Graduate position: ImperialC_London.InsectEvolution

The Gill research group (Home | richardgill

( is looking to put forward a candidate to the Imperial’s President’s PhD scholarship ( .

Applications are accepted from talented candidates from the UK and worldwide.

We will fully support the student in completing this application, and would like the student to follow one of three areas of research dependent on what fits their interest:

# Arctic plant-pollinator responses to climate change. Project takes advantage of a long-term field site in Arctic Sweden where we study the responses of bees and their host plants to climatic variation. This helps to understand how thermal performances and distributions can predict ecological interactions (field, lab & desk based).

# Quantifying a century of trait diversity change in insect pollinators. Project would leverage entomological museum specimens to collect multidimensional trait data helping to understand trait responses to past and future environmental change (desk based).

# Determining how climate can mediate the risks associated with pesticide exposure in bees. The project will undertake a series of lab and mesocosm assays under temperature gradients to quantify bee molecular, developmental and behavioural responses to pesticide exposure helping to understand past and future population responses (primarily lab based).

If interested, please email Richard Gill ( with your CV, the theme(s) that grab(s) your attention, and any additional information. I will contact the candidate if their CV is suitable.

This will also be a rolling deadline until a suitable candidate is picked.