Gregory Anderson
Systematics and evolution of vascular plants, especially tropical Solanaceae; pollination and reproductive biology; evolution of domesticated plants; ethnobotany; island biology; island biogeography; conservation
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4555

Janine Caira
Morphology, taxonomy, systematics and evolution of platyhelminths, especially tapeworms of sharks and rays
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4060

Robin Chazdon
Functional ecology of plants; photosynthesis and growth responses to light variation; tropical forest ecology, succession and management
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4057

George Clark
Integumental structure, behavior, and distribution of birds

Robert Colwell
Community ecology; species interactions and coevolution, especially among arthropods and plants; species diversity and biogeography; population structure, speciation and evolution
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4395

Dorothea DiCecco

Charles Henry
Speciation, systematics, Neuroptera, Chrysopidae, sexual signals
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4450

Cynthia Jones
Plant structure and function at the organ level; the evolution of morphology; plant functional trait variation and evolution; botany
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4150

Donald Les
Angiosperm systematics; phylogeny, evolution, and reproductive biology of aquatic angiosperms; molecular evolution; genetic consequences of plant rarity
Web sitePhone: 860.486.5703

Gene Likens
Long-term, multidisciplinary studies of forest, stream and lake ecosystems in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Web sitePhone: 860.486.0367

Carl Schlichting
Phenotypic evolution; ecology and evolution of phenotypic plasticity and reaction norms; evolution of plant breeding systems
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4056

John Silander, Jr.
Plant ecology and evolution; experimental plant population and community ecology; plant competition; ecological genetics; conservation biology; ecology of invasives
Web sitePhone: 860.486.2168

Chris Simon
Molecular evolution and systematics using insects as model organisms; rates of evolution related to molecular processes in mitichondrial DNA; reconstructing evolutionary patterns
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4640

Frederick Streams

Theodore Taigen
Physiological ecology; exercise physiology of lower vertebrates; metabolic correlates of amphibian behavior
Web sitePhone: 860.486.0373

Peter Turchin
Cultural evolution; mathematical models of historical dynamics; evolution of complex human societies; testing theories with large databases
Web sitePhone: 860.486.3603

Terry Webster

Kentwood Wells
Social behavior of vertebrates, especially amphibians; aggressive behavior, mating systems, parental care and vocal communication of frogs; energetics of vocalization in frogs
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4454

Charles Yarish
Marine phycology; aquaculture; ecophysiology, phytogeography and population ecology of benthic marine algae and submerged aquatic vegetation
Web sitePhone: 203.251.8432