PhD Position @ Utah State: Macroevolutionary patterns of plant traits in Panama using metabolomics

A PhD position is available in the Beckman Lab in the Biology Department =

& Ecology Center to investigate macroevolutionary patterns of trait variation in le=

aves, fruit, and seeds of trees and shrubs in Panama using a metabolomics approach. Plants=

experience simultaneous and often conflicting selective pressures from a diversity o=

f antagonists and mutualists that feed on different plant parts at different stages of deve=

lopment. Yet, the large body of theory developed to understand plant defense has focused al=

most exclusively on leaves and leaf herbivores, with little integration of the=

important interactions in other parts, such as fruits. This project aims to extend =

leaf defense theory to better understand patterns of trait variation and interactions that oc=

cur across leaves, fruits, and seeds. An ideal candidate would have prior experience working=

with tropical plants or conducting chemical analyses; experience working with UPLC is a=

plus. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Beckman (noelle.beckman AT usu.e=

du) with a letter of interest, CV, and contact information for two references. In yo=

ur letter, include a description of your research interests and why you are interested in join=

ing the research group as well as a summary of your prior research experience and your aca=

demic background (e.g., relevant coursework). More details about the research g=

roup and applying: