in this mimetic radiation of poison frogs.

Kyle Summers
Dept. of Biology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC  27858

“Summers, Kyle” <SUMMERSK@ecu.edu>


Graduate Positions: RiceU.Ecology&Evolution

The Department of BioSciences at Rice University invites applications for admission into our Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. program. BioSciences is home to a vibrant community of faculty, postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate scholars in Ecology and Evolution, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics and Neuroscience. Our EEB program has particular strengths in animal behavior, population and community ecology, conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, and evolutionary genetics and genomics.
The following faculty members are potentially accepting graduate students for Fall 2019:
Lydia Beaudrot (beaudrot@rice.edu): community ecology, macroecology, and conservation biology of tropical mammals
Adrienne Correa (ac53@rice.edu): coral reef virus isolation and characterization, multipartite symbioses, SISPA, omics, community ecology
Scott Egan (scott.p.egan@rice.edu): population genetics and genomics of rare species, environmental DNA surveillance, community metagenetics, conservation biology, evolutionary biology
Volker Rudolf (volker.rudolf@rice.edu): Community, population, and disease ecology; climate change; biodiversity
Julia Saltz (julia.b.saltz@rice.edu): Development and evolution of individual differences in behavior, behavioral genetics, evolutionary feedbacks, phenotypic plasticity, learning.
We offer highly competitive financial support, a supportive and friendly environment, and light teaching requirements for graduate students. We are located in Houston, Texas, an exciting, diverse, and affordable city with world-class opportunities for dining, arts, and entertainment and access to diverse terrestrial and aquatic environments. Rice is located beside one of the country’s largest medical research centers, providing additional opportunities in bioinformatics and genomics.
Completed applications should be received by December 31 to ensure full consideration. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact potential faculty advisors before applying. Complete information about the graduate program, including application instructions and how waive the application fee, may be found at https://biosciences.rice.edu/graduate-studies/eeb-grad-program

Graduate Residency – Masters of Natural Resources

Subject: Graduate Residency – Masters of Natural Resources
Graduate Residency – Master of Natural Resources
Scholarships of $8000 available. Start: August 2019
A University of Idaho, McCall Outdoor Science School graduate resident develops the skills and expertise to impact the workforce and the world.
This one-year experience supports two degree options: a Master of Natural Resources (MNR) or a graduate certificate that enhances a current Ph.D study plan. Each option provides students with experience and marketability.
Graduate residents in the Environmental Education and Science Communication program:
To inquire about application details, contact Leslie Dorsey, ldorsey@uidaho.edu or call 208-885-1085.

Graduate position in quantitative community and spatial ecology

Subject: Graduate position in quantitative community and spatial ecology

The Shoemaker lab is accepting applications for 1-2 graduate students (Masters or Ph.D.) who will start fall 2019 at the University of Wyoming in the Program in Ecology or the Botany Department. Our lab’s research broadly focuses on understanding spatial and temporal community dynamics and coexistence. We combine ecological theory and modeling with experimental tests of underlying mechanisms across a variety of systems, using protist microcosms, grassland manipulations, and long-term datasets. Our research focuses on how spatial heterogeneity, dispersal, and stochasticity alter coexistence of competing species and underlying community composition. More information on our research can be found at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flaurenshoemaker.weebly.com%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C6dee99f309ad4e9484d708d61e1521f8%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636729473459601649&amp;sdata=VYAV6YJxTKkqSSZpdwaK0Wm7GNsRou3jqz6wID4lcig%3D&amp;reserved=0.

Qualified applicants should have previous research experience that matches any of the lab’s general research themes, and students with strong quantitative backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply. We are interested in students from a diversity of backgrounds, including ecology, biology, mathematics, and computer science. We value diversity and encourage students from underrepresented groups to apply. Graduate students will be supported in part by a new 5-year, $20 million NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 grant to the University of Wyoming. Additional details can be found at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uwyo.edu%2Fepscor%2Fmicrobial-ecology%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C6dee99f309ad4e9484d708d61e1521f8%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636729473459601649&amp;sdata=ynRAWkVe6lOiJZV8z3pCFup27ZL4q1HSo6CPDcNg0AA%3D&amp;reserved=0.

To apply, contact Dr. Lauren Shoemaker at lshoema1@uwyo.edu with (1) a CV that includes relevant research or work experience, GPA, and relevant previous classes and (2) a brief description of your research background, future research ideas, and interest in joining the lab. This will allow us to discuss research interests and fit before submitting an official application. The application deadline is January 31 (Program in Ecology) or February 1 (Botany), however applicants are encouraged to express interest as soon as possible.

