Internship in diamondback terrapin research on Poplar Island

Hi all,

The Spatial Ecology and Conservation Lab at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center?(SERC) is seeking an intern starting Spring 2025. The intern will support multiple components of a research project that examines the responses of the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) population to an active island restoration project.

The Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island (Poplar Island) presents a unique opportunity to understand how large-scale ecological restoration projects affect terrapin populations. The two focal components of the project are (1) evaluating the current terrapin population on Poplar Island and how the population responds as the Poplar Island’s restoration progresses, and available habitat increases and (2) continue the Terrapin Education and Research Partnership (TERP), which places hatchlings into local classrooms and evaluate the success of released hatchlings into the population. The intern will support the project by participating in field work including (1) field capture and release of diamondback terrapins using fyke nets and modified crab traps, (2) marking individual captured terrapins using Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags and collecting morphometric data on adult and hatchling terrapins (3) conducting terrapin nest surveys, protecting intact nests and collecting emerged hatchlings and (4) capturing eastern kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula), eastern rat snakes (Pantherophis alleghaniensis), eastern mud turtle (Kinosternon subrubrum) and common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) when encountered and collecting morphometric data including marking with PIT tags. Other responsibilities may include organizing and cleaning gear for field work, entering data and working with volunteers or other interns, and communicating project activities.

The intern will have the opportunity to develop a broader understanding of diamondback terrapin ecology and conservation, obtain experience working within a research lab and as part of a team, learn about research design and methods for ecological data collection, develop data management and analysis skills, and participate in science communication.

We are seeking applicants with some (but not necessarily all) of the following:

Bachelor’s degree in ecology, environmental science, wildlife biology or related fieldExperience with fieldwork, in hot, humid conditions with biting insectsExperience in data management (collecting, recording, entering, organizing)Experience in capturing and handling reptilesWritten and verbal communication skillsAbility to work independentlyAbility to work as part of a team

Compensation: $700/week

Duration: 8 weeks with potential to extend depending on budget

Application Deadline: March 28, 2025, but will continue to receive applications until the position is filled.

A mutually agreeable start date will be determined with the selected applicant. We anticipate a start date in early May 2025. This will be an in-person internship with field work taking place on Poplar Island, Maryland with some office work in Edgewater, Maryland. Onsite Housing at SERC may be available.

To apply, please email a resume that highlights relevant experiences to Patricia Levasseur (

For more information about our lab, please visit our website: