Position: Tropical Forest Research Experience – Seedling Census InternDates: March 4, 2024 Ãf¢ÒÂEURҔ June 28, 2024.Position Description: The Department of Environmental Studies of the University of Puerto Rico – RÃfÂfÃ’Âo Piedras and the Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Program (LUQ-LTER) are hiring up to six (6) full time interns to assist with the 2024 seedling census. The Luquillo site entered the LTER program in 1988 to study the long-term effects of natural and human disturbances on tropical forests and streams in the Luquillo Experimental Forest. The program has a collaborative focus in which many scientists from diverse disciplines share efforts and data to understand ecosystem processes.At the LUQ-LTER, we periodically monitor the community of trees and seedlings to better understand the effects of disturbance on tropical forest dynamics. The seedling census takes place in the 16-ha Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot (LFDP) in El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico. The intern positions will be primarily fieldwork, but data entry and management will also be an important component. Interns will be expected to: (i) work independently and in small teams of 2-3 on field data collection tasks under the supervision of the LFDP manager, (ii) work in challenging field conditions (e.g., warm, humid climate with high rainfall; steep and muddy areas), and (iii) spend around 8 hours/day in the forest, including hiking multiple hours and long periods of kneeling, crouching, or sitting on the forest floor to collect seedling data. Training will be provided in the census protocol, tree and seedling ID, and data management tasks. While in El Yunque, interns will have the opportunity to learn about diverse aspects of tropical ecology and meet, interact, and potentially assist other scientists involved in the LUQ-LTER program. Please see the LUQ-LTER website for more information.Stipend: $1200 per month to cover food and living expenses. We will provide lodging, but we are unable to provide medical insurance.Qualifications: US citizens currently pursuing their senior year of an undergraduate degree, or recent college graduates, with background in biology, ecology, or environmental science. We seek applicants with fieldwork experience, knowledge of plant identification, and excellent organizational skills and attention to detail. Experience working outdoors in tropical ecosystems is useful but is not required. Experience with Microsoft Office and Google Suite is strongly recommended.We are a bilingual working group and both English and Spanish speakers are welcome. Applicants without all the resources or experience listed are still encouraged to apply.To Apply: Please compile the following materials into a single pdf document and send a single email to nelson.bonilla@upr.edu. Review of applications will begin on February 2, 2024, and continue until positions are filled. Please include Ãf¢ÒÂEURÃ’ÂoeSeedling Intern Application 2024Ãf¢ÒÂEURÃ’Â in the subject line and ensure that your file is named with the following format:lastname_firstname_seedling2024_app.pdf.Your application file must include: (1) a 500-word letter of intent indicating why you want to work in the tropical forest of Puerto Rico and describing your relevant experience, (2) a Curriculum Vitae, and (3) Contact information for two references.Please contact us at nelson.bonilla@upr.edu and lfdp@ites.upr.edu with any further questions.