PhD student opportunity in population modeling starting Fall 2017 at the University of New Hampshire.
Seeking a highly motivated PhD student for Fall 2017 to conduct research in population modeling of a threatened lagomorph. The student will join an effort to develop and implement a new monitoring protocol to assess occupancy and abundance of New England cottontails in a metapopulation context. A focus will be on monitoring trends and factors that influence extinction/recolonization patch dynamics, and applying spatially explicit mark-recapture abundance estimation with noninvasive genetic sampling approaches. In addition, the student will develop dissertation research questions of his/her own design related to population viability, and which may entail evaluating restoration strategies, including habitat management, translocations, and releases of captively bred rabbits, as well as considerations of genetic diversity and landscape connectivity. Applicants will have a strong interest in population ecology, conservation management, and the application of diverse disciplinary tools. The position will be in the Kovach lab ( at the University of New Hampshire. The student will work closely with natural resource managers engaged in the New England Cottontail Conservation Initiative.
The most qualified candidates will have competitive GPA and GRE scores, strong analytical and quantitative skills, and experience with analyzing population-level data. Experience with occupancy modeling, abundance estimation, population modeling, and noninvasive genetic sampling are desirable. Opportunities for molecular work exist, but are not a requirement of this position. A Masters degree is preferred but not required. Interest and ability to work in the field is also preferred. Strong interpersonal skills and the desire to work collaboratively are important.
Admission will be through the Natural Resources and Earth Systems Sciences Program at the University of New Hampshire ( Interested applicants should submit their application materials to the program as soon as possible. Interested applicants should also contact Adrienne Kovach with further questions, and send the following materials to, simultaneously with their application to the program: — letter explaining research interest and experience
— CV with GRE scores and GPA
— unofficial transcripts or a list of relevant courses taken Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until position is filled.