MS Assistantship in Northeastern Forest Ecosystems at SUNY-ESF

MS Assistantship in Northeastern Forest Ecosystems at SUNY-ESF

Position Description:  The new Burton lab in the Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management is recruiting a graduate student (MS). This position is available beginning in Fall 2019 (or Spring 2020) and includes two years of support through a teaching assistantship (stipend, tuition waiver and health insurance). Potential research topics may include analyses of plant traits, scaling changes in forest community structure to ecosystem functions and services, role of canopy structure in mediating vegetation-climate relationships, effects of silvicultural alternatives on a range of ecosystem services, managing adaptive capacity, and overstory-understory linkage.

Qualifications:  Bachelor’s degree in forestry, biology, natural resources, ecology, environmental science or a closely related field is required. Preferred qualifications include: the ability to work independently and collaboratively, a strong work ethic, demonstrated written and oral communication skills, experience with common forest measurements and statistical analyses, and good plant identification skills.

Application:  Apply to the graduate program in Forest and Natural Resources Management (FNRM) online. Indicate your interest in working in the Burton lab in your statement of educational and professional goals. In addition, please email your application materials directly to me (contact information below).

Contact:  Dr. Julia Burton (, 435-797-5375)