Job posting: Olympia Oyster Restoration

Job Description: Research Technician

Olympia oyster restoration

Starting Date:

June 1, 2019 (approximately)

Project Summary:

The project funded by California Sea Grant involves restoration of native Olympia oyster habitat in a way that allows a more complete food by facilitating the presence of native cancrid crabs, which can consume and control snails (oyster drills) that are predators on native Olympia oysters. This project will take place at sites in San Francisco Bay.  The project involves installing experimental structures that are aimed at restoring oyster beds and at the same time providing habitat for cancrid crabs. The project will measure the effectiveness of enhanced crab abundances on the associated reduction in oyster drill abundances and benefits for Olympia oysters.  The project with also engage local volunteers in a community science program.

Position Description:

The position is a Junior Specialist (JS) and is a 100% time position.  The JS will assist Dr. Edwin Grosholz (UC Davis) and Dr. Chela Zabin (Smithsonian Institution) in conducting field and laboratory work and in collecting and analyzing data to evaluate the success of these experimental restoration structures. Duties include building structures for field experiments, deploying and maintaining experiments and instruments, carrying out survey and monitoring protocols, installing and managing remote field cameras, analyzing and associated fauna in the laboratory, managing field schedules for undergraduates and volunteers, purchasing supplies, etc. The JS will assist with data collection, entry, management and analysis, and the preparation of written and oral reports.  The work will also involve data entry and some statistical analysis and data presentation in R.  The JS will also work with the PIs and collaborators in partner organizations to assist with the management and coordination of community volunteers.


* BS or BA in environmental science, marine biology

* Ability to work independently

* Good organizational skills

* Familiarity with basic data collection and entry

* Ability to identify and solve problems encountered in field or lab settings

* Willing to carry loads of up to 50 lbs.

* Able to work at field sites under inclement weather conditions, and able to work unusual hours as needed

* Have own transportation and a valid driver’s license

* Residence in the San Francisco Bay/Sonoma County region

* Academic background and/or practical experience in aquatic/estuarine ecosystems

* Basic knowledge of aquatic/estuarine invertebrates, and familiarity with field experimental protocols.

* Basic understanding of field experimental design and approaches, and willingness to assist with other field and lab protocols as needed.

* Effective interpersonal skills necessary to assist with collaborations with local organizations and to manage and coordinate community volunteers

* Familiarity with statistical routines and data presentation using R

To apply and see full job description:

Edwin D. Grosholz

Professor and Specialist in Cooperative Extension

Department of Environmental Science and Policy

One Shields Avenue

University of California, Davis

Davis, CA  95616  USA


Phone: 530-752-9151

FAX: 530-752-3350
