The Disease Ecology lab at Auburn University
( <>/
<>) is looking to fill a MSc position
with an enthusiastic student interested in disease ecology and medical
entomology. This student will conduct research on the ecological
drivers of mosquito-borne diseases. Understanding and predicting the
impact of land-use change on mosquito ecology is critical for the
development of vector control and management efforts. As part of an
on-going project, the selected student will play an integral role in
managing a project assessing the role of land-use change on vector
distribution and host-feeding preferences in mosquitoes along the Gulf
Candidates must have completed a BSc degree by start date and have a
strong interest in medical/veterinary entomology. Student must be a team
player willing to work under harsh field conditions (rain or shine,
sometimes in extreme heat), have exceptional writing and quantitative
skills, and some experience conducting field and/or laboratory work.
Start date: Jan 2018, although research can begin as early as Aug 2017
*How To Apply:*
Please send a letter describing your background and interest in the
topic, CV, and names of three references to
<>. Review of applications will begin
immediately, and position will remain open until filled. Feel free to
email with any questions regarding this opportunity.”