
Job Postings

Dear Colleagues,


The Department posted the following requisition using MassCareers, a web-based Employee Career System.  The system allows internal and external job applicants to apply online.  You can apply for positions by logging into MassCareers or through the following portal through www.mass.gov/anf/employment-equal-access-disability/masscareers/masscareers.html


Requisition Link Functional Title Official Title Location



Invertebrate Fisheries Seasonal Sea Sampler Contracted Seasonal Employee Division of Marine Fisheries

836 South Rodney French Blvd.

New Bedford, MA

https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=190002EO Seasonal Recreational FisheriesTechnician Contracted Seasonal Employee Division of Marine Fisheries

836 South Rodney French Blvd.

New Bedford, MA




Recreational Fisheries MRIP Samplers Contracted Seasonal Employee Division of Marine Fisheries

836 South Rodney French Blvd.

New Bedford, MA



Please note that requisitions (former Posting IDs) will remain open for 90 days; however, first consideration will be given to those applicants that apply within the first 14 days of the posting. 

The MassCareers job posting is available by clicking on the Requisition Link. 

Division and Work Unit managers please ensure that these announcements are posted in a location for staff to view. 

The Department of Fish and Game is an Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer


Summer research assistant: freshwater crayfish ecology

The Reisinger lab at the University of Florida is looking for a responsible and motivated technician to assist with a freshwater crayfish ecology research project in summer 2019.

The research project is focused on how crayfish behavioral traits differ across populations collected from different environments. We are examining populations of rusty and virile crayfish across a wide geographic range, so this project will involve travelling to different locations in the southern, eastern, and midwestern USA to collect crayfish. We will also collect environmental variables from each stream we sample such as temperature, crayfish density, predation pressure on crayfish, and the abundance of benthic organic matter (food for crayfish). The technician will travel with a graduate student to different regions to collect crayfish and sample streams for a few weeks at a time. In between collection trips, the position will be based at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Housing will be provided during collection trips. Camping may be required at some locations.

We are looking for a technician who is eager to learn more about this research and will be motivated and resilient in the field. Applicants should have some college level coursework in ecology and a valid driver’s license. Prior experience with outdoor work, freshwater research, or crayfish collection is desirable but is not required. This is a full-time, paid position ($10 per hour). Employment will be approximately May 13 – August 9, 2019.

To apply: please send (1) your resume including your GPA (2) a cover letter describing your background (include relevant course work, field or lab experience, academic and career goals) and (3) the names and contact information for two references to Dr. Lindsey Reisinger (lreisinger1@ufl.edu). We will begin reviewing applications on April 5th and will continue until the position is filled.

Lindsey Reisinger’s lab is in the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program within the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida.

Forest Ecology REU

The Idaho Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modeling Lab (ITEAM) at the University of Idaho is seeking one paid undergraduate Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) intern for summer 2019. This National Science Foundation REU opportunity provides 11 weeks of funding ($500 stipend/week). The project offers ample opportunities for an undergraduate to develop a research project and pursue a senior-thesis while building the necessary foundation to pursue a career in ecological research.

The ITEAM lab studies forest ecosystems in relation to the interactions between climate change, policy decisions, and natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Current research projects include: exploring the use of ecosystem measurements in differing forest types to estimate carbon balances in the context of climate conditions; modeling forest ecosystem responses to changes in climate, wildfire, and forest management.

During the summer of 2019, the REU intern will assist the ITEAM lab with field work, data management, and research project development. The REU intern will be exposed to field techniques associated with forest inventories, and terrestrial vegetation and soil sampling to quantify ecosystem properties. The student will learn database usage, statistical/spatial analyses, and will communicate research findings in both oral and written forms.

Through this hands-on experience, the REU student will have to develop and implement a unique and independent research project associated with the lab’s field research.  There are many opportunities to develop an independent project with the mentoring of ITEAM members from both previously collected and the upcoming 2019 field season data. The student will have 11 weeks of full-time (40 hours/week) participation in the summer of 2019. For students attending U. Idaho, there is a possibility to continue their independent research with the ITEAM lab in the fall 2019 semester.

This position is located in Moscow, ID, which is a small college town on the Idaho/Washington border.  Moscow serves as a base camp for outdoor recreation opportunities with the Salmon River, the Wallowa Mountains, the Frank-Church Wilderness, and Hells Canyon all within a few hours. A housing stipend is not provided but housing in Moscow is very affordable and sublets are plentiful during the summer months.

