Grad student opportunities in soil ecology and biogeochem McGill

Graduate (PhD and MSc) Opportunities in Soil Biogeochemistry

Timeline for application: Until filled

Start date: For Canadian citizens: January 2019 (application deadline Oct 15th 2019) or for Fall Term (application deadline May 31st 2019). For non- Canadian citizens: Fall 2019 (application deadline March 15th 2019).

Opportunities: The Soil Ecology and Biogeochemistry Lab
( at McGill University MacDonald campus is seeking highly motivated individuals for open MSc and PhD positions. The lab emphasizes research that couples soil ecology and biogeochemistry to understand soil organic matter turnover and accumulation and microbial-plant interactions affecting carbon and nutrient cycling in an agroecosystem specific context and in response to global change.
Students will be guided in developing research projects that will use an integrated approach, combining lab, greenhouse, and field-based studies with advanced chemical and biological molecular techniques.

Applicants should include a cover letter stating research and career goals, current transcripts and resume, and contact information (addresses, email and phone numbers) of at least two references.
Please send application materials to Dr. Cynthia Kallenbach, Department of Natural Resource Sciences; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Stipend: Annual stipend and tuition will be covered. Scholarship and teaching assistant opportunities to supplement stipend are also available.

Additional information: McGill University is Canada’s premiere university for research excellence and teaching and one of the top 50 universities worldwide. The Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Science is located at McGill’s Macdonald Campus, just 30 km from vibrant downtown Montreal, providing students with both urban culture and recreational opportunities.
Graduate students at Macdonald campus are a quarter of the student body and the campus houses 8 graduate programs and over 100 faculty members. McGill University is committed to diversity and equity and welcomes applications
from: women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, visible minorities, and others who may contribute to diversification. For further information on the Natural Resource Sciences department and application process please visit: