Author: Davis, Miranda L.

Graduate position: USouthernMississippi.MarineEDNA

Graduate position advertisement below and attachedThe Phillips Lab in the School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences (BEES) at the University of Southern Mississippi (Carnegie R1) is recruiting a PhD student in Biology to develop and use environmental DNA (eDNA) tools to study the status and ecology of highly threatened ‘rhino rays’, including sawfish, wedgefish, and giant guitarfish. The successful candidate will join a diverse lab group and work as part of an international research team dedicated to shark and ray conservation. The successful candidate is expected to take initiative in developing and completing the scope and direction of their dissertation under the guidance of their PI and committee.Required Qualifications:BSc in Biology or a related fieldHighly self-motivatedCapacity to work independentlyStrong written and oral communication skills Interest in eDNA science Detail-orientedPreferred Qualifications:MS in Biology or related fieldPrevious experience with DNA extractions or PCR Peer-reviewed publication(s)A stipend will be provided via Teaching (initially) and/or Research Assistantships and include a full tuition waiver. Students are also encouraged to apply for additional scholarships that are available, to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.Interested candidates should email a cover letter/expression of interest and CV that includes contact information for three references Review of materials will begin immediately. Candidates will also need to formally apply to the USM Graduate program by February15 2024 for Fall 2024 admittance (preferred) or October 15 for a Spring2025 start.Helpful links:Graduate admissions process: requirements (School of BEES): about the Phillips Lab:

Research technician position in freshwater ecology

DESCRIPTION: One full-time position for a research assistant is available in the Aquatic Ecology Lab at The Ohio State University. The Research Technician will work on the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) and Ohio Department of Natural ResourcesÃ’Â- Division of Wildlife (ODNR-DOW) funded Lake Erie Plankton Abundance Study (LEPAS). LEPAS has been monitoring phytoplankton and zooplankton in Lake Erie since 1995.The Research TechniciansÃ’Â’ duties will include counting zooplankton samples, analyzing chlorophyll a samples, overseeing undergraduate volunteers/workers (helping with sample buffering, chlorophyll a samples, or counting Bythotrephes samples). The Research Technician will also mentor undergraduate workers and volunteers. Ideally, the Research Technician would also help manage the LEPAS plankton database, prepare data for collaborators, and assist in drafting proposals, annual reports, and proposal budgets.Successful candidates will join a dynamic, interactive group of faculty, post-docs, and students at the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory (AEL;, in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology ( REQUIREMENTS: BachelorÃ’Â’s Degree in ecology or related field. One year experience in laboratory enumerating invertebrate taxa, preferably zooplankton, and/or conducting ecological research. This experience could include undergraduate or graduate research.SALARY: $17.10 – $22.50/hour plus a comprehensive benefits package. The offer for this position will fall within this range based on internal equity and the candidate’s qualifications.APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications (1. A cover letter describing career goals and relevant experience; 2. a CV or resume; and 3. Contact information for three references), and  can be submitted at The Ohio State University classified site: Please direct questions to Jim Hood ( We will start reviewing applications on February 19th and continue until the position is filled.The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest college and the academic heart of the university. The College hosts 81 majors. With 38 departments, 20+ world-class research centers, and more than 2,000 faculty and staff members, students have the unique opportunity to study with the best artists, scholars, and scientists in their field.  The College values diversity and offers a supportive, open, and inclusive community.

