I am looking for 1-2 PhD students to join my lab (Dr. Vladimir Pravosudov, Behavioral and Cognitive Ecology lab,http://chickadeecognition.com) at the University of Nevada Reno).
Research in the lab is focused on behavioral and cognitive ecology of food-caching mountain chickadees along an elevation gradient in Sierra Nevada and we conduct both laboratory and field studies. We have excellent laboratory facilities and a well-established field sites near Truckee, CA (ranging from 6,500 to 8,300 ft in elevation) with numerous nestboxes and RFID- equipped feeder systems designed to test cognitive abilities in wild birds. Our established mountain chickadee system provides excellent opportunities to investigate a broad range of questions. Funding will be provided via either teaching (TA) or research (RA) assistantship. Prior to applying, interested students should contact Dr. Vladimir Pravosudov (vpravosu@unr.edu) and
email a statement of research interests, previous experiences and a CV. Graduate students
should apply through the Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology (EECB) program