Field technicians in forest ecology and silviculture with Michigan State University Forestry Department

The Walters Lab in the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University

is looking to hire several field technicians for the coming summer season.

We are an applied forest ecology (silviculture) lab with a current focus on

exploring alternative management regimes in northern hardwood forests. The

upcoming field season will involve surveying pre-harvest vegetation

structure for forests to be harvested Winter 2017/18, marking forest stands

for harvest, and quantifying the impacts of beech bark disease on forest

stand structure in aftermath forests. There is a possibility for one

position to transition to a combined field/lab technician role in support

of a dendrochronology project. Field sites are throughout the Upper

Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula in Michigan.

Desired skills: Experience or aptitude for plant identification, and GPS

navigation; interest in forest ecology/silviculture; experience and/or

desire to work outdoors in rugged conditions. Undergraduates and recent

graduates are encouraged to apply.

Time Frame: May =E2=80=93 August with the opportunity for one or two to sta=

rt in

early April for timber marking work and the opportunity for one position to

extend beyond the end of August.

Pay rate: $11/hr minimum, commensurate with experience. Typically 40

hours/week. We provide housing.

To apply: Submit a CV or resume, list of three references with contact

information (including email and phone number), and a brief cover letter

outlining your interest in the position and relevant experience, as well as

your dates of availability, to Evan Farinosi ( with

=E2=80=9CWalters Lab Summer Field Technician=E2=80=9D in the subject line.