*Washington State University Extension **– Puget Sound Beach Watcher
Coordinator*. Applications are invited for this coordinator position
for leading the development, implementation, ongoing evaluation and
refinement of the Program including research, education and stewardship
projects primarily in Snohomish County. This position provides Puget Sound
ecosystem and water resources expertise, implements multiple events
including an annual introductory 80-hour volunteer training program, a
25-hour ‘short course’ for Beach Naturalists and advanced training
opportunities for veteran volunteers; coordinates and mentors volunteers on
their respective projects; conceptualizes and initiates new volunteer
opportunities; facilitates communication within and outside the program,
fosters and supports volunteer leadership and generates extramural funds in
furtherance of the program. The position also builds liaisons, networks and
collaborative working relationships as necessary to carryout the program
with county, state and federal agencies and with community-based groups and
organizations. This position is open until filled. For a full description
of position, requirements and to apply, visit
*Patricia Townsend, Ph. D.*
*Assistant Professor*
*Natural Resources Regional Extension Specialist*
Snohmish County Extension
*Urban Natural Resources Specialist*
Metropolitan Center for Applied Research & Extension
*Washington State University*
Snohomish County WSU Extension
600 128th St. S.E.
Everett, WA 98208
(425) 357-6020