We are currently searching for graduate students that would like to join
the aquatic ecology lab at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
to work with Dr. Lisa Kunza. Applications are being considered for
Spring 2018, Fall 2018, and Spring 2019. Our projects are
interdisciplinary in nature, with ongoing projects in our lab focusing
on biogeochemistry, metabolism, food web dynamics, fisheries, algal
ecology, biogeochemistry, and bacterial pathogenicity. Field work is
commonly occurring in Northwestern Montana, Grand Teton National Park,
Rapid City and on the Missouri River. Students with boating and kayaking
experience preferred. See our lab website for more information
(http://kunzalab.wixsite.com/kunza-lab ).
Please submit CV, letter of interest, and contact information for 3
references to lisa.kunza@sdsmt.edu <mailto:lisa.kunza@sdsmt.edu>. In
addition, to be considered for assistantship opportunities file an
official application submission to the Atmospheric and Environmental
Sciences program via the graduate school:
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology is located in Rapid City,
SD, which is the state’s second largest city (with an urban population
of 73,569 and metropolitan population of 197,628) and is nestled at the
foot of the beautiful Black Hills. Mount Rushmore, the Badlands National
Park and Crazy Horse Memorial are all within an hour of the University.
Rapid City enjoys a relatively mild climate and offers year-round
recreational opportunities, including, hiking, bicycling, skiing,
snowboarding, fishing, and hunting, to name a few. For more information
about Rapid City visit: http://visitrapidcity.com/.
Dr. Lisa Kunza
Assistant Professor
Program of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Department of Chemistry and Applied Biological Sciences
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph St
Rapid City, SD 57701
phone: 605-394-2449
fax: 605-394-6061