Research Assistantship for study of plant facilitative effects in longleaf pine forests

The Center for Longleaf Pine Ecosystems at Auburn University and the Jones Center at Ichauway seek a graduate student to undertake a study of plant ecophysiological interactions in longleaf pine forests in southwest Georgia. The study asks how performance of Quercus laevis seedlings and sprouts is regulated by mature Pinus palustris via shading, fuel production, and belowground competition. The study contributes to the southeastern component of a nationwide experiment on Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change. The position is available August 2018. Interested applicants should send letter of interest, resume, transcripts (photocopy is acceptable), and GRE scores (photocopy is acceptable) to Dr. Lisa Samuelson.
 Stipends: Graduate research assistantships are available at $16,540/yr and tuition fees are waived.  In addition, the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences has several fellowships for exceptional candidates.  These are offered to prospective students and are awarded competitively. The Jones Center provides a research stipend, and housing while the student is in residence at the field site.  
 Desirable qualifications: B.S. in forest biology, plant ecology, biology, forestry, or related degree.  In addition to meeting Graduate School admission requirements, applicants are evaluated and recommended for admission by the graduate faculty of the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences based on their scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), TOEFL test (international students), academic record, experience, and letters of recommendation. A minimum GPA of 3.0 in previous academic course work and minimum scores both verbal and quantitative in the 50 percentile range for the GRE are required. 
 For further information, contact Dr. Lisa Samuelson (School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, 3301 SFWS Building, Auburn University AL 36849,, phone: 334-844-1040); and Dr. Seth Bigelow (Jones Center at Ichauway, 3988 Jones Center drive, Newton GA 39870,; phone 229-734-4706 ext. 270)