Now hiring: PAID field botany internship in Nevada

Late-breaking PAID field botany internships available with the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest (HTNF), in cooperation with USFS Intermountain Region, and the Chicago Botanic Garden. We are recruiting two (2) Native Seed Interns to collect seed and conduct field surveys throughout the state of Nevada and parts of Eastern California.

If interested, please email Joanne Crawford at or Chris Woolridge at To apply, please visit the Conservation and Land Management Internship program website at:

Primary responsibilities include:

• Scouting and identifying populations of target native plant species suitable for the program;

• Monitoring and maintenance of reciprocal transplant study plots;

• GPS mapping populations of plants, disturbance areas, and other features;

• Monitoring the phenology of plant populations to identify optimal seed collection times;

• Collecting seed from plant populations and completing data forms in accordance with the Seeds of Success (SOS) Technical Protocol;

• Taking herbarium vouchers, and processing and shipping seed as necessary.

• Recording data electronically and on paper data forms, entering and editing data related to restoration activities;

• Reporting accomplishments and providing recommendations for program improvements, priorities, and future projects.