
*National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF
REU) Position in Mammalian Behavior & Physiological Ecology*

*Overview:  *A 14-week NSF REU position is available in the lab of Ben
Dantzer at the University of Michigan ( for May-August 2019. The REU
Student will participate in research regarding the effects of elevated
maternal glucocorticoids (colloquially referred to as “maternal stress”) on
the physiology, behavior, and life history traits of the offspring and
design and conduct their own independent research project under the general
umbrella of understanding how parents shape the development of their
offspring. The REU Student will spend 14 weeks in the Kluane region of the
Yukon, Canada as a member of the Kluane Red Squirrel Project (KRSP), which
is a 30+ year study of individually-marked North American red squirrels ( The REU Student will live and work at our field site
and interact with an international team of researchers on the KRSP.

*Duties:*The REU Student will assist in trapping and handling squirrels,
conducting behavioral observations, using VHF telemetry to locate squirrels
or their nests, and assist in experimental manipulations of maternal
hormone levels. Additional duties will be contingent upon the specific
research project of the successful applicant. The successful applicant and
the PI will jointly design an independent research project.

*Eligibility:*All training will be provided and no experience is required.
Applicants should have strong enthusiasm for learning, a desire to conduct
their own independent research project, and be highly motivated. Applicants
should also have an interest in animal behavior, evolutionary biology,
ecology, and field biology. Previous experience with field research,
independent research, working with wild animals is a plus. The field camp
is remote and low tech, so successful applicants must enjoy the outdoors
and be able to remain positive and be a responsible team member under
relatively isolated and demanding conditions. The successful applicant must
be a collaborative team player as they will be working closely with other
researchers. Students should be current undergraduate students. NSF
requires that applicants be US citizens or permanent residents of the USA
or its possessions. The Dantzer Lab aims to be a welcoming, safe, and
inclusive research group and strongly encourages applications from members
of underrepresented groups.

*Travel, Stipend, & Research Expenses: *Travel to and from the field site
in the Yukon will be provided as will lodging and food during the duration
of the position. The successful applicant will also receive a stipend of
$400/week ($5600 total) and an additional $400 will be available to help
pay for some of the costs associated with the research project.

*Application Procedure: *Send a cover letter and CV (with contact info for
three references) in an email with the subject “REU Position” to Ben
Dantzer ( by April 5. The cover letter should describe
why you want this position, how it fits into your career goals, any record
of overcoming challenges, ideas for possible independent research projects,
and an overview of your past experiences with independent research, field
research, animal handling, and living/working in a remote area.
Applications will be considered as they are received.

*Ben Dantzer, Ph.D.*
Assistant Professor
Dept Psychology
Dept Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Phone: 734-615-2352
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