Graduate Assistantship (Forest Ecology) Available, University of Maine: The School of Forest Resources, University of Maine, is seeking highly motivated doctoral student to participate in research addressing one or more of the following: (1) Identify the factors ‒ including climate metrics ‒ that best explain temporal variability in stand-level productivity; (2) Examine forest stand dynamics using long-term permanent plots and dendrochronology methods; (3) Characterize carbon and nitrogen dynamics of decaying wood in field decomposition experiments; (4) Improve forest carbon accounting methods, particularly regarding CO2 fluxes from dead wood. Much of this work will take place at the Howland Research Forest in central Maine. Howland Forest has the second longest running eddy-flux tower in the U.S., and it provides long-term data and a well-established research infrastructure.
This assistantship provides funding at approximately $20,000/year, 50% of health insurance paid, and a tuition waiver for 19 credits/year. Operating support is also available.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate would have solid quantitative skills, strong field and laboratory skills, and a demonstrated ability to conduct independent research. High levels of intellectual curiosity and self-motivation are essential. Position open until filled; however, an ideal start date would be January, 2019. If interested, please send a CV attached to a message briefly explaining your background and research interests to