The University of Wyoming has a total enrollment of 12,000 full-time students with active ecological research across multiple departments, including Botany, Zoology and Physiology, Ecosystem Science and Management, and the Program in Ecology. The university is located in Laramie, a mountain town with a relatively low cost of living that is close to multiple field sites, several mountain ranges, and within easy driving distance of Colorado’s Front Range corridor (Fort Collins, Boulder, and Denver). The University of Wyoming is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law and University policy.  Please see https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.uwyo.edu%2Fdiversity%2Ffairness&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C6dee99f309ad4e9484d708d61e1521f8%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636729473459601649&amp;sdata=44sp0KtaDPbAUJU9%2FGjiHZj5yDPdtwVZEjzlbaUwW%2Bg%3D&amp;reserved=0.

Graduate student positions in plant-microbe interactions

Subject: Graduate student positions in plant-microbe interactions

The Schaeffer Lab in the Department of Biology at Utah State University (USU) is looking for MS/PhD students starting Fall 2019. Potential to start earlier however may be possible for the right candidate.

The lab uses experiments and field studies, coupled with chemical, molecular, and bioinformatic techniques, to examine the ecology and evolution of cross-kingdom interactions between plants, insects, and microbes in both natural and human-modified ecosystems. Many research topics can be pursued, including but not limited to, the chemical and evolutionary ecology of plant-pollinator-microbe interactions, microbial-assisted biocontrol of plant disease and invasives, among others. Students are welcome to work on systems in which research is already being pursued in the lab; however, I strongly encourage development of independent lines of research, as well as pursuit of external funding to support those efforts.

The Department of Biology and USU offer excellent opportunities for education, training, funding, and collaboration. All graduate students in the department are provided with a competitive stipend and benefits for up to 3 (MS students) or 6 (PhD students) years through a combination of fellowships, teaching assistantships, and research assistantships. Moreover, abundant opportunities for collaboration exist, given the vibrant research community that spans across the Biology department, Ecology Center, and two USDA-ARS labs focused on pollinating insects and poisonous plants respectively. Finally, being centered in the Cache Valley of northern Utah, Logan offers abundant
recreation opportunities, given close proximity to the Wasatch Range, as well as National parks.

Prospective students should email me (schaeffer.robert@gmail.com) with a note expressing research interests, as well as a description of your past research experience. Please include your C.V. and contact information for three references. Ideal applicants will have: background in plant or microbial ecology, or related subject; strong written and oral communication skills, strong quantitative and/or bioinformatic skills; ability to work independently or part of a collaborative team.

Please visit the lab webpage for more information:

Robert Schaeffer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (starting Jan 2019)
Department of Biology
Utah State University

PhD assistantship: modeling virus transmission in salmon

Subject: PhD assistantship: modeling virus transmission in salmon
Dr. Paige Ferguson, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama, is seeking a PhD student to begin in Spring 2019, Summer 2019, or Fall 2019.
Research will focus on modeling transmission of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in salmonids in the Columbia River Basin. IHNV causes severe disease, predominantly in juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and less frequently in Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha). Mortality events following IHNV infection can be devastating for individual hatchery programs. In this project, there will be close collaboration with colleagues at the USGS Western Fisheries Research Center, University of Washington, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, and fish health agencies. The specific research questions will be determined based on the interests of the student and collaborators. For more background, see: Ferguson, Breta, Brito, Kurath, LaDeau. 2018. An epidemiological model of virus transmission in salmonid fishes of the Columbia River Basin. Ecological Modelling 377: 1-15.
Applicants should have a background in many of the following: fisheries management, disease ecology, epidemiology, GIS, ecological modeling, statistics, computer programming, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Applicants should be highly motivated and prepared to conduct independent modeling research.
To apply, please email Dr. Ferguson (pfferguson@ua.edu) the following:
1. a cover letter describing your interest in the project and prior experiences that have prepared you for graduate work in Dr. Ferguson’s lab
2. your transcript(s) (an unofficial copy is fine),
3. GRE scores,
4. a sample of your scientific writing (for example a manuscript or lab report), and
5. contact information for 3 references.
Applications are due November 1. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
The position comes with a full tuition waiver, a competitive 12 month stipend, and health insurance. Funding is available as a Graduate Teaching Assistant through the Department of Biological Sciences. Highly qualified applicants may be considered for Graduate School Fellowships, which offer a Research Assistantship during the student’s first year.
Additional information is available from the following links:
Dr. Ferguson’s Research: http://bsc.ua.edu/paige-ferguson/
Department of Biological Sciences: http://bsc.ua.edu/
Graduate School: http://graduate.ua.edu
University of Alabama: http://www.ua.edu
Outdoor opportunities in Alabama: http://www.outdooralabama.com
Dr. Paige Ferguson
Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
The University of Alabama

