Graduate position: IllinoisStateU.MammalianEvolution

MS and PhD openings are available in my research group (Javier
delBarco-Trillo) in the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois
State University to start in the fall of 2025. My research topics
are quite diverse, including sexual selection (sperm competition),
olfactory communication, urban ecology/evolution, and animal behavior,
normally working with mammalian systems. I’m happy to supervise
projects in topics and organisms beyond what you can read in my website
( as long as the project is feasible
given my expertise and available resources. I’m mostly interested
in supporting self-driven, independent, and imaginative students with
high proficiency in written and spoken English, and with some previous
experience analyzing data.

If interested, please send ( a copy of your CV, and a
one-page cover letter explaining your background, any research outcomes
to date, your future research interests and expectations, and what type
of research projects you would envision developing in my lab. Please
include “Graduate Student Application 2025” in the email subject
line. I will make an initial selection of a group of candidates that
I think could be a good fit in my lab, set up short zoom conversations
with those candidates in October-November, and assist with the formal
application process, which deadline is February 1, 2025. Please be aware
that there are two strong requirements: 1) GPA requirement: last 60hrs
GPA must be 3 or above; 2) English proficiency for international students:
TOEFL iBT 90, IELTS 7, or Duolingo 125.

All accepted applicants into our program are guaranteed Teaching
Assistantships and full Tuition Waivers. The length of this support is
6 semesters for MS and 10 semesters for PhD students provided sufficient
progress and performance are maintained.

The application procedure, including requirements, is laid out here:
You can find more information about the School of Biological Sciences
and the Graduate Programs here:

Javier delBarco-Trillo, PhD
Assistant Professor of Evolutionary Physiology
School of Biological Sciences
Campus Box 4120
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-4120, USA