Research Experience for Undergraduates in Computational Biology –
Dartmouth College – Summer 2017
The Zhaxybayeva lab in the Biology department at Dartmouth College
(http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ecglab/) is pleased to announce an NSF
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position to study the
evolutionary history of enigmatic, virus-like entities called Gene
Transfer Agents (GTAs). As their name implies, GTAs are hypothesized to
be used by bacteria as gene delivery systems. The Zhaxybayeva lab uses
comparative genomics, phylogenetics, and mathematical modeling to learn
more about this fascinating biological system. This internship is ideal
for candidates with background in mathematics, statistics, computer
science, or engineering interested in exploring how computational
approaches are used in solving biological problems. The student is not
expected to have prior experience working with biological systems. The
student will work closely with Dr. Olga Zhaxybayeva and Dr. Shannon
Soucy and will learn the basics of genomic analyses, how to utilize high
performance computing facilities, read primary scientific literature,
and present scientific research. The candidate must be a citizen or
permanent resident of the United States of America or its possessions,
and enrolled as an undergraduate student in the Fall 2017. Individuals
of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. The 9-week
internship is tentatively expected to begin on June 21, 2017 and end on
August 18, 2017. The candidate will receive $4,500 stipend, and will be
reimbursed for the costs of lodging and travel to Dartmouth College.
To apply, please e-mail the following application materials in a single
PDF file to Shannon Soucy (Shannon.Soucy@dartmouth.edu) with the subject
line “REU” no later than March 10, 2017:
1. A statement with the following information:
a. Why you are interested in this position.
b. Your future plans after graduation from college.
c. Confirmation of your eligibility for the REU program.
d. Dates you are available to start and end this position.
e. The name and contact information of one person who will serve as
your reference. Please arrange the letter of recommendation to be sent
to Shannon.Soucy@dartmouth.edu directly by your reference.
f. Your email address and phone number.
2. Curriculum Vitae (or resume).
3. Transcript (unofficial is acceptable).
Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer
with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion. We prohibit
discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national
origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability,
veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status.