
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is emerging as an important biofuel
candidate in the United States. Our labs (see list of collaborators
below) collectively study the ecology, genetics/genomics, physiology
and agronomy/plant breeding of Switchgrass. We are seeking a talented
and diverse group of undergraduate students interested in conducting a
variety of research in Switchgrass biology across the US.

Program description:
This program is an opportunity for undergraduate students to
participate in mentored independent research on the biology of
Switchgrass. The program is funded through the NSF Research Experience
for Undergraduates (REU) program and is associated with our ongoing
interdisciplinary work on the ecology, physiology, and genomic
responses of switchgrass to future climate change. Summer students
will be immersed in research and learn basic and applied biology
through active participation in primarily field-based work. Working as
part of our research team, they will contribute to group research
projects, design short research projects, and present their work in an
end-of-summer student symposium.

Each position is supported for 8-10 weeks beginning the first week of
June. Students are awarded a $4500 stipend, plus a housing and food
allowance, and some funds to help defray the cost of traveling to the
designated University.

Who Should Apply:
Undergraduates that are not in their senior year (typically 1st to 3rd
year students), who are either U.S. citizens or permanent residents
studying in the U.S.

Application process:
The application deadline is February 19, 2017. Applicants should
submit a 1-page cover letter describing any relevant research
experience, along with their motivation for joining our research
group, and include a copy of their current transcript (unofficial
transcript or screenshots are acceptable). Applicants should also
ensure that two letters of recommendation are submitted on their
behalf. Only applications that are complete will be considered.
Applications and requests for further information should be directed

Dr. Brandon Campitelli
e-mail: brandon.campitelli@utexas.edu
Subject: Switchgrass REU 2017

For more information regarding this opportunity, and ongoing research,
please visit our website: