Graduate student position in plant-mycorrhizal interactions

The Cheeke Lab ( at Washington State University is recruiting 1-2 graduate students to join our Soil Microbial Ecology lab on the WSU Tri-Cities campus for the Fall of 2018 (with possibility of starting as soon as January 2018). Our research is broadly focused on the ecology and evolution of plant-mycorrhizal interactions within the context of environmental change (e.g. disturbance, invasions, climate). Current projects integrate genomics with manipulative experiments to 1) understand the role of plant-soil feedbacks in improving, maintaining, or limiting plant community diversity in disturbed ecosystems; and 2) evaluate the efficacy of soil microbial transplants in facilitating the establishment of native plants in disturbed landscapes (e.g. invaded grasslands, former mining sites, agroecosystems). New lines of research are being developed to examine the role of microbiomes in maintaining the health and productivity of important crop plants in the Pacific Northwest, such as hops and grapes.

If interested in joining our lab, please send a CV with GPA and relevant coursework and a short statement explaining your interest in the position to Tanya Cheeke ( by November 20th, 2017. Acceptance for this position is contingent upon acceptance to the graduate program in the School of Biological Sciences at Washington State University (deadline January 10, 2018;