Requirements: Junior-standing undergraduate (as of Fall 2019); minimum GPA of 3.0; significant interest in forest ecology, field research, camping, hiking, and outdoor elements; ability to take direction and learn from others; strong work ethic, self-motivated, and critical thinking skills with a desire to learn and develop research and professional communication skills. The schedule can be flexible to allow for summer travel plans but must be able to complete 11 weeks of full-time work between May 1 and October 1, 2019. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and currently enrolled as an undergraduate student. Students with backgrounds that are underrepresented in forest science are encouraged to apply.

Application:  Please submit a cover letter (detailing your interest, relevant experience and skills, and summer availability), resume, academic transcripts (unofficial fine), and 1-2 letters of recommendation (minimum one from academic faculty member familiar with your work) to Dr. Tara Hudiburg (thudiburg@uidaho.edu) by April 1st, 2019.

Calling NYC area citizen science volunteers!

Summer 2019 will be our 21st year conducting research on the diamondback terrapins nesting at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens.  This is serious science-we have an excellent publication record based on this work (see jbtr.org).  But we also do a lot of environmental education along the way. The site is readily available via public transportation, car, or bicycle.

This project regularly involves 50-70 volunteers aged 17+ years old, undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and up.  Once the nesting season starts in June we are in the field 7 days/week, dawn-dusk, so there are lots of opportunities to fit around everyone’s schedule.  People typically volunteer to get experience working with wildlife, to get research experience, and sometimes to carry out projects that earn them college credits.  Some college undergraduates have done such great projects that they resulted in presentations at scientific meetings and published papers in scientific journals.  Students who put in a solid summer of work also can count on a strong recommendation letter from me, which can be valuable for admissions to advanced programs.

If you would benefit from an experience like this, please visit jbtr.org and learn more about the project.

There’s no formal application, email me (biorlb@hofstra.edu), I will retain your email and contact you by mid-May and start arranging scheduling for June and July.

Dr. Russell Burke

Professor, Biology

Hofstra University

Ph.D. assistanceship in fire ecology at the University of Florida

The Crandall Fire Ecology Lab in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation (https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsfrc.ufl.edu%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271480688&sdata=KT9Spu%2B9K44fTDBQCfZpZwlBNxgnhDVquizbRXSRrF8%3D&reserved=0) at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL is accepting applications for a Ph.D. assistanceship. The student will be responsible for measuring vital rates (growth, survival, reproduction) of rare and threatened plant species in the Everglades National Park. Additionally, the successful candidate will be expected to develop his/her own independent research, engage in empirical research grounded in fire ecology, and apply findings to management and restoration of fire-frequented habitats of the Southeastern U.S.A. The student MUST have a M.S. degree prior to beginning graduate studies and experience/interest in plant population and community modeling. See the Crandall Lab website for more information:https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.ecologyonfire.com&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271480688&sdata=K0K6ltQ97wjX%2B6tiaHgkR%2BWCIRGt%2B0qZUlhJuzPc48w%3D&reserved=0

Stipend and Benefits: This is a grant-funded position that includes tuition waiver and competitive stipend ($21,000/year). The student is eligible for student health insurance and 1 week of personal leave per semester. Start Date: August 1, 2019. Gainesville Community: Gainesville, Florida, is a beautiful Central Florida town (https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.cityofgainesville.org&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271480688&sdata=lxmTxpjyI5TTqdfj%2FSMnnkpEQscGBZ3dSscUZz9BqJM%3D&reserved=0) with excellent cost of living, affordable housing, excellent schools, and numerous outside activities.

Since the preferred start date is quickly approaching, I encourage prospective students to start a conversation with me as soon as possible. If you are interested, please send an email to Rae Crandall at raecrandall@ufl.edu and include your CV, summary of research experience, brief statement of research interests, and reasons for pursuing a Ph.D. Formal applications to the University of Florida are due May 15, 2019: https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsfrc.ufl.edu%2Facademics%2Fhow-to-apply%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271480688&sdata=wmghjJQmSExsU8vF8Jw4cE4kDlpYiIKu5YWp59ZiXM4%3D&reserved=0

Student field job opportunity: Forest fire refugia in the Pacific Northwest

The Landscape Fire and Conservation Science Research Group (LCRSG) at Oregon State University is recruiting 2-3 technicians to assist with field data collection on fire effects in old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest during summer 2019.  This second announcement includes a specific job posting for student employees.

