Christina Baer (Garcia-Robledo Lab)
Making and taking shelter
Lauren Fuess (Bolnick Lab)
No free lunch: a multi-experiment approach reveals complex connections between symbiosis and immunity in the endangered coral, Orbicella faveolata
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Mickley)

The modern invasive species problem: a world Darwin envisioned?
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Bagchi)

Evolutionary systems biology of adaptation to environmental stress: insights from high-altitude deer mice
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Schlichting)

Punctuated equilibrium and Earth system processes: re-examining Gould’s Pleistocene snail from Bermuda
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Ran Feng)
Note: Tuesday seminar, joint with Geosciences

Eric Gordon (Simon Lab)
Evading Muller’s ratchet: patterns of symbiotic evolution and replacement in Hemiptera
Foen Peng (Bolnick Lab)
Hidden conflict in pollination and its implications for diversification
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Sean Giery)

The ecological importance of intraspecific biodiversity
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Urban)

Modeling butterfly phenology and phenological mismatch in an increasingly warming world
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Tingley)

In the footsteps of late 19th century explorers: reconstructing environmental change across the Canadian high arctic
4:00pm Konover Auditorium
This is a Teale Lecture in the Dodd Center

Investigating the dynamics and impacts of a fungal disease of amphibians
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Knutie)

What animals eat and why it matters in an East Africa savanna
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: Garcia-Robledo)

Silverswords and lobeliads: restoring Hawaii’s marvels of evolution
4:00pm Konover Auditorium
Note: (NOTE: ROOM CHANGED TO BPB 131 BECAUSE OF CAMPUS CLOSURE) This is a Teale Lecture in the Dodd Center

Ecological homogenization of urban America
2:30pm Dodd Center (Konover Auditorium) (host: NRE)
Note: Friday seminar, joint with NRE

The once and future forests: ice age experiments for a warming world
3:30pm BPB 131 (host: EEB Graduate Students)
Note: ***CANCELED***