Environmental drivers and evolutionary consequences of horizontal gene transfer in soil bacteria
3:30pm Online (host: Mark Urban)

Erin Kuprewicz (UConn BRC)
Using the past to predict the future: the pivotal role of vertebrate collections in transformative research, experiential education, and public engagement
Matt Opel (UConn BRC)
UConn’s living library of plants: the EEB Plant Biodiversity Conservatory and Research Core
3:30pm Online (host: Garcia-Robledo)

A Multi-decadal landscape experiment leads to new perspectives on the effects of multiple landscape transformations
4:00pm Online
This is a Teale Lecture in the Dodd Center

Bikash Shrestha (UConn EEB)
Plastid genome evolution and inheritance in Passiflora
Irene Cobo Simon (UConn EEB)
From CartograTree to CartograPlant: Cyberinfrastructure to improve plant health and productivity in the context of a changing climate
3:30pm Online (host: Wegrzyn)

Studying fish evolution at multiple time scales
3:30pm Online (host: Schultz, Colby)

From genes to species richness: steps towards the integration of theories in ecology
3:30pm Online (host: Merow)

The quest for environmental and climate justice
4:00pm Online
This is a Teale Lecture in the Dodd Center

Project Biodiversify: methods for diverse, inclusive, and effective teaching in biology
3:30pm Online (host: Departmental Climate Study Committee)

When stem cells are no longer needed in plant development? Investigation in floral meristem termination in Aquilegia
3:30pm Online (host: Yuan)

What it means to be a science communicator: From part- time volunteering to a full-time career
3:30pm Online (host: Rodgers)

Adapt or bust? Predicting adaptive dynamics under new challenges
3:30pm Online (host: Bolnick)

The Great Derangement: climate change and the unthinkable
12:00pm Online
Note: Earth day seminarThis is a Teale Lecture in the Dodd Center