Graduate Positions Bee Ecology OSU

Toxic Risks to Bees in Urban and Agricultural Landscapes

Drs. Reed Johnson and Mary Gardiner, The Ohio State University, Department of Entomology, are seeking PhD students to investigate the impacts of toxic exposure on bee health and conservation in urban and agricultural environments. Soils in urban Cleveland, OH contains elevated levels of Pb, Cd, Cr, and other contaminants. Pesticide use in agricultural areas expose bees to potentially harmful levels of neonicotinoid insecticides, particularly through dust generated during corn planting.  Both urban and agricultural areas are being studied as potential sites for arthropod conservation, thus it is vital to understand if a legacy of soil contamination or insecticide exposure influences their value for bee biodiversity and productivity. Students could quantify the impacts of pesticide or heavy metal exposure by studying bee foraging behavior, reproduction, and/or pollination services in wild or managed bees. The successful candidates would conduct a combination of laboratory and field-based research. Students with experience working with bees, extracting DNA, conducting PCR analyses, and using bioinformatics tools are strongly encouraged to apply. Selected students would begin their programs in Fall, 2019.
Minimum requirements to apply include previous research experience, a
3.6 or higher undergraduate GPA and a 75th percentile or higher average on the verbal and quantitative portions of the GRE.

To learn more about our projects please email us a brief statement of your interests along with a CV or resume.

Reed Johnson

Mary Gardiner

Ph.D. position in grassland plant community dynamics and climate change

Subject: Ph.D. position in grassland plant community dynamics and climate change

The Damschen Plant Community Ecology Lab in the Department of Integrative Biology and the University of Wisconsin-Madison is accepting applications for a Ph.D. student position that will start in fall 2019.
Our lab seeks to understand the impact of local and regional processes on plant community composition and diversity within the context of global change impacts and potential conservation and restoration solutions. Our research lies at the interaction of basic and applied community ecology, using long-term datasets and large-scale experiments to test basic theory with relevance to applied conservation management.
While we work across ecosystem types, we focus on fire-maintained grasslands and savannas. More information about our research group can be found here: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdamschenlab.zoology.wisc.edu%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C52526eacddc64a5281e908d61e14f7bd%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636729472732874891&amp;sdata=ESmbt9MQe%2BvWvLUypOujmhBPGe1%2F7l1%2B6E9apNi5T9U%3D&amp;reserved=0

Outstanding Ph.D. student applicants with research interests that match with any of the overarching themes of our lab are encouraged to apply.
In particular, students interested in how disturbance regimes interact with climate change to affect plant communities are encouraged to apply.
We have recently received funding from the National Science Foundation to determine how disturbance by fire affects grassland and savanna plant community responses to winter climate change in Wisconsin and would like to accept one student to work on a thematically related dissertation project.

Qualified applicants should have a strong background in ecology and evolution and experience identifying and sampling plant communities.
Students who have a background in statistics, are willing to develop their quantitative skills, and have programming experience using R are preferred. Strong writing, communication, collaboration, and mentoring skills are also required. The position will be funded by research and/or teaching assistantships.

To apply, contact Dr. Ellen Damschen several weeks before the application deadline at damschen@wisc.edu with a CV or resume, undergraduate GPA, GRE scores and percentiles, and a brief description of research background, interests, and how they may fit with the broader research in the Damschen Lab. This will allow time to assess whether your research interests fit with our research group before submitting an official application. We value diversity and encourage students from underrepresented groups to apply. Official applications to our graduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are due December 1, 2018.
Instructions on how to apply can be found on our departmental webpage at
students/. Please indicate in your application that you are interested in applying to the Damschen Lab. Note that our departmental graduate program name is “Zoology”, but this is a broad program that does not place limits on the taxonomic scope of questions being pursued (plant ecologists welcome!). The University of Wisconsin-Madison has a strong program and rich history in ecological and conservation science. More about ecology at UW-Madison can be found at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fecology.wisc.edu%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C52526eacddc64a5281e908d61e14f7bd%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636729472732884900&amp;sdata=xkzQ6P6%2BQ%2BxzOL3RrNcDMKEk8flGojfbG%2FG6OH%2BK1w4%3D&amp;reserved=0.