MS/PHD position, marine microbiology Fall 2018

A MS or PhD track graduate student position is available Fall 2018 in the Paerl Lab (, within the Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Science
(MEAS) Department (

The area of focus for the position is microbial (bacterial and microalgal) vitamin physiology and ecosystem impact (change in productivity, community composition).
Both traditional (e.g. culturing, cell isolations, microscopy) and modern (e.g. flow cytometry, amplicon/genomic sequencing, isotopic tracing) techniques will be integral to the project, and any prior experience within these realms is a plus.  Field-based and laboratory-based experimentation is involved in the project.

A MS degree is prerequisite for the PhD track position.  In addition, publication (or
submission) of work from the master’s thesis is preferred.

Interested applicants please contact Ryan Paerl (rpaerl[at] to learn more details about potential research directions and to discuss the position.  Please include your CV in your initial contact email.

An application to the MEAS graduate program is necessary to ultimately obtain the position and information regarding the application process (including GRE requirements and deadlines) can be found here: