Recruiting a Ph.D student in fisheries science

Seeking a Graduate Student: Ph.D Fisheries Science

The Northern cod (Gadus morhua) stock is notoriously depressed. We are looking for a student who will conduct a Ph.D research program to do science that will help this species recover. This will be a field-based research project in which the student will use telemetry tools to investigate how cod respond to the presence of baited pots deployed in marine ecosystems. Opportunities exist for the student to shape this project based on their interest. This project may intersect with Marine Protected Area assessment, fishing gear design, behavioural ecology, conservation biology, best practices in fisheries, or other fields.



–        Must meet criteria for the Fisheries Science Ph.D program at Memorial University’s Marine Institute (

–        Assets would include experience with:

o   Fieldwork, particularly in aquatic systems and working with commercial fishers

o   Boat-based research, particularly in marine environments

o   Telemetry equipment and related technology

o   Working with diverse teams in remote locations

Supervisory Team and Financial Information

The student will be supervised by Dr. Brett Favaro (Marine Institute @ Memorial) with Dr. Paul Winger (Marine Institute @ Memorial) and Dr. Corey Morris (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) as supervisory committee members who will be closely involved in the project. This project includes a fully-funded student stipend for a four-year period.

Graduate Program

The student will need to be accepted into the Ph.D Fisheries Science program. More info: and

Start Date and Application Deadline

The ideal candidate will be able to relocate to begin their program by May 7, 2018. Applicants should apply directly to Dr. Favaro by email, and should include an up-to-date CV and cover letter. Top candidates will be invited to interview. We will accept applications until March 2, 2018, or until a suitable candidate is identified.

Dr. Brett Favaro

Brett dot Favaro @


Supervisory Committee:

Dr. Paul Winger

Dr. Corey Morris

Brett Favaro, PhD

Instructor, School of Fisheries
Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University

P.O. Box 4920, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R3

Tel: (709) 778-0587


Twitter: @LetsFishSmarter

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