Graduate position: NorthCarolinaStateU.FishConservationGenomics

The Mamoozadeh Lab at North Carolina State University (NC State) is
accepting applications for a MSc or PhD student to begin August 2025
(fall semester). The Mamoozadeh Lab leverages genomics and bioinformatics
to explore questions related to the ecology and evolutionary biology
of aquatic species, particularly fishes of conservation or management
concern. Research themes representative of the lab include exploring how
genetic diversity is distributed across space and time, evaluating the
role of climate and other landscape features in shaping adaptation,
and assessing the effectiveness or likely impact of management
actions. This research is often conducted in close collaboration with
state and federal fisheries management agencies. Students work in lab
and field environments, and build transferable skills in creativity,
leadership, and communication, as well as highly marketable skills in
field biology, genetics/genomics, and bioinformatics. The Mamoozadeh
Lab is housed within the Department of Applied Ecology at NC State
(, which also houses the
USGS Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center and the USGS North
Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, offering abundant
opportunities for integrative and applied research in fisheries
contexts. The selected applicant will work directly with Dr. Nadya
Mamoozadeh on the NC State campus located in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Qualifications: Applicants should have a BSc degree in the field of
biology, ecology, evolution, environmental science, fisheries, natural
resources, genetics/genomics, bioinformatics, or a related field. The
selected applicant will be expected to develop and lead independent
research in the fields of fish ecology, conservation genomics, and
fisheries management. Prior molecular lab experience is strongly
preferred, as well as quantitative skills (such as in R or bioinformatic
analyses), or at least an authentic interest in developing these skills.
Field experience will be viewed as a plus. Competitive candidates will
have strong communication and leadership skills, as well as the ability
to work independently. We are a very interactive lab and are looking for
an enthusiastic scientist who cares about fisheries conservation and
management. We are also a lab that celebrates diversity and inclusion,
and we warmly invite lab members to contribute to this culture.

Support: Students in the Mamoozadeh Lab receive a stipend, tuition,
and health insurance, as well as support for professional travel. This
support may come through a mix of teaching assistantships, research
assistantships, and other sources.

How to Apply: Interested students should email the following to Dr.
Nadya Mamoozadeh ( as a single PDF and using the
subject line ?Fisheries Genomics Student?:
1) Brief cover letter describing research interests,
  accomplishments, career goals, and how working in the Mamoozadeh
  Lab will help you achieve these goals
2) Resume/CV
3) Unofficial transcripts
4) Writing sample (e.g., published paper, manuscript in
  preparation, MSc or undergraduate thesis, or research paper or
  essay from a relevant course)
5) Names and email addresses for three professional references

Applications should be received before 25 October 2024 to receive
full consideration. Top candidates will be invited to discuss their
qualifications and interests in a virtual interview.  This informal
selection process will be completed before the deadline for the official
NC State graduate school application, which is 15 January 2025.

Inquiries: Informal inquiries to learn more about the position are
welcomed (but not required) and should be sent to the email listed above.