*Virginia Natural Heritage – Field Botany Seasonal Technician, Southwest /
Western Virginia, USA (closes 4/4/2019)
This is a year-round wage position limited to working 1476 hours from May 1
to April 30. This position does not offer health insurance or paid leave
benefits. The position requires successful completion of a confidential
criminal history background check. Flexible day-shift hours available, no
weekends or holidays.
Hourly Rate: $15.00
The Field Botany Seasonal Technician will survey selected U.S. Forest
Service (USFS) tracts in the Virginia and West Virginia Mountains for a set
of rare plant species the USFS considers conservation targets. The selected
candidate will work with another technician hired for the same purpose to
effectively survey on foot in forested tracts in rough terrain. Ability to
navigate using maps, GPS, and remote sensing technology is necessary.
Ability to communicate effectively with staff and take comprehensive
observational notes is also necessary. Training to field identify the
plant species of concern will be provided, but some competence in plant
identification is highly preferred. The person filling the position should
expect to be primarily outside, in summertime weather conditions. In
addition to hourly compensation, transportation and per diem will be
provided. Field work will begin by June 1 and continue throughout the
growing season for at least 10 weeks.
A signed and dated Virginia Application for Employment form must be
submitted to:
John F. Townsend, Staff Botanist Email: john.townsend@dcr.virginia.gov
DCR – Natural Heritage – Inventory
A blank application form may be downloaded from the following link:
https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dcr.virginia.gov%2Fdocument%2Fjob-application-2015.doc&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cebc70061b56d45a5143608d6b4f18bcc%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C636895346879419495&sdata=pa%2FNXjk7%2FBh4qRFTjqvxbhgx%2FP6bdQMLWVcFVNMQdnA%3D&reserved=0 (Word)