The role of phenotypic plasticity in evolution
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: Wells)
Uzay Sezen (Wegrzyn Lab)
From crayons of population genetics to laser printers of genomics
Todd Newman (Rubega Lab)
How the media influences how the public thinks about science and environmental issues
Baoquing Ding (Yuan Lab)
Co-option of an ancient small RNA pathway shapes floral sympetaly in Mimulus lewisii
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: EEB)
Metabolism, water loss and extreme environments: the integrative ecological physiology of migratory and desert adapted birds
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: Tingley)
Evolution of ecological communities through the lens of an island chronosequence
4:00p BPB 131 (host: EEB Grads (Tim Moore))
Integrating human dimensions into ecological and natural resources research
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: Jones)
Why do bad things happen to some hosts (but not others)?
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: Diggle)
The origin of the bird skull: fossils, development, and experimental resurrection of vanished features
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: Schwenk)
Just sustainabilities: re-imagining e/quality, living within limits
4:00pm Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center
Note: Teale Lecture
Plant traits and sea level rise dominate tidal marsh response to global change
2:30pm Young 100 (host: NRE)
Note: Friday
Our rivers on drugs: pharmaceuticals and personal care products as agents of ecological change in aquatic ecosystems
4:00pm Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center
Note: Teale Lecture
Evidence for and against evolution of a whole plant economics spectrum in wild Helianthus and other species
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: Schlichting)
Genomic analysis of parallel adaptation to serpentine and toxic mine soils in the Mimulus
4:00pm BPB 131 (host: Yuan)
Wanting the wild
4:00pm Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center
Note: Teale Lecture