PhD position in avian conservation genomics

PhD position in avian conservation genomics: Inquiries are invited for a PhD assistantship to examine the effects of native plants and mosquito abatement on diet and fitness in Carolina Chickadees and Carolina Wrens in urban yards of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Additional questions could be included depending on the candidate’s experience and interest. Prospective students would need to apply for and compete against other applicants for a Gilbert Assistantship in the LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources, due 1 Feb 2024. A Gilbert Assistantship covers stipend (~30K per year), tuition, fees, and up to 20K in research costs. Qualifications: an excellent academic record, experience with genetic analyses (lab andstatistical) including DNA metabarcoding, experience coordinating and collecting field data (including bird handling), excellent writing and organizational skills, and ability to work in a collaborative group. Research will be in collaboration with Dr. Erik Johnson, Director of Conservation Science, Audubon Delta, the regional field office of the National Audubon Society. Applicants interested in this opportunity should first contact Dr. Sabrina Taylor, School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University, staylor at, and should send a cover letter, CV, and a list of 3 references (with phone #s and/or email addresses). Equal Employment Opportunity applies to this position.PhD position in conservation genomics: Inquiries are invited for a PhD assistantship to examine tiger genomics in US captive tigers (stipend ~30K per year). Qualifications: an excellent academic record, experience with genetic analyses (lab and bioinformatics) ideally including whole genome analyses, excellent writing and organizational skills, and ability to work in a collaborative group. Research will be in collaboration with Dr. Leslie Lyons, Professor, University of Missouri. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Sabrina Taylor, School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University, staylor at, and should send a cover letter, CV, and a list of 3 references (with phone #s and/or email addresses). Equal Employment Opportunity applies to this position.

Graduate position: UWisconsin.FishReproductiveDemographics

The Molecular Conservation Genetics Lab at the University ofWisconsin-Stevens Point seeks an MS student to lead research that willdevelop and use genetic tools to characterize reproductive demographicpatterns of white sucker and longnose sucker in the Boardman/OttawayRiver in northwestern lower Michigan. The position will involve designof genotyping-in-thousands (GT-seq) panels for each species that willbe used to generate estimates of the number of successful spawners andeffective number of breeders. The position is stationed at the Universityof Wisconsin-Stevens Point in Stevens Point, WI and supports the FishPass( restoration project. The student willwork closely with fishery managers and biologists from state and tribalagencies. Limited opportunities for fieldwork will also be available.BS in Fisheries, Biology, Ecology, or related field. Experience ingenerating and/or analyzing genetic data is preferred, but not strictlyrequired.To apply, please email cover letter, CV/resume, unofficial transcripts,and contact information for three references to Jared Homola( Additional questions regarding the project shouldbe sent via email (

Graduate position: WashingtonStateU.PollinatorBeeEvolution

Graduate Opportunity (MS) in Entomology, summer 2024 (pollinator /bee biology) Department of Entomology, Washington State UniversityFor full job advertisement see:–updates& descriptionWe are looking for applicants for a recently funded MS student positionat Washington State University (WSU), Department of Entomology. Thestudent will lead a research project on the pollinator fauna of afederally endangered, endemic flowering plant, Spalding’s Catchfly(Silene spaldingii). The successful candidate will be carrying out fieldwork in the Pacific Northwest and use environmental DNA methods to: (1)identify pollinators of Spalding’s Catchfly, (2) identify the presenceof potential nonnative plant species that may compete with Spalding’scatchfly, (3) and examine the pollinator dynamics in an understudiedPacific Northwest ecosystem.Spalding’s catchfly (Silene spaldingii) is a federally listed plantendemic to the Pacific Northwest. This flowering plant depends onnative grassland habitat which is declining throughout the. Nonnativeinvasive plants are considered one of the greatest threats to Spalding’scatchfly populations as they can compete for resources, alter ecosystemdynamics and may even alter pollinator behavior. There is reason tobelieve that the presence of specific nonnative species in Spalding’scatchfly habitat may negatively impact reproduction and impede speciesrecovery. Understanding this dynamic is imperative because successfulpollination is vital to Spalding’s catchfly recovery.We seek an incoming graduate student with an interest in bee and/orpollinator biology, identification, and field work. The successfulcandidate will collaborate on a research project between (WSU) and theUnited States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), with field sites inNortheastern Washington. The student will learn and use novel eDNAmetabarcoding techniques, as well as observation and collecting,to identify the pollinator fauna of Spalding’s catchfly, developplant-pollinator visitation networks detailing plant usage, and contributeto the conservation of a threatened plant species.QualificationsBS in entomology, biology, or a related field. Preference given tocandidates who have skills in bee and/or plant identification, and/ormolecular lab work.Professional expectations: The PhD student will work at WashingtonState University, Pullman, in the lab of Silas Bossert and ElizabethMurray. There will be several opportunities for travel during theappointment, including at least one scientific meeting. PIs will encourageprofessional development and creative and independent approaches toproblem solving.About the labOur lab is broadly interested in bee and pollinator biology andevolution. Our expertise includes phylogenomics, faunistics, taxonomy,museum curation, and comparative analyses. The lab is in the excitingstage of being recently established and building personnel and resources,and we welcome candidates who will contribute to a diverse laboratoryenvironment ( the locationWashington State University is a land-grant institutionlocated in Pullman, Washington. The Department of Entomology( hosts facilities such as the MT JamesEntomological Collection (, the HoneyBee and Pollinator Research, Extension, and Education Facility, and stateof the art laboratory equipment. Faculty in Entomology are located oncampuses and research & extension centers across the state.To applyContact Silas Bossert ( prior to applying; pleaseinclude your CV along with a description of your background and yourfit for the position. Preferred start time for this position would bebetween May 15- June 15, 2024. Candidates will be reviewed startingFebruary 5th, 2024.