New link for students who are currently enrolled or who are planning to be enrolled in 2019:https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjobs.oregonstate.edu%2Fpostings%2F73946&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271470684&sdata=gO8Fg374xx0UdO%2BxkoN9jEQqQAx6rk%2BbqclVuBskkHo%3D&reserved=0

Prior job posting for non-students: https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjobs.oregonstate.edu%2Fpostings%2F73629&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271470684&sdata=u%2BFm86dfFkx61hQgu4Z2vaTE1aaYYS7B39FA5POWDLs%3D&reserved=0

Recent large wildfires have affected forest habitats that are important for Northern Spotted Owls and other vulnerable species.  This research project is quantifying the probability of fire refugia (locations that are relatively protected from fire) and high-severity fire across the area encompassed by the Northwest Forest Plan.  Please see additional details online:https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffirerefugia.forestry.oregonstate.edu%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271470684&sdata=HJB80DNBz7iUidzz65Cn0pRKhYaP1EKpLovXJGLrJoE%3D&reserved=0

This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in forest ecology, fire ecology, and forest mensuration.  Technicians will be involved in data collection on tree mortality and survival, fire effects, and post-fire vegetation responses.  We are particularly seeking individuals with expertise in forest inventory and plant identification, ideally in post-fire environments in Oregon, Washington, and Northern California.  This position is well-suited for those who enjoy working outside in forested mountainous terrain.

Position details:

• Location: Corvallis, Oregon with travel to National Forests in OR, WA, and northern CA

• Duration: 2 months between July and October, start and end dates flexible for optimal crew

• Work environment: Technician are required to work outdoors in all weather conditions and navigate steep, rugged, uneven terrain with dense vegetation while carrying up to 40 lbs.

For full consideration, please apply by April 1, 2019.  Questions can be directed to Garrett Meigs (garrett [dot] meigs [at] oregonstate.edu) or Meg Krawchuk (meg [dot] krawchuk [at] oregonstate.edu).

The LCRSG focuses on research in landscape ecology, biogeography, and conservation at scales ranging from local to global, with the specific aim of addressing the causes and consequences of ecological disturbances.  More information on our group can be found online: https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpeople.forestry.oregonstate.edu%2Fmeg-krawchuk%2Flab&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cf3f95622ab784ff7c19908d6b295aced%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636892753271470684&sdata=Js9bagtxaX%2B5TN6M5I15ps8DakYDIssfjbsuoV%2FTxzc%3D&reserved=0

Over 60 Paid Positions Open in Conservation and Restoration

The Great Basin Institute is a nonprofit organization that specializes in

conservation and restoration all throughout the West. We are currently

hiring for over 60 paid positions ranging from ecological monitoring,

wildlife monitoring, trail maintenance, range land management, and fuels

reduction. Follow the link below to learn more and see all of our open


NSF NRT Funded Master’s and PhD Positions in Resilience and Sustainability of Agro-Ecosystems

The National Research Traineeship (NRT) funded by the National Science Foundation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is seeking master’s and Ph.D. students for interdisciplinary training and study focused on understanding the resilience of agro-ecosystems, particularly the Platte River Basin. The basin, which originates in Wyoming and Colorado and drains through Nebraska, is one of the world’s most productive and efficient agricultural systems, not only supporting agriculture but also meeting the needs of industry and wildlife and for recreation and drinking water. Around the world, such competing demands on water resources, and external threats such as climate change and competition for land, make it increasingly critical to have the best and clearest scientific information to resolve complex food, energy, water, and ecosystem services problems. UNL’s NRT is training the next generation of natural and social scientists, computer and biological systems engineers, managers, and policymakers by increasing understanding and designing infrastructure that leads to a knowledge of how resilience is generated in complex systems of people and nature. The NRT provides cross-disciplinary academic and experiential training for a diverse group of graduate students in natural, social, and computational sciences. Students will receive their graduate degree from their home departments—such as the School of Natural Resources, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the Biological Systems Engineering Department, the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, or the Department of Political Science—and meet in the NRT laboratory for special trainings and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Students will participate in externships and workshops, engaging with partners from the agricultural industry, state and federal government, and private organizations interested in maintaining the resilience of healthy agro-ecosystems. Students will use resilience and panarchy theory, adaptive management, data science, novel sensing technologies and modeling, and policy interventions. They will help develop innovative tools for collecting, synthesizing, and analyzing data needed to make management and policy decisions. Students will collaborate with other NRTs and the Delft Institute for Water Education, traveling to the Netherlands to compare the agro-ecosystem of the Platte River Basin to those in Western Europe. They will have written a research paper or produced a product by the culmination of their program.

Annual stipends are $34,000 for master’s students (two-year maximum) and $36,000 for Ph.D. students (three-year maximum), along with health insurance and remission of tuition and selected university fees. Indigenous People and domestic students from other minority groups underrepresented in the sciences are especially encouraged to apply. International students are not eligible for this traineeship.

