Month: November 2016

Val Milici receives award from Tinker Field Graduate Research Fund

Val Milici was just awarded $4000 by the Tinker Field Graduate Research Fund.

The funding will allow Val to set up experiments that investigate how humidity affects interactions between plants and both beneficial and pathogenic fungi. She expects that this visit will form the foundation for her work on how climate change may alter tropical rainforest plant communities by modifying interactions between plants and fungi.

Here is the link to the funding opportunity. The funds are being administered by “El Instituto” at UConn

Lily R. Lewis receives 2015 Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award

Dr. Lily R. Lewis (Bernard Goffinet, major advisor) has received the Greg and Mona Anderson Best EEB Ph.D. Dissertation Award for 2015.

Several years ago, Greg and Mona Anderson generously donated money to be used for an award for the best EEB Ph.D. dissertation in each calendar year. The first award, for 2013, was made to Dr. Diego Sustaita, and that for 2014 to Dr. Alejandro Rico Guevara.