The American Museum of Natural History will host the 13th edition of Field Herpetology of the Southwest from 3-11 August 2025. This 9-day program will take place at the Southwest Research Station, near Portal, Arizona. The course is structured to introduce participants to the outstanding diversity of amphibians and reptiles of the Chiricahua (AZ) and Peloncillo (NM) Mountain ranges, as well as the desert ecosystems of the southwest U.S. Labs and lectures focus on life-history and ecology of the herpetofauna in the region, with 50% of the program activities occurring in high- or low-elevation field sites. Further information is available at this URL:
A minimum of one college-level course in the biological sciences is required to participate in this program. The course fee of $1520 covers all meals, housing, and transportation during the program (participants are responsible for getting themselves to/from the field station). Questions or requests for a course application should be directed to