Lori Benoit
Molecular genetics and genomics, evolutionary biology, genetic bases of herbicide resistance
Phone: 860.486.3937
Susan Hochgraf
Phone: 860.486.8945

Sebastián Klarian
Fish Biology, Biotracers (Stable isotopes, Fatty acids, D-DNA, Heavy Metals) applied to fisheries ecology
Web site
Daniel Ksepka
Evolution of birds, with particular interests in phylogeny, divergence dating, and the transition to wing-propelled diving in penguins
Web sitePhone: 203.413.6755

Lily Lewis
Population genetics and phylogeny of the dung moss genus Tetraplodon
Web sitePhone: 860.486.6306

Cory Merow
Ecological modeling; maximum entropy methods; Bayesian methods; community ecology; plant demography; the Cape Floristic Region; invasive species
Web sitePhone: 860.486.5708

H.R. Skeen

Marta Wells
Evolutionary biology, molecular evolution, speciation on green lacewings (Neuroptera), courtship song behavior
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4550