marine bio opportunities

Internship & Volunteer Opportunities

1. Intern (Cephalopod Program), Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA2. Summer 2024 Internship Opportunity, The Center for Coastal Studies, Provincetown, MA3. Regional Ocean Sciences Bowl Volunteer, National Ocean Sciences Bowl, Multiple Locations4. 2024 UNOLS-MATE Marine Technical Internship Program, The U.S. Academic Research Fleet, Seattle, WA5. Graduate Student Opportunity: Convergent Arctic Research Perspectives and Education NSF Research Traineeship, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire

Grant Opportunity

UConn Student Grant Opportunity: Environmental and Social Sustainability Grants Program

The Office of Sustainability and the Institute of the Environment are hosting a funding program to support collaborative student-faculty projects that enhance environmental sustainability and campus-wide engagement with sustainability issues at the University of Connecticut or in Connecticut communities. Projects should do so through research, authentic community engagement, campus operations, or education. Projects must increase both environmental and social sustainability at UConn, and address one or more of UConn’s strategic sustainability goal areas (climate change, energy and buildings, waste, outreach and engagement, water resources, food and dining, purchasing, transportation, or grounds, open space and conservation areas) and one or more related social challenges (fostering inclusion of diverse perspectives, addressing systematic inequalities, environmental justice, social and health inequity, community development, etc.). Project activities can occur at any campus of UConn and extend to Connecticut communities anywhere in the state. Special consideration will be given to interdisciplinary projects that advance equity and justice or incorporate the arts and humanities. Awards may be up to $10,000.

Spring 2024 Call for Proposals

Eligibility: All currently enrolled University of Connecticut undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. Students must be full-time during the time period of the grant (Spring ’24 through Fall ’24). Applications can be submitted by a single student or by teams of students. Students can be the lead only one proposal, but can participate in no more than three proposals regardless of the status as a lead or collaborator).

Faculty/Staff Mentor Requirements: Each project must have at least one faculty or staff mentor who submits a support form with the application and will actively participate in the project. Mentors must be able to accept and manage grant funds on the students’ behalf. This includes responsibility for student hiring. The mentor is responsible for ensuring the project budget is executed according to UConn policies and procedures, adheres to the guidelines outlined in this application, and is expended by the end of the grant period (December 31, 2024). Faculty/staff members can collaborate on no more than three proposals.

Funding: Limited funding is available for proposed projects with budgets up to $10,000. Proposals should provide strong justification for all budgetary items. Awards will be announced by April 1, 2024. Funds will transfer early April 2024 and should be fully spent by December 31, 2024.

Deadlines: For full consideration, all proposal documents must be submitted by March 1, 2024 at 4:00pm. Students are responsible for ensuring that faculty/staff mentors submit support forms in a timely fashion. Projects should not extend past December 31, 2024.

How to Apply: 

  1. Complete the Student Grant Application Form (questions are previewed on our website).
  2. Submit your itemized budget within the Form.
  3. Ensure that your faculty/staff mentor(s) submit a mentor support form.

Learn more and find application materials at