To apply, please email the following to Ronica Stromberg, Program Coordinator, at rstromberg3@unl.edu:

• Curriculum vitae

• Statement or letter of interest

• GRE or GMAT scores

• Academic transcripts

• UNL department in which you would plan to use the graduate school tuition benefit

For more information, email Ms. Stromberg or see https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnrt.unl.edu&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cd3a7e81b68d54ebb29dd08d6aea7e6e9%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636888433521388249&sdata=VbyYWCQcPrN2fI22%2FcfkRFQRFVSoxUrG2tqGzB1LcaI%3D&reserved=0.

Deadline for applications: March 29, 2019

Start date: August 1, 2019

Field Assistants for Grasshopper Ecology in Western Montana

are seeking undergraduates or college graduates who are interested in ecological research, are detail-oriented, enjoy working outdoors as part of a team, and can live cooperatively with others. The positions will be associated with Gary Belovsky’s long-term (30+ years) experimental project in Montana grasslands (NSF: LTREB).  This study uses field experiments to understand how food and predators influence grasshopper behavior and ecology in combination with varying climate.  Field assistants will help with the field portion of this project on the National Bison Range, Moiese, MT.

JOB DESCRIPTION: The position is 90% + fieldwork.  Paid research assistants will help set up (assemble experiments, catch grasshoppers and stock experiments), monitor, and take down experiments.  Daily work will include monitoring grasshopper densities in the experiments, maintaining experimental cages, and sampling vegetation and soils.  Assistants will gain experience with a wide variety of ecological field techniques, including insect enclosures, quantification of herbivore damage and plant growth, and grasshopper behavior.  Assistants also will learn relevant principles of experimental and sampling design in field ecology, as well as identification of key insects and plants in Palouse Prairie grasslands.

QUALIFICATIONS: 1. enrolled in or graduated from a program in ecology, biology, entomology, conservation biology or related field (or equivalent combination of training and experience), 2. ability to learn identification of grasshoppers and prairie flora, including grasses, quickly, 3. the ability to deal with a flexible work schedule (i.e., work around weather conditions and phenology of grasshoppers), 4. demonstrated ability to work independently and with other crew members in a professional manner while maintaining a positive and safe work environment, 5. valid Driver’s License.

APPLICATION DETAILS: 2 positions: One position starts May 15 and ends September 30, 2019.  Second position starts Aug 5 and ends Sept 30, 2019. Shared housing is provided near the research site.

For full consideration, apply by April 5, 2019 (closing date is April 15, 2019). Please send cover letter, resume and contact information for 3 references (name, position, phone, e-mail) to Jennifer Belovsky (belovsky.2@nd.edu).

Hiring is through the University of Notre Dame.  The University of Notre Dame is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

For more information visit the Belovsky labpage – – https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbelovskylab.nd.edu&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cd3a7e81b68d54ebb29dd08d6aea7e6e9%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636888433521428278&sdata=6KsbZv0asiiHfF1r9hX3the9H%2Fd517qOvMuvYGNVzv4%3D&reserved=0

REU in Grassland/Grasshopper Ecology in Western Montana

Gary Belovsky in the Dept. of Biological Sciences at the University of Notre Dame is seeking applicants for an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in summer 2019 to study insect ecology.

The REU student will be part of a research team examining grasshopper ecology in western Montana, at the National Bison Range National Wildlife Refuge in Moiese, Montana.  Potential projects for the REU include examining grasshopper population dynamics or species interactions (competition, predation, etc).

We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate with a solid academic record, and a strong interest in field ecology.  The REU will be working as part of a team, which can include working outside for long periods in unpredictable weather and conditions, and which requires the ability to work independently as well as contribute to a positive group dynamic.

The duration of the study is from May 20 to August 10 (twelve weeks), although the dates are somewhat flexible. The REU student will receive a stipend. Also, research supplies, lodging, and travel to/from Montana will be provided.

Review of applications will begin as applications are received and continue until filled. Eligible candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must be enrolled as an undergraduate for Fall 2019. Students from underrepresented groups in STEM disciplines are particularly encouraged to apply.

To apply, please e-mail the following application materials to Jennifer Belovsky

(belovsky.2@nd.edu) with the subject line “REU” preferably by April 5, 2019:

1.  Statement/cover letter explaining the following:

•why you are interested in this position

•what are your future plans

•dates you are available to start and end this position

•confirm eligibility for the REU program

•your e-mail address and phone number

2.  Resume

3. Names and contact information for two people who can serve as your references

For more information please contact:

Jennifer Belovsky

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Notre Dame
