We are seeking a highly motivated student to conduct research on
Newfoundland and Labrador northern shrimp fisheries. The student will
pursue a M.Sc. degree in Fisheries Science at the Fisheries and Marine
Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John=E2=80=99s,
starting in Fall 2017.
The student will be supervised by Dr. Arnault Le Bris
(www.arnaultlebris.com) at the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems
Research (www.mi.mun.ca/cfer) and work on the spatiotemporal
variability in northern shrimp life history traits. Student will
collaborate with the researchers from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and
with the industry to collect and analyse data. The project involves
field work aboard large fishing vessels, laboratory work, and computer
programming. Strong statistical and programming skills, including
knowledge of R programming language are required. At sea experienced
is a plus.
Interested applicants should send a brief cover letter, CV, copies of
transcripts and contact information for 2 references to Dr. Arnault Le
Bris (arnault.lebris@mi.mun.ca).